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32 Cards in this Set

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What is a Patent?
A guarantee to protect an inventor's right to make, use or sell the invention.
What is a transcontinental railroad?
A single rail line from Omaha, Nebraska to the Pacific Ocean
What is a telegraph?
Communication over telegraph lines that used the Morse code
What is a trunk line?
Major railroads connected to outlying areas by feeder or branch lines
What is capitalism?
Economic system in which private business runs most industries and competition determines how much goods cost and workers se paid
What is social darwinism?
The idea of using Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in society
What is communism?
A government where the government runs and owns anything
What is Social Darwinism?
The theory of using Charles Darwin's theories of natural selection and evolution and placing them in to society
What is a trust?
A group of companies turn control of their stock over to a common board of trustees.
What is a monopoly?
A company at has almost complete control over the price of a product.
What is horizontal integration?
A company that has control over the other companies producing the same products.
Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt?
A pioneer of the railroad industry.
Who is George Pullman?
One of the most successful railroad giants
What is capitalism?
A private business runs midst industries
What is horizontal integration?
One companies control of other companies producing the same product
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?
An act that outlawed all monopolies and trusts that restrained trade.
What is the Great Upheavel?
Violent labor confrontations that had workers pressing for better working conditions
What are anarchists?
People who oppose all forms of government
What was the Haymarket Riot?
A giant riot that turned very violent.
What is the Bessemer Process?
A method used in the steel industry that could produce much more steel in one day than other companies could in a week
Who was Edwin L. Drake?
A man who used a steam engine to drill for oil
Who was Elijah Drake?
The man who invented a lubricating cup that fed oil to parts of a machine while it was running
What was the transcontinental railroad?
A railroad that stretched all the way across the United States
What are trunk lines?
Major railroads
Who was George Westinghouse?
The man who developed the compressed air brake
What is a telegraph?
A form of communication that used morse code to decode and encode a message, that are send along lines to another telegraph
Who was Alexandra Grahm Bell?
The man who invented the telephone
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
The man who owned Rockefeller and Oil who also used vertical and horizontal integration
Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt?
Pioneer of the railroad industry and had control New York Central Railroad
Who was George Pullman?
One of the industrial revolutions most successful who manufactured and designed railroad cards to make them more comfortable
Who was Andrew Carnegie?
A genius in the business industry. He used vertical integration to blow out other competition. He owned Carnegie and Steel
What is a corporation?
A business that has trusts, and has many different people