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35 Cards in this Set

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What does cardiometabolic mean?
heart and biochemical processes involved in the body's function
What are cardiometabolic risk factors that are controllable?
- overweight
- waist circumfrence
- physical inactivity
- tobacco use
- high blood glucose
- hypertension
- lipoprotein levels cholesterol
- lipoproteins
- triglycerides
What is systolic blood pressure?
highest blood pressure when the heart contracts
What is diastolic blood pressure?
lowest blood pressure between heart contractions
What is hypertension?
high blood pressure when the blood exerts excessive blood pressure against arterial walls
What is cholesterol?
- organic substance found in animal fats
- - linked to cardiovascular disease, particularly artherosclerosis
What is lipoprotein?
- compound in blood that is made up of proteins and fat
- High-density lipoprotein picks up excess cholesterol in the blood
- low-density lipoprotein carries more cholesterol and deposits it on the walls of arteries
What is triglyceride?
fat that flows through the blood after meals and is linked to increasing risk of coronary heart disease
What is metabolic syndrome?
cluster of disorder of the body's metabolism that makes diabetes, heart disease, or stroke more likely
What is diabetes mellitus?
disease in which the inadequate production of insulin leads to failure of the body tissues to break down carbohydrates at a normal rate?
What is prehyper tension?
condition of slightly elevated blood pressure, which is likely to worsen over time
How do you lower your blood pressure?
- get active
- eat right
- lose ten percent of your current body weight
- don't smoke
- no salt
- stick with medications
What is atrium?
- either of the 2 upper chambers of the heart
- receive blood from the veins
What is a ventricle?
- either of the 2 lower chambers of the heart
- pump blood out of the heart and into the arteries
What is systole?
contraction phase of the cardio cycle
What is a diastole?
- period between contractions in the cardio cycle
- heart relaxes and dilates as it fills with blood
What is an aorta?
- main artery
- arising from the left ventricle of the heart
What is a capillary?
minute blood vessel that connect an artery to a vein
What is arteriosclerosis?
any number of chronic diseases characterized by degeneration of the arteries and hardening and thickening of arterial walls
What is artherosclerosis?
form of arteriosclerosis in which fatty substances are deposited on the inner walls of arteries
What is plaque?
sludge like substance that builds up on the inner walls of arteries
What is angina pectoris?
severe, suffocating chest pain caused by brief flack of oxygen to the heart
What is myocardial infarction?
- condition characterized by the dying of tissuey areas in the myocardium, caused by interruption of the blood supply to those areas
- aka heart attack
What is cardiopulminoary resuciation?
- artificial stimulation of the heart and lungs
- combination of mouth-to-mouth and compression
What is a stroke?
cerebrovascular event in which the blood supply to a portion of the brain is blocked
What is transient ischemic attack?
- cerebrovascular event in which the blood supply to a portion of the brain is temporarily blocked
- repeated attacks are predictors of severe strokes
What is infiltration?
penetration or invasion
What does metastasize mean?
spread to other parts of the body via the bloodstream or lymphatic system
What is relative risk?
risk of developing cancer in people with a certain exposure or trait compared to the risks of people who don't have the same exposure or trait
What is a mammography?
diagnostic x-ray exam used to detect breast cancer
What is lumpectomy?
surgical removal of a breast tumor and its surrounding tissue
What is a masectomy?
surgical removal of an entire breast
What is epilepsy?
variety of neurological disorders characterized by sudden attacks of violent muscle contractions and unconciousness
What is asthma?
disease or allergic response characterized by bronchial spasms and difficult breathing
What are ulcers?
lesion in, or an erosion of, the mucous membrane of an organ