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37 Cards in this Set

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Patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that are maladaptive, disruptive, or uncomfortable for those who are affected or for those with whom the come in contact
Impaired Functioning
Difficulty in fulfilling appropriate and expected family, social, and work-related roles.
Biopsychosocial model
A view of mental disorders as caused by a combination of interacting biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors
Neurobiological Model
A modern name for the medical model, in which psychological disorders are seen as reflecting disturbances in the anatomy and chemistry of The brain and in other biological processes
Psychological model
a view in which mental disorder is seen as arising from psychological processes
Sociocultural Model
A way of looking at mental disorders in relation to gender, age, ethnicity and other social and cultural factors.
Diathesis-stress approach
Viewing psychological disorders as arising when a predisposition for a disorder combines with sufficient amounts of stress to trigger symptoms
Anxiety Disorder
A condition in which intense feelings of apprehension are long-standing and disruptive
An anxiety disorder involving strong, irrational fear of an object or situation that does not objectively justify such a reaction
Specific phobia
An anxiety disorder involving fear and avoidance of heights, animals, and other specific stimuli and situations
Social Phobia
An anxiety disorder involving strong, irrational fears relating to social situations
An anxiety disorder involving strong fear of being alone or away from the security of home
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
a condition that involves relatively mild but long-lasting anxiety that is not focused on any particular object or situation
Panic Disorder
An anxiety disorder involving sudden panic attacks
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
An anxiety disorder involving repetitive thoughts and urges to perform certain rituals
Somatoform disorders
Psychological problems in which there are symptoms of a physical disorder without a physical cause
Conversion disorder
A somatoform disorder in which a person displays blindness, deafness, or other symptoms of sensory or motor failure without a physical cause
A somatoform disorder involving strong, unjustified fear of having physical illness
Somatization disorder
a somatoform disorder in which there are numerous physical complaints without verifiable physical illness
Pain Disorder
A somatoform disorder marked by complains of severe pain with no physical cause
Dissociative disorders
Rare conditions that involve sudden and usually temporary disruption in a person's memory, consciousness, or identity
Dissociative fugue
A dissociative disorder involving sudden loss of memory and the assumption of a new identity in a new locale
Dissociative amnesia
A dissociative disorder marked by a sudden loss of memory
Dissociative identity disorder DID
A dissociative disorder in which a person reports having more than one identity
Mood disorder
Conditions in which a person experiences extreme moods, such as depression or mania
Major depressive disorder
A mood disorder in which a person feels sad and hopeless for weeks or months
False beliefs, such as those experienced by people suffering from schizophrenia or extreme depression
Dysthymic Disorder
A mood disorder involving a pattern of comparatively mild depression that lasts for at least two years
An elated, very active emotional state
Bipolar I disorder
A mood disorder in which a person alternates between deep depression and mania
positive symptoms
schizophrenic symptoms such as disorganized thoughts, hallucinations, and delusions
Negative Symptoms
Schizophrenic symptoms such as absence of pleasure, lack of speech, and flat affect
Vulnerability Theory
Vulnerability to schizophrenia is mainly biological, different people have differing degrees of vulnerability, influences in part by genetics and in part by neurodevelopmental abnormalities associated with environmental risk and psychological components
Personality Disorders
Long-standing, inflexible ways of behaving that create a variety of problems
antisocial personality disorder
A personality disorder involving impulsive, selfish, unscrupulous, even criminal behavior.
Development of a physical need for a psychoactive drug
A pattern of drinking that may lead to addiction and almost always causes severe social, physical, and other problems