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22 Cards in this Set

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def. of money
set of assets in an economy that people regularly use to buy goods and services from other people
3 functions of money
medium of exchange
unit of account
store of value
def. of liquidity
describes how easily an asset can be converted into the economy's medium of exchange
what is the most liquid asset?
assets included in M1
currency,demand deposits, travelers checks, other checkable deposits
Def. of fractional-reserve banking
only keeping the required amount in banking system
Who runs the federal reserve?
the board of directors
what is the board of directors?
7 people appointed by the president. 14-year terms
who is the chairman of the fed?
Ben bernacke
what is the federal open market committee?
includes the 7 board of directors and 5 of the 12 presidents of the main banks who get to vote on policies. The 5 always rotate, but NY always has a vote
Why is the Fed independent of the President of the U.S. and Congress?
--congress and pres cannot override decisions
--the fed doesnt need congress' funding
--fed is privately held corporation
2 main purposes of the Fed
1. regulate banking system and ensure their "health"
2. increase/decrease the money supply
Actual reserves =
Required reserves =
Excess reserves =
Required reserve ratio =
**deposits that banks have received and not loaned out
**required amt banks need to have on hand
**actual reserves - required reserves
**fraction of deposits banks hold as reserves
Definition of the money multiplier
amt of money the banking system generates with each dollar of reserves... 1/ratio
3 tools of the Fed and how changes affect money supply
1. Required reserve ratio
-decreasing ratio increases M1
2. discount rate
-decreasing reate increases M1
3. open market operations
-increasing deposits increases M1
What is the increase in M1 called?
expansionary monetary policy
what is the decrease in M1 called?
contractionary monetary policy
when are the immediate and over-time changes taken place under the open market operations?
-immediate change when deposits go straight to Fed
-more slow change when deposits go to banks and then fed
How does the open market operations increase M1 and how do they decrease M1?
Increase by BUYING gov. bonds
Decrease by SELLING gov. bonds
Def. of discount rate
interest rate charged by the fed on loans it makes to banks
Def. of open market operations
purchase or sale of U.S. gov. bonds by the FED in the open market
Def. of federal funds rate
short term interest rate that banks charge on another for loans...loans are overnight