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13 Cards in this Set

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The study of matter and the changes matter undergoes

Why is chemistry a central science?

Chemistry is at the core of all other sciences & without it we would experience primitive-like conditions

When did the study of chemistry begin?

In the 19th century & it advanced with technology in the 20th century

Macroscopic world

what we see, touch, and measure directly

Microscopic world

what we see via modern technology

How do chemists make observations and come up with explanations about phenomena?

data comes from large phenomena and explanations come from microscopic atoms and particles (see in the macro world and think in the micro world)

Scientific method

a systematic approach to research used in all sciences

List the steps on the scientific method

(1) Observe: define a problem (2) Representation: perform experiments, make observations, and record data via symbols and chemical equations (3) Interpretation: explain the observations via a hypothesis & retest to ensure validity


a possible explanation for a set of observations

Qualitative data

general observations about systems

Quantitative data

comprising numbers determined through measuring the system


a concise statement of a relationship between phenomena that is always the same under the same conditions


a unifying principle that explains a body of facts and/or those laws based around them