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53 Cards in this Set

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opposition and distrust of the clergy


problems with the clergy

immorality, ignorance, pluralism

practice of holding more than one church position


the remission of all or part of the temporal punishment due to sin with relics and pilgrimages


very devote christian; father wanted him to be a lawyer; on way home got caught in thunder storm, he tells god if he survives the thunder storm he will serve god and he did

Martin Luther

The imitation of Christ

Thomas a Kempis

popular devotional filled with meditations on the life and teachings of Jesus

The imitation of Christ

used as a way to get close to god


Luther's question

"What must I do to be saved?"

Martin Luther's life

goes to monastery, learns about theology, becomes a chancellor at a university where he teaches theology

Martin Luther's passion

burning desired to get to heaven

Martin Luther's answer

faith alone justifies salvation (from the bible itself)

Two principles came to identify the protestant reformation:

justification by faith, the bible as the sole authority

Martin Luther's response to the Church

breaks away, needed purification, issued his 95 thesis

indictment of the abuses in the sale of indulgences

95 thesis

What Pope Leo X called Martin Luther

"a drunken german who will amend his ways when he sobers up"

called luther before a council of leaders in Worms and asked him to renounce his views; he refused

Charles V ( holy roman emperor of germany)

Lutheranism appealed to the people of germany because?

it was able to gain the support of secular leaders - such as the elector of saxony

Lutheranism new religious practices

worship services consisted of bible readings, preaching the word of god, and song

acknowledged the division in christianity, same legal rights for lutherans and catholics, each german ruler could determine the religion of his subjects

Peace of Augsburg (1555)

cathedral priest from Zurich, Switzerland

Ulrich Zwingli

Religion that came out of the zwinglian reformation by Ulrich Zwingli because he and Martin Luther could not agree on an interpretation of the Last Supper


a variety of groups broke from the church; they were more radical and more persecuted

Anabaptists (amish, mormons)

He wanted to divorce his wife because he wanted male heir

Henry VIII; wanted to divorce Catherine

formal break with the catholic church and the papacy

Act of Supremacy passed by Henry VIII

Bloody Mary

Queen Mary

fiercely catholic, burned more than 300 protestant heretics, not married, only rules for 5 years

Queen Mary (Bloody Mary)

Ideas of religion were similar to Martin Luther's but believed in "predestination"

Calvinism (John Calvin)

some people were the "elect" and others were the "reprobate"; god already knows who is going to hell


go to heaven


go to hell


by the end of the 16th c. there are ______

catholics, lutherans, zwinglians, anglicans, calvinists, eastern orthodox, and anabaptists

3 themes of the catholic reformation

the jesuits, reformed papacy, council of trent

physically unable to be a soldier so he becomes a soldier for god, founder of the society of jesus, wrote the spiritual exercises

ignatius of loyola

a training manual for spiritual development to teach men to follow the will of god

the spiritual exercises

Goals for Jesuits

absolute obedience to the papacy, strict hierarchical order, education, engage in "conflict for god"

Pope Paul III was responsible for the start of the

reformation of the papacy

stops sale of indulgences

gets rid of leaders who disobey their vows

Pope Paul III

issued the index of forbidden books

pope paul VI

books that are against the catholic way of thinking

Index of Forbidden Books

cardinals, archbishops, bishops, abbots, and theologians met to debate church doctrine; reaffirmed all doctrines and practices of the church

council of trent

religious wars of france were among the worse in europe; catholics vs. huguenots

french wars of religion

motives for the french wars of religion

about religion, but also about political power

How did the French Wars of Religion begin?

when the duke of guise massacred a peaceful congregation of Huguenots at vassy

Wedding day of henry of navarre and king's sister to help reconcile religion in france; wedding guests were slaughtered and violence broke out all over - thousands killed

st. bartholomew's day massacre

succeeded to the throne of france

henry of navarre

acknowledged catholicism as the official religion, but allowed huguenots freedom of religion and political priviledges

edict of nantes in 1598

"the most catholic king"

king phillip II; son of charles V

motives for the religious wars of spain and the netherlands

king phillip tried to impose taxes and force subjects back to catholicism, but the people rebelled starting a war that lasted 43 years

tried to bring england back to catholicism

Queen Mary I of England; "bloody mary"

sister of queen mary, calvinist, religious policies were based on moderation and compromise; foreign policy based on caution

Queen Elizabeth

raided spanish ships as a privateer (gentleman pirate)

Sir Francis Drake

130 ships, english have better cannons, defeated by the english

spanish armada