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224 Cards in this Set

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The combining form tom/o is defined as "cut" or "section."
A condition of abnormal narrowing is known as uremia.
Which term is defined as a herniation of the urinary bladder?
Professional organizations have developed codes of ethics that summarize the basic principles and behavior that are expected of all practitioners in that discipline.
A kidney condition characterized by numerous cyst-like polyps occupying much of the kidney tissue is known as polycystic kidney disease.
A research subject must be made aware of all the risks involved with the research.
Which one of the following is NOT one of the requirements associated with an employee who wants to "blow the whistle" on a potentially dangerous situation?
Be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the actions are negligent.
If someone alleges, or declares without proof, that a physician has committed a criminal act, the AMA is under no obligation to report it to the state licensing board or governmental agency.
The involuntary discharge of urine is:
The term that is defined as "a congenital defect resulting in the abnormal positioning of the urinary meatus to the underside of the penis" is:
The abnormal accumulation of urine within the urinary bladder is called urinary suppression.
An x-ray image of the renal pelvis is known as a pyelogram.
The ability to alter the basic structure of life to correct a malfunction is the goal of genetic engineering.
Which one of the following is NOT one of the three reasons that are most frequently given to oppose cloning?
Playing God
Ethical behavior, according to the AMA, refers to moral principles or practices, the customs of medical professionals, and matters of medical policy.
A race-based selection of research patients is always unethical.
A clone is a group of genetically identical cells that come from a single cell. Thus, cloning makes an exact replication of a parent or a cell.
The prevention of disability and death are all aims of health care. Human experimentation is considered necessary for medical progress to occur.
Which procedure pushes a patient's blood through permeable membranes to remove wastes and excess ions that accumulate during normal body functions?
The inability to pass urine is called:
what is the oldest code of ethics or principles that govern conduct of those practicing medicine?
the COde of Hammurabi.
who is referred to as the father of medicine?
What famous document did Hippocrates write?
the hippocratic oath.
What is the AMA?
American medical association.
what is ethical behavior according to the AMA?
moral principles, practices, the customs of the medical profession, and matters of medical policy.
is it ethical or unethical for physicians to decline patients due to race or color?
it is unethical.
what is a censure?
what is expulsion?
being forced out.
define alleges.
declares without proof.
define revocation.
to take away.
what is the role of the judicial council opinions of the AMA?
to interpret and create published opinions for AMA members.
who creates codes of ethics for the nurses?
the international council of nurses and the american nurses association.
who creates the code of ethics for the medical assistants around the country?
the American association of medical assistants.
what are the five most pressing ethical issues in biotech medicine?
1. protecting human subjects in clinical trials
2. affordability
4.stem cell research
5. defending the united states against terrorism.
what does UNOS mean?
united network for organ sharing.
what is one of the most discussed bioethical issues today?
who shall recieve an organ transplant.
what does posthumous mean?
after death.
what is the social utility method of allocation?
a basis for determining the allocation of organs is to give them to patients who will benefit the most.
what is the legal entity in the US responsible for allocating organs for transplantation?
the united network for organ sharing (UNOS)
what forbids the sale of organs in interstate commerce?
the national organ transplant law of 1984.
what is an AIH?
an artificial insemination husband.
what is an AID?
an artificial insemination donor.
human experimentation is necessary for medical progress to occur. T/F?
what is nontheraputic research?
research that will not directly benefit the research subjects.
what is theraputic research?
a form of medical research that may directly benefit the research subject
what is an IRB?
an institutional review board.
what is whistleblowing?
when employees publicly report a potentially dangerous situation in their organization to authorities who can take corrective action.
what is the human genome project?
it was a research program started by the federal government and it estimated how many genes each of us had.
what is a human genome?
a complete set of genes.
what is the goal of genetic engineering?
the ability to alter the basic structure of life to correct a malfunction.
what is a clone?
a group of genetically identical cells that come from a single common cell.
what is gene therapy?
it is when a gene is spliced, or connected, onto the DNA of body cells to control the production of a particular substance is still in its infancy.
what are stem cells?
