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54 Cards in this Set

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What was feminist theory designed to do?

Break down stereo types and free all humans to fulfill their potentials.

Which two philosophers gave some consideration to feminism?

Plato: positions for women within the ruling elite

John Stewart Mill: Married to Harriet Taylor and wrote many essays about the oppression of women.

What does the first wave of feminism refer to?

Feminist and liberation-oriented activities occurring around and before the women's suffrage movement.

Focus on anti-slavery then on equal rights for women; right to vote, own property, right to citizenship

Second Wave of Feminism

Feminist movement during the mid-1900's.

Characterized by:

-Women's liberation movement

-NOW ( national organization of women)

-Focus on women's political and personal experience

explored the oppression of men under patriarchy

Women vs. men

a mentality associated with the 2nd wave of feminism. View to be part of a developmental process of differentiation and self-definition

Third Wave Feminism (aka Contemporary Feminism)

-expansive and inclusive

-brings women and men together to work against social injustice

-the fight is against all systems that oppress and limit societal members regardless of where they fall on the gender continuum.

Raissa Epstein Adler

a radical socialist

married alfred adler in 1887

Karen Horney

-influential historical figure

Tyranny of the shoulds- a predecessor to REBT

womb envy

3 main points of Phyllis Chesler

1) psychotherapy for women replicated conditions associated with a sexist society oppressive toward women

2) women were labeled as disturbed if they did not want to engage in full-time parenting or wanted to venture out into the working world

3) many women were sexually violated during psychotherapy

Naomi Weisstein's Kinder, Kuche, kirche as scientific law: misogyny in the science of psychology

Described ways in which broad generalizations about women were articulated by experimental psychologists.

Broverman et al (1970) study

Studied sex-role stereotypes and clinical judgment of mental health professionals

Found that " the mentally healthy adult woman was not, in fact, an adult. in the eyes of the typical psychotherapist of the time, she was a lesser being whose attributes were less socially desirable.

Consciousness-raising groups

Loosely structured, non-hierarchical meetings that catalyzed the women's movement within and outside psychology.

they prompted psychological awareness.

What are the two sides of the principle illustrated by feminist consciousness-raising groups

1) isolating women enables oppression, but

2) connecting women with each other facilitates awareness, motivation and change.

Relational-cultural therapy

Jean Baker Miller & Judith Jordan

based on a model of human development that places connection at the center of growth. Humans grow within relationship throughout life. Sees the ideal of psychological separation as illusory and defeating b/c the human condition is one of lifetime interdependence.

What is the essence of feminist theory

A belief in human equality and an understanding that to create equality, a shift of existing paradigms about gender, sexuality, power and patriarchy has to occur.

How do Funderburk and Fukuyama define feminism?

The belief that human beings are of equal worth and that the pervading patriarchal social structures which perpetuate a hierarchy of dominance, based upon gender, must be resisted and transformed toward a more equitable system.

therapy as a subversive partnership

Brown (1994): psychotherapy should be subversive- the therapist and client working together to undermine the internalized and external patriarchal realities that serves as a source of distress and as a brake on growth/personal power


Brown (2010): near-universal hierarchical social systems in which attributes associated with maleness are privileged and those attributed to women are denigrated. Distress is not seen as pathological, but a response to being immersed in toxic patriarchal realities.

Implication of not having your sex determine your role in culture

1) equal responsibility for serving in the military

2) equal responsibility for providing income

3) equal responsibility for nurturing children

4) equal opportunities for all employment and education

6) no more enhanced opportunities based on skin color/ body shape, etc.

what is the first principle of feminist psychological theory

both biologically determined sexual characteristics and socially constructed gender-role expectations play a central role in understanding client experiences.


refers specifically and exclusively to the biological, physiological and anatomical characteristics associated with being female or male.


the socialized or socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities and attributes associated with identifying as female or male.


-individuals who don't fit into the dichotomous categories of male or female.

-were previously labeled as disorders of sexual development

-a less pathologizing label would be Developmental sex divergences

The struggle of the transgender populations stems from two main factors:

1) their presence in the population disturbs the neat and tidy normative sexual divisions between male and female

2) they are pathologized by psychiatry, mental health , and the general public.

Human development theorists believe we have two self-defining insights?

