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10 Cards in this Set

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(Identify the criteria for diagnosing preterm labor) Gestation less than _____ weeks; Documented uterine contractions every ______ mins for at least 30 secs and persisting for more than 1 hour; Cervical dilation more than ____ cm and ____ effaced.
36; 5-10; 2.5; 75%
(List the warning signs or symptoms of preterm labor) _________ cramping; __________ cramping; any __________ bleeding; change in vaginal _________; vaginal or ___________ pressure; low ______ pain; _____ pain.
Uterine; abdominal; vaginal; bleeding; pelvic; back; thigh
(What is dystocia, and when it is suspected?) Dystocia, also known as ____________ labor, is a difficult or abnormal labor. It primarily results from one of the ff problems:

Powers: abnormalities
Passageway: tumors
Passenger: excessive size, malpresentation, malposition
Psyche: maternal anxiety, fatigue

Dystocia is suspected when the rate of cervical dilation or fetal descent is not __________ normally or uterine contractions are ineffective. Nursing assessment of the __________________________ of contractions is important.
dysfunctional; progressing; intensity, duration, frequency
(What is hypertonic labor, and how it is treated?) Hypertonic uterine dysfunction refers to a labor with uterine contractions of poor quality that are painful, out of proportion to their intensity, do not cause cervical dilation or effacement, and are usually _____________ and frequent. Management of hypertonic uterine dysfunction is ______, which is achieved by _______ to reduce pain and encourage sleep. An intravenous infusion is frequently administered to maintain __________ and electrolyte balance.
uncoordinated; rest; analgesic; hydration
(What is external version, and what are the contraindications to this procedure?) External version is changing the fetal presentation after ______ weeks' gestation, usually from breech or transverse lie to cephalic presentation. The risks of an external version are a ___________ umbilical cord and _________ placentae. Contraindications are uterine _____________, previous _________ birth, disproportion between fetal size and maternal ______ size, placenta ________, ___________ gestation, and _____________ insufficiency.
37; prolapsed; abruptio; malformations; cesarean; pelvic; previa; multifetal; uteroplacental
(Explain the use of oxytocin for induction or augmentation of labor.) Oxytocin, a hormone normally produced by the posterior pituitary gland, stimulates ___________ contractions.
pg. 288
(Name and describe two types of episiotomies.) The two types of episiotomies are (1) __________ episiotomy, which extends from the posterior fourchette of the vagina downward but not to the rectal sphincter; and (2) the ______________ episiotomy, which is an incision made on an angle to the woman's right or left side.
median (midline); mediolateral
(What factors contribute to an umbilical cord prolapse?) Factors that contribute to cord prolapse are (1) rupture of ___________ before fetal head is engaged, carrying a loop of the umbilical cord into the pelvis or vagina; (2) a small _________ ; (3) ________ presentation; (4) __________ lie; (5) ____________; (6) an unusually long _________; and (7) __________ pregnancy.
membranes; fetus; breech; transverse; hydramnios; cord; multifetal
(What is amnioinfusion, and when it is performed?) Amnioinfusion is a procedure during which normal saline or lactated Ringer's solution is instilled into the ______________ through a catheter introduced transcervically into the uterus during labor.
amniotic cavity
(What conditions may indicate the need for a cesarean delivery?) Previous _______ birth, Failed trial of _______, Fetal _________, Uncontrollable 3rd trimester _________, Placenta ______, _______ placentae, ___________ disproportion, fetal ___________, ___________ cord, medical complications of pregnancy, such as __________ heart disorder, Failure of labor to _______, Active ___________ infection, Post_________ (with failed induction).
cesarean; labor; distress; bleeding; previa; abruptio; cephalopelvic; malpresentation; prolapsed; maternal; progress; herpes simplex virus; maturity