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38 Cards in this Set

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Louis Blanc
"social" republican, notable and took control following the February Revolution
General Cavaignac
took control on teh eve of and during the June Days of violence, imposing martial law on Paris
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
nephew of Napoleon, elected as president
national workshops
massive infrastructure projects intended to employ the unemployed skilled and unskilled workers, put forth by Louis Blanc
June Days
time period in which a violent class war ensued in Paris, where civilians and soldiers battled in the streets
Falloux Law
put all schools of all levels of education under supervision of the Catholic clergy
March Days
Period in 1848 in which the Austrian Empire had fallen into its main components, Prussia had yielded to revolutionaries, all Germany was preparing to unify itself, and war raged in Italy
Leader of the radical party in the Hungarian diet who helped inspire insurrection
The provincial governor of Croatia who raised a civil war in Hungary. leading of a force of Serb-Croats supported by the whole non-Magyar half of the population
Assisted in the republican upheaval in Italy
The movements by the old governments to restore their power as it was before the revolutions of 1848
Those who tried to get rid of the revolutionaries or liberals
the Syllabus of Errors
Put forth by Pius IX, warned all Catholics, on the authority of the Vatican, against everything that went under the names of liberalism, progress, and modern civilization.
the Bach system
Policy in Austria to oppose all forms of popular self expression with a more candid reliance on military force
Frederick William IV
Leader of Prussia determined to preserve his authority and power and to keep from sharing it with his subjects
Frankfurt Assembly
Assembly that met to discuss and try to bring about the unification of a German state, which would be liberal, self-governing, federally unified, and "democratic" though not egalitarian Germany
Prussian tariff union which, although originally consisted entirely within Prussia, would later extend to to include almost all Germany
Great Germans
Most members of the Assembly; they thought that Germany for which they were writing a constitution should include the Austrian lands, except Hungary, and therefore that the federal crown be offered to the Habsburgs
Little Germans
At first a minority in the Assembly; they thought that Austria should be excluded and that the new Germany should comprise the smaller states and the entire kingdom of Prussia, and therefore the king of Prussia would become the federal emperor
Declaration of the Rights of the German People
Put forth by the Frankfurt Assembly, it was a humane and high-minded document, announcing numerous individual rights, civil liberties, and constitutional guarantees.
French romantic writer
Auguste Comte
French philospher who began positivism and the new attitude
German philospher, who, disappointed by the failed revolutions of 1848, was associated and worked in the Communist League
German who worked with Marx and helped to publish the Communist Manifesto
Referred to the new style in art and literature, breaking away from romanticism, which they said colored things out of all relation to the real facts
Held that everything mental, spiritual, or ideal was an outgrowth of physical or physiological forces
Promulgated by Auguste Comte, who created sociology, which would employ this new way of thought; building upon observation of actual "positive" facts to develop braod scientific laws of progress
Created by Comte, it was the study of society and was highest upon on his classification of the sciences
"politics of reality;" meant that governments should not be guided by ideology, or by any particular view of the world; but that they should follow their own practical or strategic interests
Built off and was a combination of German philosophy, French revolutionism, and the British Industrial Revolution
dialectical materialism
Belief that all history, and indeed all reality, is a process of development through time, a single and meaningful unfolding of events in a clear historical direction
alienation of workers
A social experience and state of mind produced when human beings in the historic process of mechanization become estranged from the objects on which they work
The average working man or woman
Baron Haussmann
Rebuilt Paris into its modern form
a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator
investment banking
business specialized in the formation of capital
Credit Mobilier
Established by Napoleon III to generate capital for industrial investment
limited liability
the liability of a firm's owners for no more than the capital they have invested in the firm