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57 Cards in this Set

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What is marketing?
Determining the needs of a targeted group of consumers and satisfying those needs by using the 4 P’s
of marketing to create an immediate exchange of value and a long term relationship.
What is a target market/group?
Specific subset of consumers who share similar needs/wants
What are the four P's?
product, price, promotion, place

Product –physical good, service, idea

–Price –value to be exchanged

–Promotion –how communicated

–Place –where available
During the immediate exchange, what should both parties see?

Both parties must see value during the immediate exchange.
Important concept of marketing is the LTR. True or false: LTR is guaranteed as you win customers.
False; LTR is not guaranteed; must focus and build life time value of customer.
What is the idea of "how to sell soap?"
Word-of-mouth is powerful. Better than most all other advertisements like billboards.
A marketer's company philosophy should focus on...? What type of orientation or concept is this?
Meeting the needs of customer.

Marketing orientation.
What is the marketing concept/market orientation?
Purpose of the organization is to satisfy consumer needs/wants, while meeting organizational objectives

Key question –what does the customer want?
What is at the center of the marketing concept?
The customer is the center of the universe.
Define the production orientation
–Focus is on internal capability and technology
–Key question: what does the firm do best?
Define the sales orientation
–Focus is on aggressive sales techniques

–Key question: how can we sell more of what we have?
Marketing concept:
"____ what you can ___ rather than _____ what you can ____"
Make what you can sell rather than sell what you can make

Focus on making what consumers desire.
Define 'Societal Marketing Orientation'
–Focus is on enhancing benefits to society

–Key question: how can I meet consumer needs and benefit society?
AMA Definition of Marketing
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
Define 'exchange'
People giving up something to receive something they would rather have.
True or false; Marketing is a process that focuses on delivering value and benefits to customers, not just selling goods, services, and/or ideas.
True or False; Marketing is a philosophy, an attitude, a perspective, or a management orientation that stresses customer satisfaction. Second, is an organization function and a set of processes used to implement this philosophy.
What are the conditions of exchange?
1) There must be at least two parties
2) Each party has something that might be of value to the other.
3) Each party is capable of communication and delivery.
4) Each party is free to accept or reject the exchange offer.
5) Each party believes it is appropriate or desirable to deal with the other.
What orientation focuses on the internal capabilities of the firm rather than on the desires and needs of the marketplace?

Manager asks "what can we do best? What can our engineers design? What is easy to produce, given our equipment?"

EX: Furniture industry.
Why does a production orientation fall short?
Because it does not consider whether the goods and services that the firm produces most efficiently also meets the needs of the marketplace.
What orientation is based on the ideas that people will buy more goods and services if aggressive sales techniques are used and that high sales result in high profits?
Sales orientation.

Sales to the final buyer are emphasized and intermediaries are encouraged to push manufactureres products more aggressively.

To sales orientation =marketing = selling things and collecting money.

This orientation does not understand the needs and wants of the marketplace.
What concept states that the social and economic justification for an organization's existence is the satisfaction of customer wants and needs while meeting organizational objectives?
Marketing concept.
Sale does not depend on an aggressive sales force, but rather on a customer's decision to purchase a product. What type of orientation?

What a business thinks it produces is not of primary importance to its success. Instead, what customers think they are buying - the perceived value - defines a business.
This concept:

Focuses on customer wants and needs so that the org. can distinguish its products from competitors offerings

Integrates all org. activities, including production, to satisfy these wants.

Achieves long-term goals for the organization by satisfying customer wants and needs legally and responsibly
What is involved in achieving a market orientation? ...obtaining...?
obtaining information about customers, competitors, and markets.

Understanding your competitive area and competitors' strengths and weaknesses is a critical component of a market orientation.
What orientation?

An organization exists not only to satisfy customer wants and needs and to meet organizational objectives but also to preserve or enhance individuals' and society's LT best interests.

Marketing products that are less toxic, more durable, reusable, or recyclable.
Personnel in _____ firms tend to be inward looking, focusing on selling what the organization makes rather than making what the market wants.
What do customers value?
Customers value goods and services that are of the quality they expect and that are sold at prices they are willing to pay.

EX: Lexus emphasizes service. Zero defects in manufacturing... etc...
What do marketers interest in customer value do?
1) Offer products that perform
2) earn trust
3) Avoid unrealistic pricing
4) Give the buyer facts
5) Offer organization-wide commitment in service and after sales support.
Define customer satisfaction
The customer's evaluation of a good or service in terms of whether that good or service has met the customer's needs and expectations.

