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22 Cards in this Set

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What does afferent do?

brings impulses to cns from sensory receptors

What does efferent do?

brings impulses from cns to peripheral nerves

Where do pre-ganglionic fibers originate and synapse in the ANS?

Begin at later horns and synapse on "ganglionic neurons(PNS)

Where do the post-ganglionic fibers begin in the ANS? What do they do?

Begin at ganglionic neurons. Sends a signal to the the target organ.

What is a ganglion or ganglia?

A collection of neuron cell bodies.

Where are the ganglion neurons located in the Sympathetic system?

Near the the vertebral columns(spine).

Location and size of pre-ganglionic fibers in the sympathetic system?

Between T1-L2. Fibers are short.

Size of post-ganglionic fibers in the sympathetic division? What is the exception?

Long. Not long in the adrenal medulla.

What are the 3 different types of ganglia in the Sympathetic system?

Sympathetic chain ganglia(paravertebral or later ganglia), Collateral ganglia(pre-vertebral ganglia), and Adrenal Medullae.

Location and characteristics of Sympathetic chain ganglia.

Lie on both sides of the vertebral column.

-Control body wall, thoracic cavity, head, and limbs.

-2 sets of these

Location and characteristics of Collateral ganglia.

-Lie anterior to vertebral column.

-Innervates tissues in the Thoracic and abdominopelvic areas.

-7 pre-ganglionic fibers come together to form the splanchnic nerves

-Celia ganglion- stomach, liver, gladbladder, pancreas, spleen

-superior mesenteric ganglion- small intestine and part of large intestine.

-Inferior Mesenteric- Large intestine, kidney, bladder, and sex organs

Location and characteristics of Adrenal Medullae

-innervates adrenal gland

-very short axons

-Releases E and NE

-Short post-ganglionic fibers

-2 of these

-hormones released into bloodstream

Location of ganglia in the Parasympathetic system.

Further from the spinal cord near the target organ.

Origins and locations of pre-ganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic system?

Originate from lateral horn of spinal cord and exit at brain stem.


Size of pre-ganglionic and post ganglionic fibers in the parasympathetic system?

Pre-ganglionic fibers are long.

-Post-ganglionic fibers are short.

What are the neurons of the ANS?

What is the location and function of each neuron?

Adrenergic- found in sympathetic system and releases NE and E.

Cholinergic- Found in both systems of ANS and releases ACH.

Peptidergic- only found in parasympathetic system and releases VIP and substance p.

What is Varicosity?

Area of ganglion which has many neurotransmitter vesicles.

What are the 2 subclasses of Adrenergic receptors?

alpha receptors and beta receptors

Different types of Alpha receptors and their functions?

Alpha 1- more common;periphreal vasoconstriction; causes CA2 to come into cell causing excitation.

Alpha 2- stops release of NE; lower of cyclic AMP

Different types of Beta receptors and their functions?

Beta 1- causes heart rate to increase; found on SA and Va nodes

Beta 2- causes relaxation of smooth muscle in respiratory tract and blood vessels. allows respiratory tract to expand.

Beta 3- adipose tissue- breaks down for energy

What neurotransmitter is released in the Sympathetic division that causes dilation of blood vessels?

Nitric Oxide

Parasympathetic Receptor classes and function?

Nictonic recpetors- found on both para and sympathetic ganglion cells; NMJ; always binds to ACH. open ion gate channels

Muscarinic Receptors- located at NMJ/NGJ. produces a longer lasting effect than nicotinic

Activate/inhibit g protein