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41 Cards in this Set

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Whose presidency was known as the "Era of Good Feelings"?

James Monroe

Who was a Congressman from Kentucky, John Quincy Adams' Secretary of State,involved in the Corrupt Bargain, and wanted to use tariffs to build roads, bridges, and canals?

Henry Clay

Who was a Congressman from South Carolina, Andrew Jackson's vice president, believed in states rights, and supported slavery?

John C. Calhoun

From what European Country did most Central and South America get their independence from?


Why did President Monroe issue the Monroe Doctrine?

to warn European countries not to recolonize Central and South America

Who was elected by the House of Representatives in the Election of 1824?

John Quincy Adams

Who ran in the Election of 1828? Who won?

John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson won

What group of people did suffrage, the right to vote, extend to in the 1830's?

non- land owners

What was Andrew Jackson's role in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812?

Revolutionary War- captured courier

War of 1812- General

In what state did Andrew Jackson serve as a judge and US Representative?


In what war and battle did Andrew Jackson become a National War Hero?

War of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans

What Native American tribe did Andrew Jackson defeat at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend?

Creek Indians

In what election did Jackson encourage voters to support Martin Van Buren?


What tribe was forced from their lands even after they won their case in the Supreme Court?

The Cherokee Indians

Who hated the Tariff of Abominations, a protective tariff?

Southerners, southern planters, John C. Calhoun

What was the Trail of Tears a result of?

Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act

Why were the Seminole Wars fought?

To remove Native Americans from Florida- Adams- Onis Treaty was signed in 1819 and the US purchased Florida for 5 million

What state threatened to secede during the Nullifcation Crisis?

South Carolina

Nullify means to cancel

What did Henry Clay do in the Election of 1832 to try and get Jackson defeated?

He supported the Bank of the United States

Who was blamed for the economic depression of the late 1830's?

Martin Van Buren; which it resulted from Jackson destroying the bank

What tactics did William Henry Harrison use to get elected in the 1840 Election?

Hero of Tippecanoe, Man of the People, Log Cabin Campain, Entertainment (parades, barbecues)

What happened when someone tried to assassinate Andrew Jackson?

Both guns misfired

What compromise was reached in the Nullifcation Crisis?

a lower tariff

Included many former Federalists


Andrew Jackson was a member of this party


included many former Republicans


supported states and individual rights


included the wealthy manufacturers in the north


supported Southern Farmers and factory workers


Henry Clay was a member of this Party


Who quit his job as vice president over states' rights?

John C. Calhoun

Who sided with Andrew Jackson to support the Eaton's in the Petticoat affair and replaced John C. Calhoun?

Martin Van Buren

Who destroyed Prophetstown when he was governor of the Indiana Territory?

William Henry Harrison

Whose wife died before he became President from the stress of the campaign and personal criticism from the opposing party?

Andrew Jackson lost his wife Rachel

Who was taught to read by a minister and self taught himself to become a lawyer and judge?

Andrew Jackson

Who had a father elected as our 2nd president and he was elected our 6th president?

John Quincy Adams

Who died of pneumonia shortly after being elected president?

William Henry Harrison

Who once visited Plainfield, elementary is named after him?

Martin Van Buren

Who lost both his parents by the age of 15?

Andrew Jackson

Who wanted to build a national university, observatory, and museums when he was president?

John Quincy Adams

After most of Jackson's cabinet resigned, who became his advisors?

Kitchen Cabinet