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25 Cards in this Set

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Thomas Jefferson
He became president in 1801. He was a Democratic-Republican.
John Marshall
Chief Justice (judge) of the Supreme Court. He was a Federalist. He established JUDICIAL REVIEW.
Marbury versus Madison
A court case that helped set up judicial review. This means the Supreme Court has the final decision for interpreting the Constitution
violates the Constitution
judicial review
The Supreme Court has the final say (decision) for interpreting the Constitution
Louisiana Purchase
In 1803 a large amount of land was bought from France. This doubled the size of the US. The land cost $15 million.
Louis and Clark Expedition
In 1804 two men, Louis and Clark, explored the Louisiana land.
Kidnapping American sailors to work on British ships.
US government order American ships to NOT sail to foreign countries.
War Hawks
Americans who wanted war against Britain. They wanted Britain to stop helping the Indians and wanted Britain to leave Canada.
Francis Scott Key
wrote the Star-Spangled Banner song about seeing the American flag still flying after an all night battle during the war of 1812.
What kind of country did Thomas Jefferson want for the US?
He thought we should have more farming. Farmers and families will have strong morals (good behavior) and democratic values will continue.
How did Jefferson simplify (reduce) the federal government?
He ended taxes. He reduced the amount of federal workers and military.
Why did Jefferson have little power over the judiciary branch of government?
Because of the Judiciary Act of 1801. Many of the judges selected for the Supreme Court were Federalists.
What were the results of the court case of Marbury versus Madision?
Madison won. The law used by Marbury was UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The case set-up judicial review.
What river did the western settlers want to use?
Mississippi River
What was the port city of the Mississippi River?
New Orleans
After the French and Indian War, what country lost all of the Louisiana territory? (land)
After the French and Indian War, who got the Louisiana land?
The US and Spain signed a treaty, saying that the US can use the Mississippi River. What is that treaty called?
Pinckney's Treaty
In 1800, Spain gave the Louisiana to France's leader. What was his name?
President Jefferson offered to buy New Orleans from France. The French told him you can buy ALL the Louisiana territory. (land) What was this called?
The Louisiana Purchase
How much did the Louisiana land cost?
$15 million, 3 cents for each acre.
Why was the Louisiana Purchase so important?
It doubled the size of the US. (the US became much bigger)
Louis and Clark and Zebulon Pike explored the west. what were the effects (results) of all the exploration?
1. Accurate maps
2. Growth of fur trade
3. Great Plains were thought to be like a desert. People thought that area could not be used for farming. Wrong!