they are considered the master cells in the body that can generate specialized cells.
albumin/o means?
blast/o means?
developing cell.
glomerul/o means?
little ball, glomerulus.
gluc/o, glyc/o, and glycos/o mean?
sweet, sugar.
meat/o means?
opening, passage.
nephr/o means?
pyel/o means?
renal pelvis.
ren/o means?
ureter/o means?
urethr/o means?
ur/o and urin/o mean?
the field that specializes in the treatment of the kidney is?
an- means?
without or absence of.
dia- means?
dys- means?
bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult.
poly- means?
excessive, over, or many.
albumin/o means?
albumin ( a protein)
azot/o means?
urea, nitroge.
bacteri/o means?
azot/o means?
urea or nitrogen.
hem/o and hemat/o mean?
ket/o and keton/o mean?
noct/o means?
olig/o means?
few in number.
prote/o means?
py/o means?
-emia means?
condition of blood.
-urea means?
-uresis means?
-uria means?
pertaining to urine or urination.
an- means?
without or absence of.
dia- means?
dys- means?
bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult.
en- means?
within, upon, on, or over.
epi- means?
upon, over, above, or on top.
hypo- means?
deficient, abnormally low, or below.
poly- means?
excessive, over, or many.
albumin/o means?
azot/o means?
urea or nitrogen
bacter/o means?
blast/o means?
germ or bud.
cyst/o means?
glomerul/o means?
ball or glomerulus.
hemat/o means?
hydr/o means?
ket/o and keton/o mean?
lith/o means?
nephr/o means?
olig/o means?
few in number.
prote/o means?
py/o means?
pyel/o means?
renal pelvis.
ren/o means?
spadias/o means?
rip or tear.
sten/o means?
ur/o means?
ureter/o means?
urethr/o means?
-al means?
pertaining to.
metoprolol tartrate
-emia means?
condition of blood.
-ia and iasis mean?
condition of.
-ic means?
pertaining to.
-itis means?
-megaly means?
abnormally large.
-oma means?
-osis means?
condition of.
-pathy means?
-ptosis means?
-sis means?
state of.
-urea means?
-uria means?
pertaining to urine or urination.
cystitis is?
inflammation of the urinary bladder.
cystocele is?
herniation of the urinary bladder.
cystolith is?
a stone or a calculus in the urinary bladder.
define enuresis.
involuntary release of urine which usually occurs due to lack of bladder control amongst kids or the elderly.
if it enuresis occurs during night is called?
nocturnal enuresis.
what is a epispadias?
a congenital defect resulting in the abormal positioning of the urinary meatus.
what is glomerulonephritis?
inflammation of the glomeruli.
what is hydronephrosis?
distension of the renal pelvis.
what is hypospadias?
the change in location of the urinary meatus is ventral.
define incontinence.
the inability to control urination.
what is nephritis?
inflammation of the kidney.
what is a nephroblastoma?
a tumor originating from kidney tissue that includes developing embryonic cells.
a nephroblastoma is aslo called what?
a Wilms tumor.
what is nephrolithiasis?
the presence of one or more stones within a kidney.
what is nephroma?
a tumor arising from the kidney.
what is nephromegaly?
an abnormal enlargement of one or both kidneys.
define nephroptosis.
the sondition of a downward displacement of a kidney.
what is polycystic?
many numerous cyst occupying much of the kidney tissue.
what is pyelitis?
inflammation of the renal pelvis.
what is pyelonephritis?
inflammation of the renal pelvis and nephrons.
what are stricture?
condition of abnormal narrowing.
what is uremia?
an excess of urea and other nitrogenous wastes present in the blood.
define ureteritis.
inflammation of a ureter.
what is a ureterocele?
a herniated ureter.
define ureterolithiasis.
the presence of one or more stones within a ureter.
what is urinary retention?
the abnormal accumulation of urine within the urinary bladder
what is urinary suppression?
an acute stoppage of urine formation by the kidneys
what is a urinary tract infection?
an infection of the urinary organs usually the urethra and urinary bladder.
a- means?
without or absence of.
dia- means?
cyst/o means?
hemat/o and hem/o mean?
lith/o means?
meat/o means?
nephr/o means?
peritone/o means?
pyel/o means?
renal pelvis.
ren/o means?
son/o means?
tom/o means?
to cut.
ureter/o means?
ur/o and urin/o mean?
vesic/o means?