I am: The realization that the primary caregiver is distinct from self.

Occurs in infancy

I am a girl/ boy: awareness of our biological sex.)

Iron rule

Gilbert and scher ( 1999): For any psychological or cognitive variable studied by psychologists, the differences within each sex are always greater than the differences between the two sexes.

maleness and normative

the standard for whatever is considered normal, average or representative is set by maleness.

Conversely, anything deviating from male can be considered abnormal or inferior.

includes the assumption that male is valuable.

ethic of caring

Gilligan (1988): a revised perspective on moral development that includes women's voices

tend-and-befriend response

women's response to stress: caring for offspring under stress, joining social groups to reduce vulnerability, contributing to the development of social groups for resource exchange

What claim is fundamental to feminist therapy?

the personal is political

- personal problems are intertwined with an individual's social-political cultural setting

True or False: Feminist Therapy is primarily theory-driven and not necessarily linked to specific techniques or procedures


True or False: Feminist Therapy is eclectic


What are a few of the fundamental goals of feminist therapy ?

1) Helping clients see patterns and social forces that diminish their power

2) Encourage clients to reclaim power, authority and direction in their lives

3) Honoring and facilitating female ways of being

Informed Consent

It is more than just a document! Feminist therapists engage in ongoing informed consent

True or False: Feminist therapists are familiar with standard assessment procedures, but generally avoid using them

True!: assessment and diagnosis place problems within the psyche of the individual

Feminist avoid labeling nonconforming thoughts and behaviors as deviant because?

1) it discounts she or he who is described as such

2) it blocks our ability to look outside the individual to see forces, dynamics and structures that influence the development of such things.

Feminists work with clients to help them feel a sense of _______, as equals in interpersonal, work and intimate relationships...


Somatic Power

related to body image and comfort

When individuals are dis-empowered, it can be manifested negative body image or feeling dissociated from their bodies

Intrapersonal/intrapsychic power

when individuals are focused on things they cannot on change or are focused on other peoples thoughts/feelings

healthy forms of this power are linked to self awareness, clarity of purpose, being attuned to one's emotions

Interpersonal/social-contextual power

Associated with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness or isolation. Individuals might feel invisible or irrelevant.

Healthy forms of this power is linked to assertiveness

Spiritual/Existential Power

Involves feeling meaningless and disconnected

healthy forms of this power is linked to spiritual/ religious rituals or practices

Gender Role

Examining how client's feel about their gender role is an important part of feminist assessment

Can be helpful before/during or after break-ups.

Male Crisis

An apparent lack of career ambition in young men

measured by a significant drop in male enrollments in college.

According to feminist theory, the therapeutic relationship should have what two qualities?

Mutually empathic and egalitarian

Feminist Consciousness

The expression of anger is encouraged in the feminist therapy. Nurturing anger can facilitate feminist consciousness.

-involves becoming aware of balance and equality in roles and relationships


used to model openness and transparency, enhance relationship connection, to share experiences/ wisdom in a non-hierarchical manner, and to facilitate an egalitarian relationship

Pollack's Boy Code

The rules by which boys are requited to live

-An effort to increase awareness of the ways that contemporary gender-based stereotypes adversely affect males.


Miller and Jordan (2010)

Closely examines relationship connections, disruptions, and growth potential from mutually empathic relationships.

True or False: Feminists generally don't use outcomes assessments

True! Although, sometimes feminist therapies have therapists complete questionnaires about their behavior during therapy.

A few core concepts of RCT

1) people grow through and toward relationship throughout the life span

2) mutuality rather thsm separation characterizes mature functioning

3) relationship differentiation and elaboration characterize growth

What is at the core of feminist thinking?

Thr notion that the subjugation of any segment of thr human species based on race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sex, disability or sexual orientation is wrong

How did Worell and Johnson (2003) describe outcomes of feminist therapy?

Outcomes are suggestive and encouraging. When feminist therapy is articulated ina structured/ clearly definied model it provides positive outcomes for women in personal distress

8 tenets of feminist psychology

1) advocate inclusiveness

2) advocate equality

3) seek new knowledge

4) attend to context

8 tenets of feminist psychology continued

5) acknowledge values

6) advocate change

7) attend to process

8) expand psychological practice