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36 Cards in this Set

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a group of stimulating durgs that produce heightened levels of energy and in large doses, nervousness, sleeplessness and paranoid delusions
Antabuse (disulfiram)
drug that makes the drinking of alcohol produce nausea and other unpleasant effects
a class of synthetic sedative drugs that are a addictive and in large doses can cause death by almost completly relaxing the diaphragm
an antihypertensive drug that shows some promise in helping people wean themselves from substance dependence
a pain reducing, stimulating and addictive alkaloid obtained from coca leaves, which increases mental powers, produces euphora, heightens sexual desire, and in large doses causes paranoia and hallucinations
controlled drinking
a pattern of alochol consumption that is moderate and avoid the extremes of total abstinence and of inebriation
covert sensitization
a form of aversion therapy in which the person is told to imagine undesirably attractive situations and activities while unpleasant feelings are being induced by imagery
cross dependent
acting on the same receptors as methadone does with heroin
the initial stage in weaining an addicted person from a drug involves medical supervision of the sometimes painful withdrawl
a relatively new hallucinogen that is chemically similar to mescaline and the amphetamines
fetal alcohol syndrome
retarded growth of the devloping fetus and infant, cranial/facial/limb anoamlities and mental retardation caused by heavy consumption of alochol during pregancy
delirium treatments
1 of the withdrawl symptoms that sometimes occurs when a period of heavy alcohol consuption is terminated; marked by fever, sweating, trembling, cognitive impairment, and hallucinations
an unpredictable reoccurence of psychadellic experiences from earlier drug trip
perceptions in any sensory modality without relevant and a deprate external stimuli
the dried regign of the cannabis plant, stronger in effects than the dried leaves and stems that constitute marajuana
extremely addictive narcotic drug derived from morphine
heroin antagonist
drugs such as naloxone that prevent a heroi user from experiencing any high
heroin substitutes
narcotics such as methadone that are cross dependent with heroin and thus replace it and the bodys craving for it
d-lysergic and diethylamide, a drug synthesized in 1938 and discovered by accident to be a hallucinogen in 1943
a drug derived from the dried leaves/stems of the female hemp plant Cannabis sativa
a hallucinogen and alkaloid that is the active ingredient of peyote
a synthetic addictive heroin substitute for treating heroin addicts that acts as a substitute for heroin by eliminating its effects and the vraving for it
an addictive narcotic alkoid extracted from poium, used primarily as an analgesic and as a sedative
the principal alkaloid of tobacco 9an addicting agent)
nitrous oxide
a gas that when inhaled produces euphoria and sometimes giddiness
a group of addictive sedatives that in moderate doses relieve pain and induce sleep
1 of the oppiates the dried milky juice obtained from the immature fruit of the opium poppy. the addictive narcotic produces euphoria and drowsiness and reduces pain
polydrug abuse
the misuse of more than 1 drug at a time such as drinking heavily and taking cocaine
a psychedelic drug extrated from the mushroom psilocybe mexicana
secondhand smoke
sidestream smoke, smoke from burning end of the cigerette which contains higher cones of ammonia, carbon monoxied, nicotine, and tar than does the inhaled smoke
drug that slows bodily activities especially those of the CNS reduces pain and tension and to induce relaxation and sleep
drug that increases altertness and motor activity and at the same time reduces fatique allowing an individual to remain awake for an extended period of time ex coccaine and amphetamines
substance abuse
use of a drug to such an extent that the person is often intoxicated throughout the day and fails in important obligations and in attempts to abstain by there is no physiological dependence
substance dependence
the abuse of a drug sometimes accompanied by a physiological dependence on it, made evident by tolerance withdrawl symptoms, also called addiction
a phsyiological process in which greater and greater amounts of an addictive drug are required to produce the same effect
negative physiological and psychological reactions evidenced when a person suddenly stops taking an addictive drug, cramps, restlessness, and even death are examples