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16 Cards in this Set

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restoring the union

President Lincoln work to reach his goal reunifying the nation for Cleveland the poster lenient plan to re-integrate the confederate states after his murder in 1865 Lukins by President Andrew Johnson factory constitute the union quickly part of the Southerners in

radical Republicans

Members of Congress that wanted to remake the south and punish the rebels

John Wilkes Booth

On April 14, 1865 the confederate supporters and well-known actor John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln while he was attending a play our American cousin at Ford’s Theatre in Washington the president died the next day both had steadfastly defined the confederacy and white supremacy and his act was part of a larger conspiracy to illuminate the heads of the Union government and keep the confederate fight going

Congress in the remaking of the south 1865 through 1866

Well the president concluded the other that needed to be done in the south have been done by early 1866 Congress forged ahead to stabilize the defeated confederacy and accidents afraid people citizenship and equality before the law Congress prevails over Johnsen’s Pizza or Sassa friction between the president and the Republicans and

freeman’s bureau

The Friedmans bureau engage in the many initiatives to ease the transition from slavery to freedom it’s delivered food to blacks and whites like in the south it helps three people gain labor contracts a significant step in the creation of wage labor in place of slavery it helps reunite families of Friedman and also divided much energy to education establishing scores of public schools for free to people and for why it’s good to see both elementary and higher education

Black codes

In affect these coats were designed to maintain the social and economic structure of racial slavery in the absence of slavery it’s up the loss codified white supremacy by restricting the civic participation of freed slaves depriving them of the right to vote the right to serve Andreas the right owner carry weapons and in some cases even the right to rent or lease land

The 14th amendment

Oh the 14th amendment stating all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction there of our citizens of the United States and of the state where in they recite it gives citizens equal protection under both the state and federal law overturning the Dred Scott decision

Radical reconstruction 1867 through 1872

Republicans in Congress begin to implement their own plan of bringing law and order to the south through the use of military force and Marshall are radical Republicans to advocated for a more equal society push the program for it as well leading to the ratification of the 15th amendment which finally gave blacks the right to vote the new amendment empowered black voters who were who made good use of the votes Alex black

The milk the 1867 military reconstruction act

The 1867 activated the 10 Southern states that had yet to ratify the 14th amendment into five military does districts Tennessee had already been readmitted to the union by the side and so is excluded from the zach⚽️’s Marshall I was imposed in the union general commanded each district this generals and 20,000 federal troops stationed in the districts were charged with protecting free people

The impeachment of President Johnson

The house brought 11 counts against Johnson all alleging his in encroachment on the powers of Congress in the Senate Johnson barely survived seven Republicans join the Democrats and independents to support act acquittal the final vote was 35 to 19 one vote short of the required 2/3 majority

The 15th amendment

The 15th amendment directed that the right of citizens in the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race color or previous condition of servitude unfortunately the new amendments had weaknesses of it soon as part of a compromise soon sure the passage of the amendment with the broadcast possible support drafters of the amendment specifically excluded language that address literacy test and pull taxes the most common ways blacks were traditionally disenfranchised in both the north and the south

Bruce and Hiram revels

The political activities of the lease launched a great many African-American some former slaves into politics out the south for the first time blacks began to hold political office and several were elected to the US Congress in the 1870s 15 members of the House of Representatives and two senators were block the two senators Lance K Bruce

The collapse of reconstruction

The first launched by radical Republicans in the late 1860s generated a massive black backlash in the south in the 1870s as whites but against what they considered Negro miss rule reconstruction have felt achieve its primary objective of creating an interracial democracy that provided equal rights all citizens


Under the system three people renting the land they worked often on the same plantations were they have been slaves some landless whites also became sharecroppers sharecroppers paid their landlords with the cops the grill often as much as have to harvest sharecropping favorite the landlords and insured that freed people could not attend independent livelihoods the year to year leases meant no incentive existence is substantially improve isolated and high interest payments siphons additional money away from the farmers sharecroppers off to make him trapped in the never ending cycle of that unable to buy either way their own land and unable to stop working for the confederate for the creditor because of what theyLimiting economic development and ensuring the supplements in agricultural

ku Klux Klan

Para military white supremacists are organizations in the south Hot Spring about the collapse of reconstruction using violence as their primary weapon the cleanser is newly freed blacks

compromise of 1877

The agreement between Republicans and Democrats after the contested election of 1876 in which Rutherford B Hayes was awarded the presidency in exchange for withdrawing the last of the federal troops from the south