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22 Cards in this Set

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Process of expressing feelings, asking for legitimate changes, and giving and receiving honest feedback.
Bases of power
Sources by which leaders gain and extend their influence over others; these bases include personal, legitimate, expert, reward, and coercive power.
Coercive power
Capacity to punish other people (or to create the perceived threat to do so) so as to influence them.
conditional strokes
Strokes offered to employees if they perform correctly or avoid problems.
Disagreement over the goals to attain or the methods to be used to accomplish them.
Facing a conflict directly and working through it to a mutually satisfactory resolution. Also known as problem solving or integrating.
Expert power
Power that arises from a person' knowledge of and information about a complex situation
Impression management
Ability to protect one's self-image while intentionally affecting another's assessment of oneself.
Interpersonal orientation
The dominant way of treating people that a person believes in and displays.
Legitimate power
Power that is delegated legitimately from higher-established authorities to others.
Mixed stroke
A message in which an indiviudal sends or (receives) a combination of both positive and negative messages; it is thus often unclear what the overall intent was meant to be.
Negative strokes
Recognition provided that hurts physically or emotionally when received and detracts from another's sense of well-being.
Norm of reciprocity
principle that two people in a continuing relationship feel a strong obligation to repay their social debts to one another.
Organizational politics
use of behaviors that enhance or protect a person's influence and self-interest.
Personal power
Ability of leaders to develop followers from the strength of their own personalitites.
Positive strokes
Recognition provided that feels good when received and contributes to another's sense of well-being.
Ability to influence other people and events.
Reward Power
Capacity to control and administer items that are valued by other people so as to influence them.
Performing any act of recognition for another person.
Capacity to depend on another's word or actions.
Unconditional strokes
Strokes presented without any connection to behavior.
Win-win outcome of conflict
Outcome in which both parties perceive that they are in a better position than they were before a conflict began.