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44 Cards in this Set

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To what office did George Washington appoint Alexander Hamilton?

Secretary of the Treasury

Who did George Washington appoint Secretary of State?

Thomas Jefferson

The rivalry between Hamilton and Jefferson led to what?

The first political parties.

What issue divided Congress when Washington took office?

How strong the national government should be.

How many executive departments did Congress decide there should be?


What would the Department of State handle?

Relations with other nations.

What would the Treasury Department handle?

The nation's finances.

What would the Department of War handle?

It was established to defend the nation.

What other two positions were created? What were their responsibilities?

The attorney general would be the president's legal advisor and the postmaster general would head the postal system.

What was the biggest problem facing the new government?

A lack of funds.

What did congress agree to tax?

An excise tax was placed on whiskey and other luxury items.

To what did this tax lead?

The Whiskey Rebellion.

What was the Whiskey Rebellion?

A revolt by farmers in 1794 against an excise tax on whiskey.

What did the "Whiskey Boys" do to protest?

Tarred and feathered tax collectors.

What was the French Revolution?

In 1789, the French people rebelled against their king and became a republic. Americans were thrilled.

What party did Jefferson and his followers begin?

The Democratic-Republicans, or Republicans for short.

How did the Republicans feel about the French Revolution?

They saw it as a great crusade for democracy.

What party did Hamilton and his followers begin?

The Federalist Party

How did the Federalists feel about the French Revolution?

They feared that their safety could be in danger.

At the end of his second term, Washington announced he would not run for president again. What did he issue?

Washington's Farewell Address

What did Washington warn about in his farewell address?

He warned about problems with other nations and about fighting between political parties.

Who did Hamilton and the Federalists feel should be running the country?

Educated, wealthy, and public-spirited men.

What type of government did Federalists favor?

A strong national government.

On what did Hamilton and the Federalists want to base the economy?

Business, manufacturing, and trade.

What was one of the first things Federalists wanted the government to do?

Pay off war debt.

What did Hamilton want Congress to create?

A national bank which would help the government collect taxes and establish a more stable currency.

What type of construction of the Constitution did Hamilton and the Federalists support?

loose construction which would give Congress powers beyond those listed in the Constitution.

What type of government did Republicans favor?


What type of government did Republicans favor?

Weak national and strong state governments.

What type of construction of the Constitution did Republicans favor?

strict construction meaning Congress only had the powers specifically listed in the Constitution.

On what did Republicans want to base the country's economy?


Who won the election of 1796? To what party did he belong?

John Adams. He was a Federalist.

Who became the vice-president in 1796? To what party did he belong?

Thomas Jefferson. He was a Republican.

What laws, aimed at non-citizens, were passed which made life difficult for the Republicans?

The Alien and Sedition Acts.

What did the Alien and Sedition Acts do?

It took longer for immigrants to become citizens. Sedition, or encouraging rebellion against the government, was made a crime.

What is states' rights theory?

The theory that rights not specifically given to the federal government belong to the states.

Where was the nation's capital moved during the election of 1800?

To Washington, DC.

In the election of 1800, who did the Republicans support?

Thomas Jefferson for president and Aaron Burr for vice-president.

Who did the Federalists support in the election of 1800?

John Adams for president and Charles Pinkney for vice-president.

What was the outcome of the election?

Jefferson and Burr tied with 73 electoral votes.

What did the tie lead to?

The Twelfth Amendment which would prevent ties.

Who was elected President?

Thomas Jefferson

The election of 1800 was a victory for which party?

The Republicans.

Why did Jefferson call the Election of 1800 a "peaceful revolution"?

Power changed peacefully between the parties involved.