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32 Cards in this Set

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What 4 characteristics do all plants share?
1)making their own food
2)have a cuticle
3)have a cell wall (cellulose)
4)asexual or sexual reproduction(reproduce with spores and sex cells)
By what process do plants make their own food? What other name can we call them by?
photosynthesis; producers
What is a cuticle?
an adaptation and a waxy covering on plants(the stem) that protect the plant from dying out.
What is a sporophyte?
a stage in a plant which produces spores
What is a gametophyte?
a stage in a plant which it produces gametes(sex cells)
What is chlorophyll?
a green pigment found in plants(chloroplast) were it absorbs light energy from the sun
Explain a plant life cycle
1) sporophyte stage
2)gametophyte stage
3)sperm cells firtilize egg cells
4)the firtilized egg becomes a new plant
what are the two ways to classify plants?
vascular and nonvascular
what is vascular and non vascular?
vascular: a "tube" in a plants which transports nutrients and water in the plant; they have tissues called vascuar tissues to transport the nutrients
Non-vascular: no "tube" in plant. Uses osmois and diffusion to get is nutrients.
why are non-vascular plants smaller than vascular plants?
because if the nonvascular plant were larger, than there will be no way for osmosis or diffusion to get to all the cells
what are the two divisions of vascular plants?
Gymnosperms(non-flowering plants) Angiosperms(flowering plants)
where do mosses and liverworts live?
on rocks, tree bark, or soil
are all seedless plants vascular?why or why not?
no b/c there are plants like mosses and liverworts that are nonvascular
what do mooses look like?
small,green,have rhizoids,lives near ground in groups.
Each plant has a slender hairlike threds of cells called rhizoids. what are rhizoids? what do mosses use them for?
help hold the plant in place (act like roots);
osmosis and diffusion
explain the life cycle of a moss.
1)sporophyte stage(releases them into air)
2)spores land on ground and open into a gametophyte
3) sperm cells are carried by water to egg cells.
4)firtilized egg grows into a new plant
how are mosses and liverworts important?
1)provide fuel when dried and burned
2)leave a rich soil for new plants to grow
3)provide nesting materials for birds
is spanish moss really a moss? if not then what is it?
no; a lichen (a plant that has fungi and algae that grow together)
underground stem of a fern
leaf of a fern
end of a fern frond
where do ferns grow?
almost anywhere.
explain the life cycle of a fern
1)sporophyte stage(realeases spores into air)
2)spores grow into gametophytes
3)gametophyte stage
4)grow into new plants
what are the seed parts?
1)seed coat
2)stored food(cotyledons)
3)young plant(sporophyte)
seed plants without flowers or fruit.
what does gymnosperm mean?
naked seed
what is the life cycle of gymnosperm(pine tree)?
1)sporophyte stage
2)male cones open and release pollen
3)pollen sticks to the female cone and firtilizes it
4)female cones open, then it releases seeds
christmas trees, building, and paper
what are the female parts of a plant?
Pistil:sitgma, ovary, ovules, style
what are the male parts of a plant?
Stamen: fliament, anther
what other parts does a plant have?
leaves, petals, roots, stem, sepal
what is the importance of plants?
to atract insects for pollination