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39 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of Pectoralis Minor & Serratus Anterior?
Protracts scapula
What is the function of Trapezius, Rhomboid Minor and Rhomboid Major?
Retracts Scapula
What is the function of Deltoid & Supraspinatus?
Abducts the arm
What is the attachment for Trapezius?
axial skeleton
What is the function of Infraspinatus, subscapularis, Teres minor & major?
Rotates arm
What is the function of pectoralis major?
Flexes & abducts arm
What is the function of Corachobrachialis?
Flexes & adducts arm
What is the function of Latissimus Dorsi?
Extends, adducts arm
What is the attachement for Coracobrachialis?
Corocoid process; humerus
What is the function of Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis & Triceps brachi?
Flex elbow joint & forearm
What is the function of Flexor Carpi radius & extensor carpi radialis longus?
Flexes wrist, abducts hand
What is the function of Flexor carpi ulnaris & extensor carpi ulnaris?
Extends wrist, adducts hand
What is the function of Flexor retinaculum?
Holds tendons down
What is the function of abductor pollicus longus?
What is the function of Extensor pollicus longus?
extends thumb?
What are the 8 groups of lower limb muscles?
2.Medial compartment of thigh
3.Gluteal muscles
4.Hamstrings(posterior thigh)
5.Anterior muscles of thigh
6.Anterior muscles of leg
7.Lateral compartment leg
8.Posterior compartment leg
What muscles does the Iliopsoas group contain?
-Psoas major
What muscles does the Medial compartment of the thigh contain?
-Adductor longus
-Adductor brevis
-Adductor magnus?
What is the function of Pectineus, adductor longus & brevis
Adduct & flex thigh
What is the function of Adductor magnus
Adducts & extends thigh
What muscles does the Gluteal group contain?
-Gluteus maximus
-Gluteus minimus
-Gluteus medius
-Tensor fascia latae
-Iliotibial tract
What is the function of Gluteus maximus?
Extends thigh (main muscle of this action)
What is the function of Gluteus medius,minimus & Tensor fascia latae?
Abducts thigh
What is the function of the iliotibial tract?
thickenign of fascia lata, Stabilizes lateral muscles of thigh
What muscles does the Hamstrings contain?
-Biceps femoris longhead
-Biceps femoris shorthead
What is the function of Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, & Biceps Femoris long head?
Extend thigh & flex knee
What is the function of Biceps femoris short head?
Flex knee
What muscles does the anterior group contain?
-Rectus femoris
-Vastus lateralis
-Vastus medialis
-Vastus intermedius
What is the function of Sartorius?
Flexes knee
What is the function of Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, medialis, & intermedius?
Extend Knee

AKA: Quads
What muscles does the Anterior muscles of the leg group contain?
-Tibialis anterior
-extensor digitorium longus
-extensor hallicus longus
What is the function of Tibialis anterior?
dorsiflexes foot
What is the function of extensor digitorium longus?
Dorsiflexes foot, extends toes 2-5
What is the function of extensor hallicus longus?
Dorsiflexes foot, extends hallux
What muscles does the lateral compartment of the leg contain?
-Fibularis longus
-Fibularis brevis
What is the function of Fibularis longus & Fibularis brevis?
Evert foot
What muscles does the Posterior compartmet of the leg contain?
What is the function of Gastrocnemius?
Plantar flexes foot; flexes knee
What is the function of Soleus?
Plantar flexes foot