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37 Cards in this Set

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What is a drug?
substance other than food, that affects bodily functions and structures when taken into the body
What is drug abuse?
excessive use of a drug in a manner inconsistent with accepted medical practice
What is drug dependence?
continued substance use even when its use cause cognitive, behavioral, and physical symptoms
What is drug misuse?
use of a drug for a purpose other than that for which it was medically intended
What is drug diversion?
transfer of a drug from the person for whom it was prescribed to another individual
What is drug diversion?
transfer of a drug from the person for whom it was prescribed to another individual
What is subcutaneous?
under the skin
What is toxicity?
- poisonousness
- dosage level at which a drug becomes poisonous to the body, causing either temporary or permanent damage
What is an additive?
combination effect that is equal to the sum of individual effects
What is synergistic?
combination effect that is greater than the sum of individual effects
What is potentiating?
making more effective or powerful
What is antagonistic?
opposing or counteractive
What is psychoactive?
What does generic mean?
consume product with no brand name or registered trademark
What is addiction?
behavioral pattern characterized by compulsion, loss of control, and continued repetition of a behavior or activity in spite of adverse consequences
What is psychological dependence?
emotional or mental attachment to the use of a drug?
What is intoxication?
maladaptive behavior, psychological, and physiologic change that occur as a result of substance abuse
What is withdrawal?
development of symptoms that cause significant psychological and physical distress when an individual reduces or stops drug use
What is polyabuse?
misuse or abuse of more than 1 drug
What is dopamine?
brain chemical associated with feelings of satisfaction and euphoria
What is marijuana?
- derived from the canabis plant
- contains THC, causes a mild sense of euphoria when inhaled or eaten
What is hashish?
- concentrated marijuana
- causes sense of euphoria when inhaled or eaten
What are club drugs?
illegally manufactured drugs that have dangerous physical and psychological effects
What is ecstasy?
- synthetic compound
- aka methylenedioymethamphatemine
- both stimulant or halluciogenic effect
What is gamma hydroxybutryate?
- brain messenger chemical that stimulates the release of human growth hormone
- commonly abused for its high and its alleged ability to trim fat and build muscles
- aka; blue nitro, date rape
What is gamma butyrolactone?
- main ingredient in GHB; one ingests it, converts to GBL
- can cause the ingestor to lose conciousness
What are stimulants?
agent, such as a drug, that; temporarily relieves drowsiness, helps in the performance of repetitive tasks, and improves capacity for work
What is an amphetamine?
- any of a class of stimulants that trigger the release of epinephrine, which stimulates the Central Nervous System
- users experience a state of hyper-alertness and energy, followed by a crash as the drug wears off
What is cocaine?
white chyrstaline powder extracted from the leaves of the coca plant that stimulates the central nervous system and produce a brief period of euphoria followed by a depression
What are benzodiazepines?
- antianxiety drugs that; depress the central nervous system, reduce activity, induce relaxation, drowsiness or sleep
- often prescribed; relieve tension, muscular strain, sleep problems, anxiety, panic attacks, and in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal
What are barbiturates?
- anti-anxiety drug that depresses the central nervous system
- reduce activity, induce relaxation, drowsiness, or sleep
- prescribed to relieve tension and treat epileptic seizures or general anesthetic
What are opiods?
sleep inducing and pain relieving properties
What is Lyrergic Acid diethylamide?
synthetic psychoactive substance originally developed to explore mental illness
What is phencyclidine?
synthetic psychoactive substance that produces effects similar to psychoactive drugs, when swallowed, etc, but also may trigger unpredictable behavioral changes
What is salvia?
herb with hallucionogenic properties when smoked or inhaled
What are inhalants?
substances that produce vapors having psychoactive effects when sniffed
What is the 12-step program?
self-help group programs based on the principles of AA