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130 Cards in this Set

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What is an important reason to learn about culture and ethnicity?
You will almost certainly care for patients that are not from your culture.
In the past decade, the U.S. and Canada have seen increasing immigration from which nations?
What were previously referred to as minority groups will soon (when added together) become what?
the majority
True or false: Nursing care that is appropriate for the dominant class may be ineffective and inappropriate for people with a different cultural heritage.
-refers to everyone having culture
-refers to culture being active
What people in a group have in common that changes over time
they defined culture as "the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arets, beliefs, values, customs, lifeways, and all other products of human work and thought characteristic of a population of poepls that guide their worldview and decision making."
Purnell and Paulanka
What are the characteristics of culture?
-It is learned
-it is taught
-it is shared by its members
-it is dynamic and adaptive
-it is complex
-it is diverse
-it exists at many levels
-it has common beliefs and practices
How is culture taught
from generation to generation either formally (school) or informally (in families)
Cultural customs, beliefs, and practices are not static, but ________ over time and at __________ rates.
Why are cultural assumptions and habits difficult for members to explain to others?
they are unconscious
What are the two level in which culture exists
-the material (art, writings)
-the nonmaterial (customs, traditions)
True or False: Culture can influence everything its members thnk or do.
Cultural beliefs provide for its members as long as they do not ___________ with the dominant culture and continue to gratify its members
A person who identifies with two cultures and maintains some of the values and lifestyles of each
A bicultural person may experience what?
divided loyalties
refers to many cultures and is used to describe groups rather than individuals
-Does culture always refer to the ethnicity of a group
-give an example why or why not
-a hospital contains practitioners from many ethnicities and religous groups
the tendency to think of your own group (cultural, ethnic, or social) as superior to others and that other beliefs are wrong or strange
True or False: The tendency to be ethnocentric exists in all groups, not just in the dominant culture.
White Anglo-Saxon Christian of European descent is the dominant culture of?
the U.S. and Canada
The group that has the most authority or power to control values and reward or punish behaviors.
dominant culture
Is the dominant culture always the largest group
No. it usually is, but not always
Groups within a larger culture or social system that are different from those of the dominant culture
You can recognize these by their speech patterns, dress, gestures, eating habits, lifestyles, etc
street gangs, physicians, nurses, women, older adults, gays and lesbians, and people of Appalachian heritage are examples of what?
Made up of individuals who share race, religion, or ethnic heritage, but have fewer members than the majority group
minority groups
Do minority groups always share beliefs, practices, or physical characteristics?
sometines used to refer to a group of people who receive different and unequal treatment from others in society; often considered offensive
those groups who are more likely to develop health problems and experience poorer outcomes becuase of limited access to care, high risk behaviors, and/or multiple and cumulative stressors
vulnerable populations
homeless people, poor people, the mentally ill, and older adults are examples of what?
vulnerable populations
True or false: Vulnerable populations can be considered subcultures of all of the major cultural groups
There is more variation among people of the _________ ethnic groups but of different social classes than there is among people of ___________ ethnic groups but of the same social class
same, different
Public health initiative that addresses the care of vulnerable populations and includes an objective to eliminate health inequities.
Healthy People 2010Q
Nursing research that addresses inequeties include what two topics
the mentally ill
treatment of heart disease in women of color
ethnicity is similar to ________ in that it refers to groups whose members share a common social and cultural heritage
ethnicity is similar to __________ in that members of an ethnic group have some characteristics in common that are not shared by outsiders
people who originally came from any Spanish speaking country
Hispanic Americans
refers only to people from Latin America (central and south America)
unlike ethnicity, it is strictly related to biology
members of a particular _______share distinguishing physical characteristics such as skin color or bone structure
the terms race and ethnicity can overlao somewhat because race can be a characteristic of a specific what?
ethnic group
The U.S. Census Bureau divides race into the following six categories
-Americna Indians and Alaskan natives
-Asian Americans
-Black or African Americans
-Native Hawaiians or Other Pacific Islanders
-Some other race
refers to an organized system of beliefs regarding the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially the beliefs related to the worship of God
the process of learning to become a member of society or a group
The agents of socialization.
families, churches, peer groups, and the media.
New members of a group or country
immigrants assume the characteristics of the new culture through a process called
True or false: a person who is acculturated accepts both his own and new culture, adopting elements of both
How many generation does it take for an immigrant group to become acculturated
Occurs when the new members gradually learn and take on the dominant culture's essential values, beliefs, and bahaviors
cultural assimilation
Learning the dominant language, marrying someone from the new culture are examples of
becoming assimilated
Values are important because they ________ health related beliefs and practices
a principle or standard that has meaning or worth to an individual
personal value
An example of a personal value that affects health
-Something one accepts as true
-I believe germs cause disease
-a set of bahaviors that one follows
-I was my hands before preparing food
True or False: You should assume that clients share your values, beliefs, or practices
-Values, beliefs, and practices that people from ALL cultures share
-culture universals
-celebrating the birth of a baby
-values, beliefs, and practices that are special or unique to a culture
-culture specifics
-in Belize, a baby is christened before visitors are allowed
True or False: Acknowledging that there are commonalities within groups is the same as saying that ALL the people in the group have those characteristics
There is more variation ____ an ethnic or cultural group than _________ the groups
within, between
Communication, space, time prientation, social organization, environmental control, and biological variations are six _________ ________ that influence health.
