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15 Cards in this Set

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blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart and has thick, elastic walls made of connective tissue and smooth muscel tissue.
two upper chambers of the heart that contract at the same time during a heartbeat.
microscopic blood vessel that connects arteries and veins; has walls one cell thick,thirough which nurtrients and oxygen diffuse into body cells and waste materials and carbon dioxide diffuse out.
flow of blood to and from the tissues of the heart.
cornary circulation
chemical in red blood to that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body cells and carries some carbon dioxide from body cells back to lungs.
tissue fluid that has diffused into the capillaries.
bean sharped organ found throughout the body that filters out microorganis and foeeigh materials taken up by the lymphocytes.
lymph nodes
carries lymph through a network of lymph capillaries and vessels and drain it into large veins near the heart;helps fight infections and diseases.
lymphatic system
a type of white blood cell that fight infection.
liquid part of blood,made mostly of water in wich oxygen,nutrents, and minerais are dissolved.
irregularly shaped cell frament that helps clot blood and releases chemicals that help cause and form fibrin.
flow of blood through theheart to the lungs and back to the heart.
pulmonary circulation
largest part of the circulatory sytem in which oxygen rich blood flows to all the organs and body tissues ,execpt the heart and lungs ,and poor blood is returned to the heart.
sytemic circulation
blood vessels that carries blood back to the heart and has one- way values that keep blood moving toward the heart.
two lower chambers of the heart that contract at the same time during a heartbaeat.