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27 Cards in this Set

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-Psychotic disorder in which personal, social, and occupational functioning deteriorate as a result of strange perceptions, unusual emotions and motor abnormalities

-Psychosis: state in which a person loses contact with reality in key ways

-May have hallucinations or delusions


-3 categories

1. positive

2. negative

3. psychmotor

Positive symptoms

– bizarre additions to a person behavior- are there but shouldn’t be

positive symptoms: delusions

ideas that they believe wholeheartedly but have no basis in fact

positive symptoms: delusions

-Persecution: belief they are being plotted or discriminated against, spied on, slandered, threatened, attacked

-Everybody is out to get them

-Reference: attach special and personal meaning to the actions of others or to various object or events

-Ex: street arrows on sign is direction one should take

-Grandeur: believe their great inventors, religious saviors, other special empowered ppl

-Control: believe feeling, thought, actions are controlled by others

positive symptoms Disorganized thinking and speech:

- not being able to think logically & speak in a peculiar way

positive symptoms Disorganized thinking and speech:

-Formal thought disorder: great confusion and disturbance in communication

-Loose associations/derailment: common formal thought disorder- rapidly shifting from one topic to another believing they make sense

-Neologism: made up words only having meaning to the one using them

-Perseveration: repetition of words and statements

-Clang: rhyme

-Ex: WELL HELL its to WELL to TELL

positive symptoms Heightened perception

-Smooth pursuit eye movement: those with disorder have a more rapid eye movement


positive symptoms hallucinations

-Auditory: hearing sounds and voices that seem to come from outside their head

-Tactile: tingling burning or electric shock sensations

-Somatic: feel something is happening inside the body

-Visual: vague perception of colors or clouds or distinct visions of people or objects

-Gustatory: food of drink tastes strange

-Olfactory: smell odors that no one else does

positive symptoms inapporiate affect

emotions that are unsuited to the situation

Negative symptoms

- characteristics that are lacking- aren't there but should be

negative symptoms

-Poverty of speech: reduction in speech or speech content

-Restricted affect: show less emotion sometimes none at all

-Loss of volition: feeling drained of energy, no interest in normal goals, unable to start or follow through on a course of action

-Social withdrawal



– unusual physical gestures


Psychomotor catatonia

-Catatonic stupor: stop responding to environment remaining motionless and silent for long pds of time

-Catatonic rigidity: maintain rigid upright posture for hours and resist efforts to be moved

-Catatonic posturing: assuming awkward positions for long pds of time

-Catatonic excitement: move excitedly sometimes with wild waving of arms and legs


- first appears late teens mid 30s

recovery better for those with better premorbid functioning, whose initial disorder triggered by stress, comes on abruptly or develops during middle ages, receive early treatment

-relapses more likely during times of stress

course 3 phases

1.Prodromal phase: symptoms not yet obvious but individual are beginning to deteriorate

2. Active phase: symptoms become apparent

3. Residual phase: return to a prodromal like level of functioning- returning to a “normal” state

-Each phase may last days or years


-during 1 month period at least 2 of the following symptoms are presents for significant portion of time. 1 more of the symptoms must be one of the first 3:



-Disorganized speech

-Grossly abnormal psychomotor behavior, including catatonia

-Negative symptoms


-Functioning in school, work, interpersonal relations, or self-care is markedly below the level achieved prior to the onset of symptoms

-At least six months, with at least one month of which includes symptoms in full and active form


Type I:

-Primarily positive symptoms

-Better adjustment prior to disorder

-Later onset of symptoms

-Greater likelihood of improvement

-Positive symptoms may be linked more closely to biochemical abnormalities in brain


Type II:

-Mostly negative symptoms

-Negative symptoms may be tied to structural abnormalities in brain

explanations biological

-genetic factors:


-twin studies

- adoptees

- genetic linkage. molecular biology

- Biochemical Abnormalities

-Dopamine hypothesis: excessive activity of -neurotransmitter dopamine

-Abnormal Brain Structure: enlarged ventricles: brain cavities

-Viral Problems: brain abnormalities may result from exposure to viruses before birth

explanations psychodynamic

freud believed

1. regression to pre ego state: when world has been extremely harsh or withholding 1 regress to earliest point in development, pre-ego

2. reestablish ego control: near total regression leads to self centered symptoms, once people regress to infantile state they try to reestablish ego and contact w/ reality

explanations behavioral

operant conditioning and reinforcement

-focus to much on irrelevant cues in life, their responses become increasingly bazaar

- bizarre verbal and social responses can be eliminated by appropriate reinforcements

explanations cognitve

-One produces strange and unreal sensation triggered by biological factors

-Disorder emerge when the individual attempts to understand their unusual experiences

explanations sociocultural

- social labeling: once labeled it becomes self fulfill prophecy

- family dysfunctioning

explanations sociocultural family dysfunctioning

-doubled bind communication: parents repeatedly communicate pares of mutually contradictory messages that child cannot avoid displeasing parents because nothing they do is right

-Ex: parent says I'm glad to see you but frowns and makes not eye contact

- Family stress: parents of ppl with disorder

-Display more conflict

-Greater difficulty communication with one another

-More critical of and overly involved with children

explanations sociocultural family dysfunctioning

-R.D. Laing: process in which ppl try to cure themselves of confusion and unhappiness caused by social environment

-Humans beings must be in touch with their true selves in order to give meaning to their lives