-al means?
pertaining to.
-ectomy means?
surgical excision or removal.
-gram means?
a record or image.
-graphy means?
recording process.
-is means?
pertaining to.
-lysis means?
loosen or dissolve.
-meter means?
measuring instrument.
-pexy means?
surgical fixation.
-plasty means?
surgical repair.
-rrhapy means?
-scopy means?
process of viewing.
-stomy means?
surgical creation of an opening.
-tomy means?
incision or to cut.
-tripsy means?
surgical creation.
what does BUN mean?
blood urea nitrogen.
what is blood urea nitrogen?
a clinical lab test that measures urea concentration in a sample of blood as a indicator of kidney function.
what is creatinine?
a normal component of urine and is a byproduct of muscle metabolism.
what is a cystetomy?
the surgical removal of the urinary bladder.
what is a cystogram?
an X-ray of the urinary bladder.
what is a cystourethrogram?
a image of the bladder and the ureters.
define cystolithotomy?
a procedure in which an incision is made through the urinary bladder to remove a stone.
what is cystoplasty?
surgical repair of the urinary bladder.
define cystorrhapy.
suturing of the urinary bladder wall.
what is cystoscopy?
a procedure using a modified endoscope to view the interior of the urinary bladder.
what is cystostomy?
the surgical creation of an artificial opening into the urinary bladder.
what is cystotomy?
an incsioin through the urinary bladder. it is also called a vesicotomy.
what is fulguration?
a surgical procedure that destroys living tissue with an electric current.
what is hemodialysis?
a procedure that pushes a patient's blood through permeable membranes within an instrument.
what is lithotripsy?
a surgical technique that applies sound waves to pulverize or dissolve stones into smaller pieces so that they may pass though in urine.
what is nephrectomy?
a surgical procedure removing a kidney.
an image of the kidney is called a ?
what is nephrology?
the medical field that specializes in the kidneys.
what is nephrolysis?
a surgical procedure in which abnormal adhesions are removed from a kidney, loosening the organ.
define nephropexy.
surgical fixation of a loosened kidney.
define nephroscopy.
visual examination of kidney nephrons
what is nephrosonography?
an ultrasound procedure done on the kidney to provide visual examination.
define nephrostomy.
a procedure that surgically creates an opening though the body wall and into a kidney.
what is a nephrotomogram?
a record or image of the internal structures of the kidney.
what is pereitoneal dialysis?
it removes toxins and wastes asa replacement for kidney function.
what is a pyelogram?
an image of the renal pelvis.
what is pyelolithotomy?
a surgery performed to remove a stone from the renal pelvis invloving an incision into the kidney.
what is pyeolplasty?
surgical repair of the renal pelvis.
what is renography?
an examination using nuclear medicine by intravenous injection of radioactive material into the patients kidney.
what is specific gravity?
the measurement of the density of substances in a liquid compared to water.
what is ureterostomy?
the surgical creation of an external opening from the ureter to the body surface.
what is uretertomy?
an incision into the wall of the ureter.
what is urethropexy?
surgical fixation of the urethra.
what is urethroplasty?
surgical repair of the urethra.
what is urethrostomy?
the surgical creation of an opening through the urethra.
what is urethrotomy?
an incision into the wall of the urethra.
what is urinalysis?
clinical lab tests done on a specimen of urine.
wha is a catheter?
a flexible tube inserted into an opening of the body to transport fluids in or out.
what is urinary endoscopy?
the procedural us of an endoscope to observe internal structures of the urinary system.
what is an urinometer?
an instrument used that measures specific gravity in a sample of urine.
what is a urologist?
the medical field specializing in disorders of the urinary system.
what does vesicourethral mean?
a surgery performed to stabilize the position of the urinary bladder.