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28 Cards in this Set

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What are propagated changes in the membrane potential that, once initiated, affect an entire excitable membrane?

Action Potential

What is another word for the electrical events called action potential?

Nerve impulses

What are abundant on the axon, its branches, and its axon terminals?

Voltage-gated sodium channels

What are voltage-gated sodium channels abundant on?


It's branches,

It's axon terminals

What is the first step to generating an action potential?

Opening of voltage-gated sodium at one site

What site does the generation of an action potential by opening a voltage-gated sodium ion channel usually happen at?

Initial segment of the axon

The movement of sodium ions into the axon depolarizes adjacent sites. What does this trigger?

The opening of additional voltage-gated sodium channels

What triggers the opening of additional voltage-gated sodium channels?

The movement of sodium ions into the axon depolarizing adjacent sites

The movement of sodium ions into the axon depolarizes adjacent sites, triggering the opening of additional voltage-gated sodium channels. What does this result in?

A chain reaction that spreads across the surface of the membrane like a line of falling dominoes

The chain reaction is essentially the action potential being propagated along what?

The length of the axon

What does this action potential ultimately reach?

Axon terminals

What is the membrane potential at which an action potential begins called?


What is the threshold for an axon in mV?

Between -60mV and -55mV

Threshold for an axon is typically between -60 mV and -55 mV. What does this correspond to?

A depolarization of 10 to 15 mV

A stimulus that shifts the resting membrane from -70 mV to -62 mV will not produce what?

An action potential

What stimulus that shifts from the resting membrane potential from -70 mV to -62 mV will only produce what?

A graded depolarization

What happens when a stimulus shifting the resting membrane potential from -70 mV to -62 mV is removed?

The membrane returns to the resting level

What is the depolarization of the initial segment of the axon caused by?

local currents resulting from the graded depolarization of the axon hillock

What do local currents resulting from the graded depolarization of the axon hillock cause?

The depolarization of the initial segment of the axon

The initial depolarization acts like what?

The trigger of a gun

In the case of an axon or another area of excitable membrane, a graded depolarization is similar to what on the gun?

The pressure on the trigger.

What action of the gun is the action potential similar to in the case of an axon or another area of excitable membrane?

The firing of the gun

What brings the membrane to threshold?


What does all stimuli that brings the membrane to threshold generate?

Identical action potentials

What are the properties of the action potential independent of?

Relative strength of the depolarizing stimilus

The properties of the action potential are independent of the relative strength of the depolarizing stimulus, as long as what?

That stimulus exceeds the threshold

The concept that a given stimulus either triggers a typical action potential, or non at all is known as what?

All-or-none principle

What principle applies to all excitable membranes?
