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29 Cards in this Set

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the choosing of candidates within each party
announcing one's desire to run for public office; the most common way of becoming a candidate in the early 1800s
the card or other object on which voters indicate their choices in the election
a formal request to be listed on the ballot
write-in candidate
someone who will campaign without being listed on the ballot and who will ask voters to write his/her name on the ballot on election day
conferences held by the two major parties in which the party leaders decided (secretly) who the candidates would be
nominating convention
an official meeting of a political party in which candidates and delegates are chosen
persons sent to a higher-level convention to represent the people of a geographical area
Direct Primary
an election held within each party to pick candidates for the general election
closed primary
an election in which only party members vote to choose that party's candidates, and they vote only in the primary of their own party
open primary
a direct primary in which voters can vote for a party's candidates regardless of whether they belong to the party
blanket primary
a different version of the open primary; in which each voter receives a single large ballot listing each party's candidates for each nomination, and voters could choose candidates from different parties
more votes than any other candidate; this must be won to be declared the winner of an election
nonpartisan elections
elections in which candidates do not run under party labels
campaign manager
the person that coordinates and plans the campaign strategy
political consultant
the person that devises a campaign strategy, creates a campaign theme, and manages the image building of the candidate
image building
the use of public and private polls to mold the candidate's image to meet the particular needs of the campaign
tracking polls
polls taken almost every day to find out how well the candidates are competing for votes
negative campaign advertising
advertising attempts that try to discredit an opposing candidate in the eyes of the voters
soft money
a loophole; contributions made to political parties, instead of to that party's particular candidate
legal ways of evading certain legal requirements
general election
a regularly scheduled election in which voters choose who will hold many public offices
special election
held when an issue must be deicided before the next general election
Australian Ballot
the method of voting introduced in 1888; it has four features: (1) ballot is printed by election officials at public expense (2) ballot listed the names of all the candidates in an election (3) ballot was distributed only at the polling places to qualified voters (4) the actual voting was done in secret
Office-group ballot
a form of the Australian Ballot in which all candidates for each office are listed together
Party-column ballot
a form of the Australian Ballot which lists candidates under party labels
electoral college
a group of persons, called electors, who officially elect the president and vice president
those who serve on the electoral college
popular vote
the vote of the people (not the vote of the electoral college)