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82 Cards in this Set

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composed of the occipitofontalis muscle and a broad epicranial aponeurosis

Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis

is superificial to the frontal bone of the forehead

- raises the eyebrow and wrinkles the skin of the forehead

Occipital Belly

covers the posterior side of the head

- retracts the skull slightly

Corrugator supercilli

draws the eyebrows together and creates a vertical wrinkle lines above the nose

orbicularis occuli

circular muscle fiver that surronds the orbit

- the eyelid closes when it contracts

Levator Palpebrae Superioris

elevates the upper eyelid when you open your eyes


elevates the corners of the nostrils


wrinkles the nose

Orbicularis Oris

consists of muscle fivers that encircle the opining of the mouth

- when contracts: you open your mouth

Depressor Libii Inferioris

it pulls the lower lip inferiorly

Depressor anguli oris

the frown muscle

-pulls the corner of the mouth inferiorly

levator labii superioris

pulls the upper lip superiorly

Levatos anguli oris

pulls the corner of the mouth superiorly and laterally

Zygomatic Major/ Minor

work with the levator anguli oris muscles

- help when you smile


attached to the lower lip

- protrudes the lower lip


tenses the skin of the neck and pulls the lower lip inferiorly


compresses the cheack against the teeth when we chew

Extrinsic eye muscles

move the eyes

common tendinous ring

the origin of the rectus eye muscles

Medial rectus

attaches to the antermedial surface of the eye and pulls the eye medially

Lateral rectus

attaches to the anterlateral surface of the eyes and pulls the eye laterally

Inferior rectus

attaches to anterinferior part of the sclera and pulls the eye inferiorly

superior rectus

attaches to the anteriorsuperior part of the scelra and pulls the eye superiorly

Inferior Oblique

elevates the eye and turns the eye laterally and attaches to the posterior part of the eye

Superior Oblique

depresses the eye and tunes the eye laterally


pulley loop in whcih the the superior olbique passes through


refers to the process of chewing


broad, fan shaped muscles that extends form the temporal lines of the skull and inserts on the coroniod process of the mandible

- elevates and retracts the mandible


elevates and protracts the mandible

- superficial to the temporalis

Lateral/ Medial Pterygoid

muscles arise form the lateral pyergoid plates of the sphenoid bones and insert on the mandible

- protract the mandible and move it form side to side during chewing

Intrinsic Muscles

curl and squeeze, and fold the tongue during chewing and speaking

Extrinsic Muscles

origin on other head and neck structures and insert on tongue


origin on the mandible and protract the tongue


originate on the styloid process of the temporal bone

- elevate and retract the tongue


orginate from the hyoid bone and insert on sides of tongue

- depress and retract the tongue


originate on the soft palate and elevate the posterior portion of the tongue


"throat" is a funnel shapes tube that lies posterior to and extends inferiorly form both the oral and nasal cavities

Pharyngeal Constrictors

Initiate swallowing and force the bolus inferiorly into the esophagus

hyoid muscles

are associated to the floor of the mouth


originates form the mental spines of the mandible and inserts on the hyoid bone

- elevates the hyoid bone


provides muscular floor to the mouth


originates form the styloid process of the skull and inserts on the hyoid

- elevates the hyoid causing the floor of the oral cavity to elongate during swallowing

Infrahyoid muscles

contact to influence the position of the hyoid bone and the larynx

-depresses the hyoid or depress the thyroid cartilage of the pharynx

omohyoid muscles

depresses the hyoid bone

sternothyroid bone

depresses the thyroid bone and elevates the thyroid bone to close off the larynx during swallowing


muscle that extends from the sternum and clavicle to the mastoid process posterior to the ear

-flexes the neck and rotation of head

spenius capitis/seplenius cervicis/ semispinalis capitis, and lognissimus capitis

extend the neck

Oblique Muscles

turn the head to the same side

Rectus Muscles

extend the neck and muscles

Erector Spinae

maintain posture and help an individual stand erect

3 groups of Erector Spinae Muscles




Illiocostalis group

most laterally placed and it is composed of cervical thoracic and lumbar

Logissimus Group

medial to the iliocastalis group and iserts on the tranverse process of the vertebrae

- composed of capitis, vrvial and thoracic

Spinalis Group

medially placed of the erector spine muscles and insert of the spinous process of the vertebrae


Transversospinalis Muscles

conncect and stablize the vertebrae

Quadratus Lumborum

muscles are located primarily in the lumbar region

- extend the vertebral column

serratus posterior superior

attaches to ribs 2-5 and elevates the ribs during inspiration

Serratus posterior inferior

attaches to ribs 8-12 and depresses the those ribs during expiration

external intercostals

extend intercostals from the superior rib to the adjacent inferior rib

- assist in expanding the thoracic cavity by elevating the ribs during inhalation

Internal intercostals

lie deep to the external intercostals and they depress the ribs nut only during forced exhalation


dome shaped muscle that forms a partition between the thoracic and abdominal cavities

- most important muscle for breathing

central tendon

a strong aponeurosis that is the insertion tendon for all peripheral muscle fibers of the diaphragm

external oblique

large superficial muscle sheet

- lateral flexion of vertebral column; rotation vertebral column to opposite side

- flexes vertebral column and compresses abdominal wall

Internal oblique

middle muscle sheet. deep to external oblique ands superficial to transversus abdominis

- lateral flexion of vertebrae column and rotates the vertebral column to opposite side

- flexes vertebral column and compresses abdominal wall

Transversus Abdominis

deepest of the 3 muscles sheets; fibers project horizontally

- lateral flexion of vertebral column

- flexes vertebral column; compresses abdominal wall

Rectus Abdominis

extend from the thoracic cages to the pubis; segmented by three perpendicular tendinous intersections

- flexes vertebral column and compresses abdominal wall

Rectus sheath

encloses rectus abdominis which is formed from apenuerosis of the external oblique, internal oblique and trenversus adominis muscles

linea alba

connect the left and right rectus sheath

pelvic diaphram

composed by three layers of muscles and associated fasciae


pulls the coccyx anteriorly after its posterior deflection during defecation or child birth `

external anal sphincter

assist in defecation

levator ani

largest and most important collection of muscles in the pelvic floor

- supports the pelvic viscera and functions as a sphincter at the anorectal junction, urethra, and vagina

Muscles that form leavtor ani

ilioccygeus, pubococcygeus and puberectalis


diamond shaped region between the lower appendages and has four significant landmarks

- pubic symphysis anteriorly, the coccyx posterity, and ischial tuberosisities

urogenital triangle

contains the external genital and urethra and anal triangle `

Superficial layer of Urogenital Triangle

Bulcospongiousus and isciocavernosus and superficial transverse perineal

Superficial Transverse Perineal

supports the pelivc organs


assits erection of penis or clitoris


Narrows vaginal opening and ejects urine or semen

Deep layer of Urogenital triangle

deep transverse perineal muscle and external urethral sphincter

Deep transverse perineal muscle

suppports the pelvic organs

External urethral sphincter

constricts urethra to voluntarily inhibit urination