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129 Cards in this Set

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Creator/Prophet of Islam(570-632 C.E.) a.k.a seal of prophet
Muhammad’s birth place, holy city of Islam
3. Medina-
Muhammad fled to this city a.k.a “the city of the prophet”
4. Islam-
Religion founded by Muhammad, 2nd largest religion in the world, 1.5 billion followers
5. Muslim-
A person whom practices Islam
6. Allah-
The Islamic God
1. Muhammad-

7. dar al-Islam-
Translated to “house of Islam”. All the different lands under Isamic rule.
8. Bedouin-
Nomadic people of Arabia
9. Khadija-
A widow whom Muhammad worked for that later became his wife
10. Gabriel-
The archangel who came to Muhammad in his vision
11. Quran
Holy book of Islam
12. Hadith-
A source of Islamic traditions
13. Ka’ba-
Cube shaped shrine located in Mecca where Islams pray. Also, one of the focal points of the hajj .
14. Hijra-
Muhammad’s flee to Medina(622)
15. Umma-
Community of Muslim’s/ Arabic congregation
16. Five Pillars-
Basic set of Islamic tules or guidelines: creed, prayers 5 times a day, fasting(ramadan), alms(charity), pilgrimage to Mecca(hajj)
11. Quran

17. Ramadan-
Holy month of fasting in Islam.
18. Jihad-
Struggle, or holy war.
19. Sharia-
Islamic holy law formed by the mixing of quranic laws into state laws
20. Abu Baker-
Succesor/caliph of Muhammad who ordered the making of the Quran, and converted people who rebeled after Muhammad's death
ruler of Islamic empire
22. Shia-
Supporters of Ali whom believed Caliphs should be bloodline of Ali, and be political and religious leaders.
23. Sunni-
Sect of Islam that supported Ummayad Dynasty
24. Ali-
Son in law, and cousin of Muhammad who was the 4th caliph
21. Caliph-

25. Umayyad Dynasty-
Came to power after assasinating Ali, and were supported by the Sunni’s (661-750)
26. Damascus-
Capital of the Ummayad dynasty
27. Jizya-
Tax imposed on people who practiced Christianity or Judaism under Islamic rule
28. Abu al-Abbas-
First ruler founder of the Abbasid Dynasty
29. Abbasid Dynasty-
Islamic dynasty that replaced the Ummayad dynasty. (750-1258)
30. Ulama-
scholars of the Islamic empire
31. Qadis
judges of the Islamic empire
32. Harun al-Rashid-
The caliph during the high point of the Abbasid dynasty (786-809)
33. Benjamin of Tudela-
spanish rabbi whom visted Baghdad and loved it
34. Saljuq Turks-
Nomadic people from central Asia who took down Baghdad
31. Qadis

35. Battle of Talas River-
A battle fought between arabs and chinese people. Arabs took paper makers in as prisoners after the war.
36. Caravanserais-
inns that offered lodging for caravan merchants, as well as accomidations for the animals.
37. Ramisht-
A persian merchant in 12th century who made a huge fortune by long-distance trading.
38. Sakk-
A form of credit or the ancient version of the check.
39. Al-Andalus-
Islamic Spain
40. Cordoba-
The captial of islamic spain
41. Madrasas-
Institutions of higher learning that began to apppear in the 10th century, and were established in all the major cities of the Islamic world by 12th century.
42. Sufis-
Islamic missionaries who didn’t agree with formal religious teahing, but instead tried to improve their spiritual awareness
43. al- Ghazali-
A Persian theologian who was a sufi that believed human reason wasn’t strong enough to understand the nature of Allah.
44. Hajj-
One of the five pillars of Islam. The pilgrimage to Mecca that every muslim must do once in their lifetime if they have the ability to.
45. Rubaijait-
verses written by Omar Khayyam
46. The Arabian Nights-
A collection of stories set in the Abbasid empire and the court of Harun al-Rashid.
47. Ibn Rushd (Averroes)-
A qadi of Seville who translated, and commented on almost all of Aristotle’s works.
48. Baghdad-
Capital of the Abbasid dynasty.
what rank is islam in the large religions
how many people are muslim
1.5 billion
what percent of muslims live in the middle east
Where are most muslims located
southeast asia
muhammad lived
western europe aka
middle east aka
dar al islam(house of islam)
geography of middle east
dry and tough so not densly populated
set of values that the bedouin had
be courageous and brave( clan vs clan)
patiencience is neccasary
Don't back down
tough do not take advantage of weak
genorosity9even to outsider)
how did monotheism spread to other to arabia
Why were spirits commonly believed in arabia
science was not present
spirits that could monkey around w/you
shrine in medina
ka'aba(cube) inside had statues of gods
the ka'ba lead to
lots of trade in medina because people would travel from all over to see it
Abu talio
uncle who raised muhammed
muhammad was trained by
bedouin so became expert tradesmen
widow who muhammad met at 25 and married she bore him 6 kids
muhammad having no boys lead to
no polititical inheritance
who married ali
Muhammad's daughter
when muhammad had first message from god
started compilation of all of muhammad's words
quran is just ideas of
quran narrative or not?
not narrative
quran arranged
longest revelation- shortest
chapters in quran known as
how many surras
what was a common form of entertainment for bedouin
muhammad tells people his revelations in
rhymed prose
what was the miracle of muhammad's revelation
that his rhyming text came out of nowhere
what was the quran infused with
christian and jewish ideas
Muhammad got ride of __ but kept ____
idols, ka'ba
both jews and muslims
descendents of Abraham, hagar, and ismael
according to quran where did abraham and ishmael go and set up shrine to pray at
mecca, the ka'ba in particular
muhammad refeered to jews and christians as
people of the book
muhammad kept ka'ba
because it brought money and people
muhammad felt pressure of resitience so he sent friends/family to
when muhammad fled to medina
what is the first year of muslim calendar and what are there months based on
622, lunar cycle
muhammad gained money for fight through
battle of trench
in 627 mecca sent soldiers to take down yathrib(medina)
why was battle of trench know as that
muhammad dug a big trench around city so horses fell into it which led to victory
what year did muhammad attack mecca
630 he didn't kill people because he said God was gracious. This lead to lots of converts.
creed known as
prayer aka
fast aka
alms aka
pillgrimage aka
muhammad kept what in kaba
black stone
where is muhammad's tomb
mosque of prophet in medina
small towers on mosques
ottoman turks changed hagia sophia to mosque when
what church copied eastern feel
when muhammad died
1st 4 caliphs
abu bakr, omar, uthman, and ali
abu bakr
ordered making of quran, made rebels convert back to islam
took down sansaid empire(Iran)
son in law, and cousin of muhammad
ali's son
husayn made martyr of sh'ite branch
muhammed dubed this person a umam
spiritual leader
who was assassinated by the umayyads
ummayad dynasty
what was the sect called that followed ummayad's
supported ali, thought he should have been first ruler, thought caliphs should be blood line of him(10)
iran is completly which sect of muslim
abbasaid dynasty
abu abbas
first caliph of abbasid dyn kiled all of ummayad dynasty
capital of abbasaid
who set up spain islamic dynasty
an ummayad
what was biggest city of spain
golden age
House of wisdom
where scholars worked with the classics, math, and science in baghdad
Battle of tours
in 752 againt franks why islam didn't spread to western europe
who took back spain from islam
fernad and isabella
tax that christians and jews had to pay
what ruined relationship between islams and christians
spiritual leader
algebra, used hindi #'s including 0
coffee, and citrus