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22 Cards in this Set

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Why Italy?
the hub of commerce and trade, due to location on the Mediterrenan
wrote "The Prince" which was how to acquire and keep political power
swiss, dosent start his own religion he just becomes a reformer
Renaissance Art
technique- the rise of prospective or the focal point of the painting
Patronage- on the indiviual
Themes- culture
Artists- Raphael, Michelangelo, Da Vinci
Italian Humanism
Focus on the individual, living for yourself, emphasis on human acheivement.
Wealthy educated white men.
Father of HUmanism: Petrarch
Humanities as study: philosophy, history, literature, languages,
Christian Humanism
to reform the catholic church, philosphy of early reformers,
Eutopia- wrote by Moore, it was his idea of the prefect soceity, no money and no classes,
Martin Luther
Monk, son of a miner, studying law but all changed when he was walking down a groove and a lighting storm started, he prayed to God the if he would help him make it through it than he would become a monk, so he survived the thunder storm and became a monk
Protestant Reformation
1500's, Holy Roman Empire, modern day Germany, cluster of city states, Cathlocism,

The Spread of Protestant Reformation
invention of the printing press, hyms, phamplets, sermons, townspeople become Protestant because they were jealous of the clergys wealth
95 Theses
Martin Luther got really mad at the church so he wrote the 95 theses and it was an attacked corruption of the church, mostly attacked indulgences, nails them to the door of the Cathedral of Wittenburg, spread quickly because of printing press, literal middle class supported it, townspeople did to,
1520- Roman catholic church dosent see the big deal, "Luther Affiar", Pope Leo III sent Luther a letter tellling him to give up and rejoin the church
Luthera 3 Tresties:
1- Freeedom of a christian, clegy, and latin
2- Letter to the German Nation
-german, to the people of Holy Roman Empire
3- on the Babalonian Captivity of the Church: papacy is the anti-christ
Diet of Worms
Big meeting, Luther can recant his views or be ex-communicated, he says no
Edict of Worms
declares Marting Luther an outlaw
Frederick the Wise
elector prince of Saxney
take Luther hid him in his castle for a year- Wartburg Castle
had alot of relics- marys hair,teeth, piece of bread from the last supper, 19,300 holy bones,
Very devot catholic
Peace of Augsburg
accepted the division of Chrsitianity in Germany,
were free to choose between Cathlicism and Lutheranism,
Luther states were to have the same rights as catholic states
Henry VIII
Henry VIII wanted to annul marriage of Cathrine because she cant bare a son, has a mistriss that he wants to marry Anne Boleyn.
He overhauls catholic church with Act of Supermacy (1558) where Henry was head of the catholic church- Angelican which has the same beliefs as catholism but you can get divorced. Henry had a girl and then Henry has her beheaded. His third wife had a son, Edward VI.
Bloody Mary
catholic, she kills alot of protestants to make England catholic
Council of Trent
1545-1565, 200 reps layed out ground work for catholism,
1) denowed protestant faith
2) Reforms- stop taking mistresses, stop waving wealth around, stricter on indulgences
3) Peace of Hughburgs- Charles V granted the Princes of Holy Roman Empire the power to chose religion for there city
adult baptism, complete seperation between church and state, rejected material world and laws, only following word of God,m peaceful, left alone, lived in perfect communities, protestants and catholics thought they were a threat to society, formed a christian army and toke them down, biggest Battle was in the City of Munster
Doctrine- faith alone to explain how humans achieved salvation and the all-powerful nature of God, idea of Predestination which is where Gods decides before you were born if you would go to heaven or hell
Geneva: swiss, renounce catholism, John Calvin becomes the leader and ruled by religion and he ran a tight ship (theorocracy)
Social Class and Family Life in Italian Renaissance
1)Clergy: religious figures, leway in society, dont pay taxes
2)Nobles: inherited wealth
3) Townspeople: 1st group- trademen, artisans, merchants, and bankers
2nd group- peasants, realtively poor

Northern Renaissance
Christian Humanism
- which was to reform the catholic church
Protestant Family Life
reading the classics and basic works of christianity so they would become more of a good christian, Christian humaniat believed that in order to change society they would have to change human beings

-- the marriage ade was noble women 16-20, and the men were 30-40 because they were fertile, marry up to the social class, marriage went to the biggest dowry