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215 Cards in this Set

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himself, herself, yourself
themselves, yourselves

to wash oneself


I wash myself
yo me lavo
you wash yourself
tú te lavas
he washes himself

she washes herself
you wash yourself

él se lava
ella se lava
Ud. se lava
we wash ourselves
nosotros nos lavamos
you wash yourselves
vosotros os laváis
they wash themselves

they wash themselves
you wash yourselves

ellos se lavan

ellas se lavan
Uds. se lavan

to bathe oneself


I bathe myself
yo me baño
you bathe yourself
tú te bañas
he bathes himself
él se baña
we bathe ourselves
nosotros nos bañamos
you bathe yourselves
vosotros os bañáis
they bathe themselves
ellos se bañan

to dedicate oneself


I dedicate myself
yo me dedico

you dedicate yourself

tú te dedicas

she dedicates herself

ella se dedica

we dedicate ourselves

nosotros nos defendemos

you dedicate yourselves

vosotros os dedicáis

they (fem) dedicate themselves

ellas se dedican

to defend oneself


i defend myself

yo me defiendo

you defend yourself

tú te defiendes

you(f) defend yourself

Ud. se defiende

we defend ourselves

nosotros nos defendemos

you defend yourselves

vosotros os dedicaís

you defend yourselves

Uds. se defienden

to amuse oneself, to have a good time


I amuse myself

yo me divierto

you amuse yourself

tú te diviertes

he amuses himself

él se divierte

we amuse ourselves

nosotros nos divertimos

you amuse yourselves

vosotros os divertís

they amuse themselves

ellos se divierten

to express oneself


I express myself

yo me expreso

you express yourself

tú te expresas

she expresses herself

ella se expresa

we express ourselves

nosotros nos expresamos

you express yourselves

vosotros os expresáis

they (fem) express themselves

ellas se expresan

to call oneself


I call myself

yo me llamo

you call yourself

tú te llamas

you(f) call yourself

Ud. se llama

we call ourselves

nosotros nos llamamos

you call yourselves

vosotros os llamáis

you(f) call yourselves

Uds. se llaman

to ask oneself, to wonder


I ask myself

yo me pregunto

you ask yourself

tú te preguntarse

he asks himself

él se pregunta

we ask ourselves

nosotros nos preguntamos

you ask yourselves

vosotros os preguntáis

they ask themselves

ellos se preguntan

to go to bed


I go to bed

me acuesto

you go to bed

te acuestas

he goes to bed

el se acuesta

we go to bed

nos acostamos

you (vos) go to bed

os acostáis

they go to bed

ellos se acuestan

to shower, to take a shower


I take a shower

me ducho

you take a shower

te duchas

he takes a shower

él se ducha

we take a shower

nos duchamos

you (vos) take a shower

os ducháis

they take a shower

ellos se duchan

to get sick


I get sick

me enfermo

you get sick

te enfermas

you (f) get sick

Ud. se enferma

we get sick

nos enfermamos

you (vos) get sick

os enfermáis

you (f)(pl) get sick

Uds. se enferman

to sit down, to seat oneself


I sit down

me siento

you sit down

te sientas

she sits down

ella se sienta

we sit down

nos sentamos

you (vos) sit down

os sentáis

they (fem) sit down

ellas se sientan

to wake up, to wake oneself


i wake up

me despierto

you wake up

te despiertas

you(f) wake up

Ud. se despierta

we wake up

nos despertamos

you (vos) wake up

os despertáis

you (f)(pl)

Uds. se despiertan

to fall asleep


I fall asleep

me duermo

you fall asleep

te duermes

she falls asleep

ella se duerme

we fall asleep

nos dormimos

you (vos) fall asleep

os dormís

they (fem) fall asleep

ellas se duermen

to get up, to raise oneself


I get up

me levanto

you get up

te levantas

he gets up

el se levanta

we get up

nos levantamos

you (vos) get up
os levantáis

they get up

ellos se levantan

to get dressed


i get dressed

me visto

you get dressed

te vistes

you (f) get dressed

Ud. se viste

we get dressed

nos vestimos

you (vos) get dressed

os ventís

you (f)(p)

