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41 Cards in this Set

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Skeletal muscle

the type of muscle that is generally connected to bone


cords of elastic connective tissue that transmit force from skeletal muscles to bones


a muscle fibres plasma membrane


banded, rodlike elements that contain a muscle fibres contractile machinery

Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

modified smooth endoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells that surrounds the myofibril and stores calcium

Transverse tubules (T tubules)

structures that transmit action potentials from the sarcolemma into the cells interior, triggering the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Thick filaments

filaments composed of myosin that form part of the contractile machinery of a muscle cell

Thin filaments

filaments composed of actin that form part of the contractile machinery of a muscle cell; also contain troponin and tropomyosin in striated muscle cells


the fundamental repeating units that make up myofibrils


the most common microfilament; found in thin filaments in muscle fibres; provides structural support for microvilli


the contractile protein found in thick filaments in striated muscle


one of the two regulatory proteins in striated muscle; a long fibrous molecule that acts to block myosin-binding sites ion thin filaments when a muscle is not contracting


one of the two regulatory proteins in striated muscle; binds calcium reversibly and is responsible for starting the crossbridge cycle by moving tropomyosin out of its blocking position


protrusions on both ends of the thick filament that bind to actin and are responsible for generating the motion that causes muscle contraction

Sliding-filament mechanism

process of muscle contraction whereby thick and thin filaments slide past each other

Crossbridge cycle

the mechanism that drives muscle contraction

Excitation-contraction coupling

in a muscle cell, the sequence of events that links the action potential to the contraction

End-plate potential (EPP)

a depolarization of the motor end plate of a skeletal muscle fibre caused by acetylcholine binding to nicotinic cholinergic receptors

Motor unit

a motor neuron and all the muscle fibres it innervates


the mechanical response of a muscle to a single action potential

Latent period

the time between a stimulus and the beginning of a response; in muscle physiology, the lag of a few milliseconds that occurs between the action potential in a muscle and when the muscle first begins to generate force

Isometric twitch

a twitch during which a muscle generates force by does not shorten

Isotonic twitch

a twitch during which a muscle shortens and lifts a constant load

Series elastic component

connective tissue that is in series with the sarcomeres of skeletal muscle

Contractile component

thick and thin filaments of muscle; compared to elastic components


increase in muscle tension with repeated twitch contractions


in neurophysiology, the adding together of graded potentials that occurs within a neuron;l in muscle physiology, the adding together of twitches that occurs when a muscle is stimulated at high frequency


in a muscle being stimulated at high frequency, the plateau phase of the contraction, during which the tension is relatively constant


an increase in the number of active neurons

Size principle

the correspondence between the size of motor units and the order of recruitment

Creatine Phosphate

a compound in muscle cells that can donate a high-energy phosphate to ADP to form ATP


an oxygen-binding protein found in certain muscle cells

Slow oxidative fibres

muscle cells with slow ATPase activity and high oxidative capacity

Fast glycolytic fibres

type of skeletal muscle with high myosin ATPase activity and high glycolytic capacity


a decline in a muscles ability to maintain a constant force of contraction in the face of long-term, repetitive stimulation

Muscle spindle

sensory receptor within skeletal muscle that detects changes in the length of the muscle

Golgi tendon organ

sensory receptor located near the junction between muscle and tendon that detects changes in muscle tension


cytosolic calcium-binding protein; modulates the activity of intracellular proteins

Multi-unit smooth muscle

smooth muscle lacking gap junctions; thus each fibre acts as a unit

Single-unit smooth muscle

smooth muscle with gap junctions linking the cells together so they function as a unit

Pacemaker potentials

spontaneous depolarization in the resting membrane potential