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38 Cards in this Set

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any substance other thtan food that affects our bodies or minds


*cause temporary change in behavior, emotion or thought

*can lead to intoxication


literally poisoning


perceptual distortion & hallucinations

substance abuse disorders

pattern of maladaptive behaviors and reactions brought on by repeated use of substabce


adjustment the the brain and body make to the regular use of curtain drugs so that ever larger doses are needed to achieve earlier effects


unpleasant sometimes dangerous reaction that may occur when people who use a drug regularly stop taking or reduce dosages of drug.

substance abuse catagories

depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, cannabis

substance use disorder

maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to significant impairment of distress

substance use disorder- presence of two or more within 12 month period

*taking substance in larger amounts or over a longer period than intended

*excessive time spent trying to obtain, use, or receive from the effect of substance

*failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, schools result of recurrent substance use.

*continued use of substance despite persistent social or interpersonal problems caused by it

Depressants consist of:

*alcohol, binge- drinking, ethyl alcohol

*sedative- hypnotic drugs



alcohol use disorder

*legal but most dangerous

*men outnumber women 2 to 1

*delirium tremens: dramatic withdrawal reaction experience by some people who are alcohol dependent. consists of confusion clouded consciousness and terrifying visual hallucinations

sedative- hyponotic drugs

drug used in low doses to reduce anxiety and higher doses to help people sleep

sedative hypnotic drugs

*reduce anxiety induce sleep

*barbiturates: addictive sedative hypnotic drug that reduce anxiety and help produce sleep

*benzodiazepines: most common group of anti-anxiety drugs which includes valium and Xanax


*odium or drug derived from opium




*can be smoked, inhaled, snorted, injected under skin or into bloodstream

*depresses central nervous system, attaches to site that receives endorphins

stimulant use disorder

*regular use of cocaine or amphetamines

*problems in short term memory or attention

*tolerance and withdrawal reactions

*withdrawal may last weeks months after use has ended



*increases activity in central nervous system

*odorless, white, fluffy powder

*often snorted

*brings on euphoric rush

*greater danger is over dose


cocaine intocication

symptoms are poor muscle coordination, grandiosity, bad judgment, anger, aggression, compulsive behavior, anxiety, confusion


cocaine induced psychosis

symptoms of hallucination, delusions, or both


*methamphetamine: crystals that are smoked

*stimulants made in lab

*often pill/ capsule form, some injected or smoked

*stimulate central nervous system

-increases dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin

*contains dangerous fumes and residue in labs


*most widely use stimulants

*coffee, tea, chocolate, Rxs,

*produced release of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine

*2-3 cups = caffeine intoxication

*100 cups= overdose

*can cause hear arrhythmias, high cholesterol, increase risk of hear attack



*changes in sensory perception, strengthen perceptions and produces illusions and trips

*with 2 hours hallucinogens intoxication

*binds to serotonin neurons

*no tolerance or withdrawal

*powerful: any dose will cause perceptual, emotional and behavioral reactions

*long term use may cause psychosis or mood/ anxiety disorder



*originally use-surgical anesthetic, treatment of cholera, malaria

*now used- improve appetite of aids patients, reduce nausea/vomiting or cancer patients in chemo

poly substance use

drug interaction with one another

poly substance use:

combos of substance

*cross tolerance: reduce symptoms of withdrawal form one drug by taking the other

*synergistic effect: an increase effect that occurs when more than on substance is acting on the body at the same time

-antagonistic effect: drug has the opposite reaction then intend to

causes of substance use disorder- sociocultural

*stressful Socioeconomic conditions

*lower socioeconomic status

*family environment stressful and unsupportive

causes of substance use disorder- psychodynamic

*parents fail to satisfy child's need for nurturing

*depends on others for help and may find drugs

*substance abuse personality

*dependent, antisocial, impulsive, novelty-seeking and depressive

causes of substance use disorder- cognitive behavioral view

*operant conditioning

*reward produce expectancy of being rewarding, motivates to use at times of tension

*people may self medicate

*classical conditioning

causes of substance use disorder- biological

genetic predisposition

*animal studies

* twin studies

*adoptions studies

*genetic linkage/ molecular biology

causes of substance use disorder- biological

biochemical factors


*reward center:dopamine rich pathway in brain that produces feelings of pleasure when activated

* reward- deficiency syndrome: condition suspected to be present in some people which brains reward center is not readily activated by the usual events in their lives

treatments psychodynamic

*clients uncover and work through underlying needs and conflicts

*change substance related styles of living

*not really effective

treatments behavioral

*aversion therapy: classical conditioning

* contingency management: systematic use of reinforcement

*behavioral treatments: only limited success

*effective only when motivated to continue despite unpleasantries

cognitive behavioral therapy

*help clients identify and change behaviors and cognitions contributing to substance abuse

*relapse prevention training

- therapists have clients keep tracking of drinking behaviors

- therapists teach clients coping strategies to use when situations arise

- therapists teach clients to plan ahead of time

- lowers frequency of intoxication and binge drinking in some



- medically supervised withdrawal

* antagonist drug

- blocks effects of drug

*drug maintenance therapy

- methadone maintenance programs

sociocultural therapies

*self help/ residential treatment programs

- aa

- peer support, moral and spiritual guidelines

- residential treatment centers

*culture and gender sensitive programs

*community prevention programs

- first started in schools now expanded to work activity centers and other community centers

- some total abstinence son responsible use

- can focus on individual, family, peer group

gambling diorder

-preoccupied with gambling and cannot walk away from a bet

- repeated losses of money

- need to gamble with increasing amounts of money to achieve excitement

gambling causes

- genetic predisposition

- heightened dopamine activity and operation of brains reward center

-impulsive qnovelty seeking

gambling treatments

- cognitive behavioral therapy

- relapse prevention

- gamblers anonymous