culture specifics
includes verbal and non-verbal language
This group keeps steady eye contact when talking, but not between men and women
True or False: Asian and Native AMericans do not usually make eye contact
refers to a person's personal space or how the person relates toward the space around her
the behavior and attitude that people exhibit about the area around them that they have claimed
Americans, Canadians of Northern European descent and the British keep at least ______ inches between themselves and the person they are speaking with
Arabs and others from the middle east stand ________ when talking
__________ usually require a great deal of space, and consider looking into a room an invasion of privacy
True or False: Within all groups, personal space varies depending on the relationship between the people speaking
What are the three types of time orientation
past, present, and future
This group tends to be future oriented
These groups are more present oriented
Native Americans and Latinos
includes th family unit and the wider organizations (eg, religion) with which the individual or family identifies
social organization
Who is the decision maker and leader of the family in the African AMerican family
the woman (Matriarchial)
In which cultures is the man the decision maker and leader
Latino and Middle Eastern
a person's perception of her ability to plan activities that control nature or direct environmental factors
environmental control
An example of how environmental control affects health care
Asian Americans tend to accept pain and not demand pain relief
include ways in which people are different genetically and physiologically
biological variations
True or false: biological variations create susceptibility to certain diseases and injuries
An exmaple of how biological variations affect health
Africna Americans metabolize anti-hypertensives differntly than European Americans
Example of how a person's religion may affect health care
Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood transfusions
In any culture what two healthcare systems usually exist side by side
indigenous and professional
consists of folk medicine and traditional healing methods
indigenous health care system
run by a set of healthcare providers who have been formally trained and educated
professional health care system
in Noth America, the professional health care system is dominated by what
the biomedical healthcare system
Practitioner in the professional healthcare system that use techniques such as diet, mind-body control, accupressure, and chiropractic
alternative health care
true or false:Many professional healthcare providers do not understand the beliefs and practices of the indigenous health care system.
As a nurse you should become aware of and understand a _________ of helath beliefs and practices so that you can meet the needs of your patients
Generally speaking, people follow one of three major health belief systems. Name them
-scientific or biomedical
-magico religous
-holistic belief system
what dominates the magico religous system
belief in the supernatural
example of magico-religous system
focuses on the need for balance and harmony with the body and nature
holistic belief system
the largest subculture within the health care system
-silent suffering as a response to pain
-objective reporting and description of pain, but not an emotional response
-use of the nursing process
-nursing autonomy
are what
Nursing Values
Some people of Mexican heritage blieve that illness is caused by the body's of what
"hot" and "cold"
Does hot and cold in reference to disease have anything to do with temperature
the beliefs and practices that the members of a cultural group follow when they are ill, as opposed to more conventional (e.g., biomedical) standards
folk medicine
Leninger observes that ________ cultures throughout the worls use folk medicine
In the North American culture, who is the folk healer?
the professional health care provider (eg., physician)
-the use of rigorously tested therapies to complement those of conventional medicine
-complementary medicine
-chiropractic, biofeedback, certain supplements
-therapies used INSTEAD of conventional medicine
-alternative medicine
-irridology, aromatherapy, and magnet therapy
True or false: The reliability of alternative medicine techniques has been validated through clinical testing
FALSE (it has not been clinically validated)
the traditional health care system of India
an appreciation of the external signs of diversity
cultural awareness
has to do with personal attitudes and bring careful not to say something that might be offensive to someone from a different culture
cultural sensitivity
cultural competence is attained on a continuum ranging from cultural _________ (most negative) to cultural _______ (most positive.
destructiveness, proficiency
Why can't you achieve cultural competence overnight?
it is a developmental process
This model stresses teamwork in providing culturally sensitive and competent care to improve outcomes for individuals, families, and communities
The Purnell Model
The pie shaped wedges in Purnells model depict the issues that ______ societies and humans share (eg, pregnancy, death)but are SPECIFIC TO THE CULTURE
The center of Purnell's wheel is empty because it represents that which is _______ about a cultural group
-discovering cultural care and caring beliefs
-analyzing similarities and differences of these beliefs among the different cultures
are ways that nurses can achieve cultural competence according to who
the unsubstantiated belief that all people of a certain racial or ethnic group are alike in certain respects
cultural stereotype
negative attitudes toward other people atht are based on faulty and rigid stereotypes about race, gender, sexual orientation, etc
refers to the behavioral manifestation of prejudice
discrimination (eg, not renting to African AMericans)
a form of prejudice and discrimination based on the belief that race is the principal dtermining factors of human traits and that racial differences produce a= natural superiority or inferiority
assumption that members of one sex are superior to members of the other sex
The assumption of male superiority; common in many cultures and healthcare settings
male chauvinism
can involve foreign languages, regional dialects, street talk, and jargon
language barrier
conveying sympathy, showing respect, building rapport, establishing trust, and active listening are ways to get clients to what?
talk about themselves
-to assess and evaluate clients accurately, you need to know the normal _________ ___________ among healthy individuals of the population
-physiological variations
-body proportions, lab values
Giger and Davidhizar's transcultural assessment models, Spector's heritage assessment assessment model, the Purnell model for cultural competence, and Andrews and Boyle's transcultural nursing assessment guide are examples of what
Cultural assessment models and tools
you must do what when folk or traditional practices might be harmful to the client
Acknowledges the gap between the clients and the nurses perspectives
When the nurse supports and encourages the client to greatly modify his behaviors and to adopt new and benefical behaviors while respecting his cultural beliefs is known as
cultural repatterning/restructuring
true or false: the best way to provide culturally competent care to patients who do not speak your language is to use a professional medical interpreter
What is the difference between an interpreter and a translator?
An interpreter is trained to know the meaning behind the words, and a translator simply restates the words from one language to another.
How can you remember Carballeira's suggestion on how to become culturally competent?
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