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25 Cards in this Set

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What is the cardiovascular system?

A closed system of the heart and blood vessels

What is the function of the cardiovascular system

Is to deliver oxygen and nutrients and to remove carbon dioxide and other waste products

What is the pericardium?

A double walled sac

What are the three layers of the heart wall




Which vein drains the thorax

The Azygous vein

Where do the L and R brachiocephalic veins receive venous blood from

Subclavian veins

Vertebral veins

Inter jugular veins

What are the final branches of the aorta

The L and R common iliac arteries

Which veins drain the legs

Anterior and posterior tibial veins

Which veins are the longest of the body

Great sapherous veins

Which vein drains the right ovary in females and right testicle in males

The right gonadal vein

Which vein drains into the kidneys

Left and right renal veins

What does the hepatic portal vein do

Drains the digestive organs and travels through the liver before it enters systemic circulation

Which veins drain the liver

Left and right hepatic veins

Which artery serves the brain stem and cerebellum

The basilar artery

How are the anterior and posterior blood supplies United

By a small communicating arterial branches

What does the placenta do for the baby

Through this, the baby is able to receive gases, nutrients and waste

What three vessels does the umbilical cord contain

The umbilical vein

And the umbilical arteries (2)

What does the liver help maintain

Proper glucose


And protein concentrations in blood

What is your pulse

The pressure wave of your blood

What percentage does your pulse average

70-76 beats per minute at rest

Which pressure do you write first when taking blood pressure

Systolic and then diastolic

What do the letters CO and PR stand for

CO- is the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle

PR- is peripheral resistance

What is stroke volume?

The volume of blood pumped per heart beat

What are the three layers of the micro anatomy

Tunic intima

Tunic media

Tunic externa

What is the first branch of the abdominal aorta

The celiac trunk