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60 Cards in this Set

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what descirbes political and diplomatic independence from cold war powers?
what is autocratic?
a form of government with unlimited power
who came to power in the Phillipines?
Corazon Aquino
What is a Kibbutz?
a Jewish collective farm
What is a Coup d'etat,(KOO-day-Taw)?
the forcible overthrow of a government or regime
What is a Hejab
the headscarf or loose fitting garment worn by some Muslim women
what is a Theocracy?
a form of government ruled by religious leaders
Anwar Sadat was the first____leader to make peace with_____
Arab, Israel
The nation of Chechnya is a part of the former(U.S.S.R.)which stands for?
United Soviet Socialist Republic
Slobodan Milosevic was the Serbian President who opposed____Albanians
President, ethnic
Where was the place where ethnic differences led to armed conflict?
Kosovo, a province of Serbia
Desmond Tutu was an Anglican___who won the Nobel____Prize for leadership against aparheid
Bishop, Peace
Who was Nelson Mandela?
the first South African elected after aparheid
Who were the Hutus?
the Majority group in Rwanda
What was a Intifada?
a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation
What demanded the creation of Pakistan and India in 1947?
the Muslim League
As Independence neared for British India the___Party wanted to have a___India that would include both Muslims and Hindus.
Congress, Unified
What was the British decision to partition British India influenced by?
the fear of violence between Hindus and Muslims
What was teh Separatist Sikhs holiest shrine called, that they bidded in 1984 to gain independence from India?
the Golden Temple
Why did Jawaharial's attempt to reduce the birthrate in India fail?
because rural Indians saw children as an economic resource
Many Bengali's where wanted independence from West Pakistan, because they thought their government neglected them?
in East Pakistan
What did a 1955 meeting of counties organized by India and Pakistan do to a colonialism and Cold War expansion by the United States and the Soviet Union?
condemned it
In mainland Southeast Asia, unlike Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia have what?
prospered under market economies
In 1975 who was East Timor seized from?
Portugal by Indonesia
In 1997, what did the Asian financial crisis help bring out to Indonesian President Suharto?
the resignation
Ferdinand Marcos became the Dictator of the____and cracked down on____freedoms
Phillipines, basic
What did the struggle for independence against a colonial power in Kenya turn into?
The influence of Western Governments required democratic_____as a condition for loans that influenced the movement of many_____ nations toward democratic government
reforms, African
What caused the British to arrest Jomo Knyatta and kill thougsands of Kikuyu in the 1950's?
the gurreilla warfare of the "Mau Mau"
In the late 1960's who declared their independence from Nigeria?
the Ibo people fo Biafra
Many African nations, following their independence, were often what by thier colonial powers?
Who faced harsh discrimination in the countries of Turkey and Iraq?
The Kuds, a minority group
In 1947 the United Nations put forth a plan to divide Palestine into___Jewish and_____states, however, the Arabs rejected the plans after the Jews accepted it.
Seperate, Arab
In 1973, what did Arab members of the Organizations of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) do to primarily to protest the U.S. Support of Israel?
blocked oil shipments to the U.S.
Who has less freedom in the Middle Eastern country of Saudi Arabia?
Islamic women
What is one primary goal of teh United States in the Middle East?
to maintain access to oil rescources
What did Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser do in 1956?
nationalized the Suez Canal
One major criticism, of Islamic religious leaders, toward the Royal Sa'ud family in Sauid Arabia, is allowing western______in the kingdom that, in their minds,____Islamic principles.
influences, violates
In 1991 when Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia what did they cause?
fighting to break out between Coats and Serbs
What in the 1990's started a series of independence movements in the Yougoslavian republics?
The fall of the Communist Party
During this time period, in teh Canadian Province of Quebec, what rose to protect the French language and culture?
a call for independence
In 1922 who voted to remain a part of Britain and led to continued conflict between Catholics and Protestands in Northern Ireland
The Irish Protestant majority
Chechens took their fight to other parts of the ______region after a____1997 peace treaty between Russians and Chechens
Caucasus, failed
Muslim Bosniaks did not want Bosnia divided into what agter Bosnia declared independence?
ethnic regions
In the early 1990's what did Serbia conduct a campaign of in Bosnia, to remove Bosniaks and Croats from Bosnia?
ethnic cleansing
In 1999 who did the NATO air strikes force to leave Kosovo ending fighting between Yugoslavian forces and ethnic Albanians?
Yugoslavian troops
How did the United States help to end apartheid in South Africa?
by imposing economic sanctions on South Africa
What caused the U.S. to continue to support rebels fighting against the new government as they believed that the Angolan government had ties to the Soviets?
When Angola won independence from Portugal
After Mozambique's independence, South Africa helped_____fight the new government as tehy believed that Mozambique had ties to the___National Congress
rebels, African
In Sudan, in 2004, one cause of ceased fighing by who was that the government agreed to free the South from Islamic law?
Southern rebels
In Sudan, in 2004, what did the conflict in Darfur lead to the fear of?
genocide against non-Arab Muslims in the region
In the mid-1990's peace talks between Israel and Syria broke down over Israels claims where?
in the Golan Heights
Becasue Jerusalem is sacred to both Jews and Muslims it has become a stumbling block in peace negotiations between who?
Arabs and Israelis
What happend in the 1993 Oslo accord?
Palestinians got limited self rule in Gaza and the West Bank
After succeeding Yasir Arafat in 2004, who promised to stop terrorist attacks on Israel?
Mahmoud Abbas
In 1990, Iraq invaded____to gain greater access to the ______ ______
Kuwait, Persian Gulf
In the 1991 Gulf War what was the goal of the U.S. led coalition?
to drive Iraq out of Kuwait
In 1980, the Iran-Iraq war began as Iraqis seized disputed what?
border regions
In 1975, Muslims who had fled to Lebanon, upset the balance of power and led to what in Lebanon?
a Civil war
The U.S. Led forced invaded Iraq in 2002 as President Bush believed that Saddam Hussein was what?
hiding weapons of mass destruction