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35 Cards in this Set

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negative symptom in schizo marked by poverty of speech and of speech content
neg symptom in schizo where indiv is unable to feel pleasure
antipsychotic drugs
psychoactive drugs such as Thorazine that reduce psychotic symptoms but have long term side effects resembling symptoms of neurological diseases
a neg symptom of schizo marked by an inability to form close relationships and to feel intimacy
catatonic imobility
a fixity of posture sometimes grotesque, maintained for long periods with accompanying muscular ridigity, trancelike state of consciousness and waxy flexibility
a negative symptom in schizo where the indiv lacks interest and drive
catatonic schizo
a subtype of schizo whose primary symptoms alternate between stuperous immobility and excited agitation
delusional disorder
disorder where indiv has persistent persecutory delusions or delusions of jealousy and is very often contentious but has no thought disorder or hallucinations
delusional jealousy
unfounded conviction that one's mate is unfaithful; the indiv may collect small bits of "evidence" to justify the delusion
beliefs contrary to reality, firmly held in spite of evidence to the contrary; common in paranoid disorders; of control- blief that 1 is being manipulated by some external force such as radar, tv, or a creature from outer space; of grandeur or belief that 1 is an especially important or powerful person; of persecution belief that one is being plotted against or oppressed by others
dementia praecox
an older term for schizo chosen to describe what was believed to be an incurable and progressive deterioation of mental functioning beginning in adolescence
speech problems where the patient maybe more successfl in communicating with a listener but has difficulty sticking to 1 topic
disorganized speech
speech found in schizo that is marked by problems in the org of ideas and in speaking so that others can understand
disorganized schizo
in this subtype of schizo the person has diffuse and regressive symptoms; the indiv is given to silliness, facial grimaces, and inconsequential rituals and has constantly changeable moods and poor hygiene; few remissions and eventually considerable deterioration- formly called hebephronia
dopamine theory
in literature on schizo the amount of hostility and criticism directed from other people to the patient; usually with in a family
expressed emotion (EE)
in literature on schizo, the amount of hostility and criticism directed from other people to the patient, usually with in the family
flat affect
a deviation in emo response wherein virutally no emo is expressed whatever the stimulus emoitional expressiveness is blunted or a lack of expression and muscle tone is noted in the face
gradiose delusions
found in paranoid schizo, delusional disorder and mania an exaggerated sense of one's importance, power, knowledge, or identity
perceptions in any sensory modality without relevant and adequate external stimuli
ideas of reference
delusional thinking that reads personal sig into seemingly trivial remarks and activities of others and completely unrelated events
inappropriate affect
emo repsonse that are out of context such as laughter when hearing sad news
labeling theory
the gneral view that serious psychopathology such as schizo is caused by society's reactions to unusual behavior
loose associations (derailment)
in schizo an aspect of thought disorder where in the patient has difficulty sitcking to 1 topic and drifts off on a train of associations evoked by an idea from the past
negative symptoms
behavioral deficits in schizo such as flat effect and apathy
paranoid schizo
type of schizo where the patient has numerous systematized delusions as well as hallucinations and ideas of reference. he or she may also be agitated, angry, argumentative, and sometimes violent
positive symptoms
in schizo behavioral excesses such as hallucinations and bizarre behavior
prefrontal lobotomy
a surgical procedure that destroys the tracts connecting the frontal lobes to lower centers of the brain; once believed to be effective treatment for schizo
residual schizo
diagnosis given to patients who have had an episode of schizo but who presently show no psychotic symptoms though signs of the disorder do exist
aa group of psychotic disorders characterized by major disturbances in thought, emo, and behavior; disordered thinking in which ideas are not logically related; faulty perception and attention; bizarre disturbnaces in motor activity; flat or inappropriate emo and reduced tolerance from stress in interpersonal relations. patient withdraws from people and reality often into a fantasy life of delusions and hallucination
schizophrenogenic mother
cold dominant conflict inducing mom formerly believed to cause schizo in her child
social selection theory
an attempt to explain the correlation between social class and schizo by proposing that people with schizo mave down in social status
sociogenic hypothesis
generally an idea that seeks causes in social conditions for ex that being in a low social class can cause 1 to be schizo
thought disorder
a symptom of schizo evidenced by problems such as incoherence, loose associations, poverty of speech, and poverty of the content of speech
undifferentiated schizo
diagnosis given for patients whose symptoms do not fit any listed category or meet the criteria for more than 1 subtype
waxy flexibility
an aspect of catatonic immobility in which the patients limbcs can be moved in a variety of positions and maintained that way for unusually long periods of time