Uds. se viste

to shave


to put make up on, to make up (one's face)

maquillarse (la cara)

to put makeup on, to put nail polish on

pintarse (las unas)

to take off (clothing)


to brush (one's teeth, one's hair)

cepillarse (los dientes, el pelo)

to comb (one's hair)

peinarse (el pelo)

to put on (clothing)


to remain


to move


to go away, to leave quickly


to become

(physical or emotional changes)


sudden, involuntary change


to become

(regarding efforts to a profession)

hacerse,llegar a ser

to fall down


i fall down

me caigo

you fall down

te caes

he falls down

él se cae

we fall down

nos caemos

you (vos) fall down

os caéis

they fall down

ellos se caen

to move


I move

me muevo

you move

te mueves

you (f) move

Ud. se mueve

we move

nos movemos

you (vos) move

os movéis

you (f)(pl) move

Uds. se mueven

to go away, to leave quickly


I go away, leave quickly

me voy

you go away, leave quickly

te vas

she goes away, leaves quickly

ella se va

we go away, leave quickly

nos vamos

you (vos) go away, leave quickly

os vais

they (fem) go away, leave quickly

ellas se van

acordarse (de)

to remember

I remember

me acuerdo

you remember

te acuerdas

he remembers

él se acuerda

we remember

nos acordamos

you (vos) remember

os acordáis

they remember

ellos se acuerdan

encontrarse (con)

to meet

I meet

me encuentro

you meet

te encuentras

you (f) meet

Ud. se encuentra

we meet

nos encontramos

you (vos) meet

os encontráis

you (f)(pl) meet

Uds. se encuentran

darse cuenta (de)

to realize

I realize

me doy cuenta

you realize

te das cuenta

she realizes

ella se da cuenta

we realize

nos damos cuenta

you (vos) realize

os dais cuenta

they (fem) realize

ellas se dan cuenta


to die

I die

me muero

you die

te mueres

he dies

él se muere

we die

nos morimos

you (vos) die

os morís

they die

elllos se mueren

to laugh


I laugh

me río

you laugh

te ríes

he laughs

él se ríe

we laugh

nos reímos

you (vos) laugh

os reís

they laugh

ellos se ríen

to resemble, to look like

parecerse (a)

I resemble, look like

me parezco

you resemble, look like

te pareces

you (f) resemble, look like

Ud. se parece

we resemble, look like

nos parecemos

you (vos) resemble, look like

os parecéis

you (f)(pl) resemble, look like

Uds. se parecen

to feel (well/ill)

(or any emotion or health condition)

sentirse (bien/mal)

I feel

me siento

you feel

te sientes

she feels

ella se siente

we feel

nos sentimos

you (vos) feel

os sentís

they (fem) feel

ellas se sienten

Heen and Paula help each other a lot.

Elena y Paula se ayudan mucho.

My friends help each other.

Mis amigos se ayudan eel uno al otro.

We know each other well.

Nos conocemos bien.

Do you know each other?

¿Se conocen Uds.?

The two sisters understand each other well.

Las dos hermanas se entienden bien.

Robert and Sonia love each other.

Roberto y Sonia se quieren.

They see each other every day.

Ellos se ven todos los días.

One lives well in this country.

Se vive bien en este país.

It is believed (one believes/people believe) that Italians are romantic.

Se cree que los italianos son románticos.

It is known that he is a good worker.

Se sabe que él es un buen trabajador.

One speaks Spanish here./

Spanish is spoken here.

Aquí se habla español.

It is not permitted to swim here.

No se permite nadar aquí.

Where can one park in New York?

¿Dónde se puede estacionar en Nueva York?

It is prohibited to smoke.

Se prohíbe fumar.