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22 Cards in this Set

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Alzheimer's disease

a neurocognitive disorder often marked by severe decline in memory and other cognitive functioning.

amyloid cascade hypothesis

a theory that genetic and environmental factors interact to produce substantial brain changes and dementia


gradual deterioration or shrinkage of a brain area in people with dementia

cholinesterase inhibitors

a class of drugs to treat people with dementia that help increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain


a neurocognitive disorder marked by usually temporary and reversible problems in thinking and memory


a neurocognitive problem marked by usually chronic, progressive, and irreversible problems in thinking and memory

free radicals

Aggressive substances produced by the body possibly to fight viruses and bacteria but that, in excess, may lead to dementia

gene therapy

insertion of genes intro an individual's cells and tissues to treat a disorder

Korsakoff's syndrome

a problem marked by confusion, memory loss, and coordination problems

Lewy Bodies

Clusters of alpha-synuclein proteins that accumulate in the brain and may lead to dementia

major neurocognitive disorder

A mental disorder marked by severe problems in thinking and memory

memory training

a psychological treatment to enhance a persons memory by repeatedly practicing skills relying on external cues and mnemonic strategies to jog memory, increasing social interacting, and simplifying a living environment.

mental status examination

An assessment strategy involving evaluation of appearance, mood, orientation, and odd behaviors, speech, or thoughts

mild neurocognitive disorder

a mental disorder marked by emerging problems in thinking and memory

neurocognitive disorders

neurofibrillary tangles

Twisted fibers inside nerve cells of the brain that may lead to dementia

oxidative stress

Damage to the brain from extensive exposure to oxygen and related matter

Parkinson's disease

A progressive neurological disorder marked by abnormal movements that may lead to a neurocognitive disorder

Pick's disease

A neurocognitive disorder characterized mainly by deterioration in the frontal and temporal brain lobes.

reality orientation

a psychological treatment to reduce confusion in people using constant feedback about time, place, person, and recent events.

senile or neuritic plaques

Clusters of dead nerve cells and accumulations of amyloid proteins in the brain that may lead to dementia

vascular dementia

a form of neurocognitive disorder caused by a cerebrovascular problem such as a stroke.