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50 Cards in this Set

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the branch of psychology concerned with individual behaviors and lifestyles affecting a person's health and illness
health psychology
a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
central to linking the mind(realm of psych) and the body(realm of biology) in understanding health and illness
biopsychosocial model of health
the most significant health problem of our time; caused by HIV human immunodeficiency disorder, this disease is sexually transmitted and destroys the body's immune sytem (spread through blood and sex)
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
situations in our lives that impose demands, sometimes excessive demands that produces feelings of tension
stress/stressor as a stimulus
an internal feeling or physical reaction to a particular event; feelings of irritability, lack of energy, and headaches; increased heart rate, feelings of anxiety, or constant worrying are the consequences
stress as response
an interaction between the person and the environment; when environment imposes demands upon us
stress as a process
interpretation of events
appraisal processes
who developed the transactional or interactionist model of stress?
Richard Lazarus
appraises whether an event is stressful. can be irrelevant, beningn and positive, or harmful and negative
primary appraisal
appraises whether he or she can cope with the stressful event. thinks what strategies or coping options can be used
secondary appraisal
potential causes of stress
1) catastrophes
2) significant life changes
3) daily hassles
includes spousal battering, sexual abuse of female children, dowry-related violence, rape (including marital rape), female genital mutilation, nonspousal violence (including violence in intimate relationships), sexual harassment and intimidation at work and in school, the trafficking of women, forced prostitution, and rape in war
united nation's list of forms of violence against women (VAW)
effects on women violence
physical injuries, mental and emotional health consequences
first and most popular measure of stress. scale identifies major life events related to illness (1 to 100) higher the mean value, the greater the stress. value differs from person to person
Social Readjustment Rating Scale developed by Holmes and Rahe in 1967
-major source of stress
-composed of 117 different everyday events considered annoying like getting stuck in traffic or not having enough money
-Hassles Scale
a situation when stimuli are so intense that we can no longer cope with them
caused by overload or persistent daily hassles; characterized by feelings of hopelessness, chrnoic fatigue, and low energy
walter cannon described the body's response to stress using ________. [increased heart rate and respiration, divert blood to skeletal muscles, release fat from the body's stores, in effect preparing the body to either fight or fly away from the stressor]
fight or flight response
in this model of Hans Selye, there are three bodily responses
1) body mobilizes to respond to stress by activating the sympathetic nervous system
2)when the body tries to cope with the stressor through direct confrontation
3) when the body's resources may be depleted if stress continues over a substantial period
1) alarm stage
2) resistance stage
3) exhaustion stage
most common response to stress; when we are worried, tense, nervous or afraid
another common reaction; often implicated in aggression; can range from mild annoyance to uncontrollable rage
reaction in response to frustration or loss; might slip into depression; when we feel powerless to do anything abt the stress in our lives
a state of apathy, withdrawal, and inaction
learned helplessness
personality characterized by extreme anxiousness, intense sense of time urgency, an aggressive personality, an intence achievement motivation, and involvement in several different tasks at the same time. ppl who are these are excessively competitive, hard-driven, impatient, and hostile
Type A personality (shapoo! XD)
____ individuals tend to display better physical and psychological adaptation to stress while ____ individuals tend to feel they have little control over their lives, which causes ill health
optimistic, pessimistic
used to characterize people who are most resistant to stress, this trait consists of commmitment, challenge, and control
one who plays the role of caretaker not only of household matters, but of the family's emotional needs [filipino term]
when availability of money or economic resources allows for more options for coping and greater access to legal, medical, and other professional assistance
material support
provides emotional sustenance, tangible resources or material aid, and information when we are in need; help from friends, family, coworkers, etc
social support
the process of managing external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person (Lazarus and Folkman 1984)
efforts toward solving the problem
problem-focused coping
efforts to deal with emotions arising from the experience of the stressful event
emotion-focused coping
behavioral strategies under emotion-focused coping (4)
exercise, using alcohol or drugs, releasing anger, and seeking emotional support from friends
cognitive strategies (2)
setting the problem aside, "just forget it" or "don't think about it"
reappraise the situation and change the meaning of the event
unconscious strategies involving a certain amount of self-deception
defense mechanisms
occurs when memories are too painful and are unconsciously excluded from conscious awareness
means giving excuses like "i didnt really want it anyway"
recognizing our undesirable qualities in others but not in ourselves
means to be detached from the situation and to think of it in abstract terms
means not recognizing that there is a problem
means channeling a motive to a more acceptable outlet like banging the door to displace aggression
modifying the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that maintain one's problem
cognitive restructuring
idea here is to monitor what we tell ourselves so that we can change negative thoughts to positive ones
religious faith has been found to promote psychological well-being and to help people cope with stress. it also provides a meaningful way of thinking abt stressful events. true/false???
true. duh. =.='
the variety of interventions designed to help people cope better with stressors or with the negative emotions elicited by stressful events
stress management
the practice and system of thought that incorporates exercises to attain bodily or mental control and well-being, as well as enlightenment
Hargreaves model of stress management in four components,
examples of each are:
1) removing the cause
2) training
3) creating a positive image
4) healthy diet
1) changing the causes of stress
2) developing the skills to cope
3) working with the mind
4) a balanced lifestyle
culture affects the way we respond to stress. true/false?
[ex: individualistic culture/western vs collectivistic/eastern culture]
true. -.-'
4 key behavious that promote health.
-regular exercise
-proper nutrition
-not smoking
-sound sexual decision-making