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35 Cards in this Set

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lustrous, malleable, good conductors of heat and electricity
nonlustrous, brittle, and poor conductors
where are malloids found on the periodic table
bordering the heavy diagonal line and may have properties of both metal and non metals
do metals gain or lose electrons to form positive ions
do nonmetal gain or lose electrons to form negative ions
the radii of the atoms tend to what down each group
the radii of the atoms tend to what from left to right across a period
for each step down a group what is added to the atom
energy level
ionization energy
energy required to remove an electron from the atom
the most chemically active metals are located where
lower left of the periodic table
nonmetals have realativley large what compared to metals
ionization energies
where are the most active nonmetals located at on the periodic table
upper right corner of the periodic table
lewis structure
a representation that shows the valence electrons for that atom
when energy is released what is more stable then the other
the products are more stable then the reactants
ionic bond
attraction between oppositely charged ions
when are ionic bonds formed
when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another
substances with ionic bonds do not exist as what
metals ____ electrons to attain the electron configuration of a noble gas.
lose electrons
on the periodic table where are the representative metals
Groups 1A,2A,3A
In the periodic table where are the transition metals
Group B
covalent bond
consist of a pair of electrons shared between two atoms.
founder of covalent bonding
G.N. Lewis
most predominant chemical bond
true molecules exist in substances in which the atoms are what
covalently bonded
polar covalent bond
unequal sharing of electrons
the attractive force that an atom of an element has for shared electrons in a molecule or polyatomic ion.
a partial charge is indicated by what greek letter
if the electronegativities are the same what is it called
nonpolar covalent
molecule that is electrically asymmetrical, causing it to be oppositely charged at two points
as the difference in electronegativity increases, what else increases
the polarity of the bond
structure of water
nonlinear.it is bent and polar.
a molecule or ion that has multiple correct lewis structures shows what?
resonance structure
a molecule or ion that has multiple correct lewis structures.Each of these lewis structures is a resonance structure.
what is a polyatomic ion
stable group of atoms that has either a positive or a negative charge and behaves as a single unit in many chemical reactions.
The Valence Shell electron pair repulsion model is based on what
based on the idea that electron pairs will repel eachother electrically and will seek to minimize the repulsion.