Failure to meet needs and expectations = dissatisfaction with good or service.

Customer satisfaction is very important!
How can companies expand market share? 3 ways...
1) attract new customers
2) increase business with existing customers
3) retaining current customers
Define relationship marketing
strategy that focuses on keeping and improving relationships with current customers.

Assumes that consumers prefer to have an ongoing relationship with one org. rather than switching among providers in search of value.
Define customer-oriented personnel
An employee may be the only contact a particular customer has with the firm. In that customer's eyes, the employee is the firm. Any person, department or division that is not customer oriented weakens the positive image of the entire organization.
Define the role of training
"If you take care of your employees, they'll take care of the customer - and that will take care of your shareholders".

Corporate training is very important and a lot of money is spent on it.
What role is this?

When market oriented firms give employees more authority to solve customer problems on the spot.

Employees develop ownership attitudes when they are treated like part-owners of the business.

Employees manage themselves, are more likely to work hard, account for their own performance and the company's, and take prudent risks to build a stronger business and sustain the company's success.

It means employees can create an envornment where they can do the right thing, unburdened by heirarches.

Makes customers feel their concerns are being addressed and gives employees the feeeling that their expertise matters.

= Greater satisfactions for customer and employee
What is this?

_____ entails collaborative efforts of people to accomplish common objectives.

Job performance, company performance, product value, and customer satisfaction all improve when people in the same department or work group begin supporting and assisting each other and emphasize cooperation instead of competition.
What does a sales-oriented firm define its business (or mission) in terms of?

A market-oriented firm?
Goods and services.

Market: in terms of the benefits its customers seek.
Who does a sales-oriented organization target its products to?

A market oriented organization?
Sales: "everybody or the average customer"

Market Oriented: "aims at specific groups of people."
What orientation is recognizes this?

Recognizes that different customer groups want different features or benefits.

Market-oriented organization carefully analyzes the market and divides it into groups of people who are faily similar in terms of selected characteristics.
Primary goal of a sales oriented firm:

And a market-oriented:
Sales: to achieve profitability through sales volume and tries to convince potential customers to buy, even if the seller knows that the customer and product are mismatched.

Place a high premium on making a sale than on developing a LTR with customer.

Market: make a profit by creating customer value, providing customer satisfaction, and building LTR with customers.
What tools does a sales-oriented organization seek to generate sales with?
Promotional activities, personal selling and advertising.
What tools does a market-oriented organization seek to generate sales with?
Promotion decisions are only one of four basic marketing mix decisions that have to be made (product, place, promotion, and pricing).

Market oriented recognizes that each of these four components is important.
What are four sets of norms to consider before making a decision?
General Business Norms,
Company Norms,
and Personal Norms/Values.
Define social culture norms?
Basic set of values of the society.

AJC Test - How would you feel if your face were on the front page of the AJC?
Define general business norms
What is attitude of business people, of professionals in the field?

The basic business values
EX: Consumer has right to safety, to be informed, to choose, and to be heard

No longer caveat emptor (no longer let the buyer beware)
List the AMA Code of ethics
Basic norms - do no harm.
Foster trust in the marketing system
Practice ethical values that will improve consumer confidence in the integrity of the marketing exchange system.
List the basic values of the AMA code of ethics
Define company norms
What would those in your company say about this decision?
Define personal norms
"how do you feel about this decision?"
What moral philosophy is this?
If any bad occurs, then the action is
Moral Idealism

The potential for bad to occur, regardless of how much good comes out of it = action is unethical

EX: 3m lining...dog food. product line dumped.
What moral philosophy is this?
Balance good versus bad

You weigh pros and cons. If there is more good than bad, lets keep the product.

EX: Nestle baby powder "hypoallergenic"
Defined planned obsolescence.
It is an ethical issue in marketing where the firm holds back on the next generation product.

Versus: disposable products when you know a product will expire.
Determining the needs/wants of consumers and satisfying those needs through the use of the 4P's to create an exchange of value and a long term relationship
Marketing (within environment)
Define Marketing environment
Uncontrollable elements outside of any organization that may affect its performance.
Define systematic scanning
Systematic analysis of elements outside of marketer's control (i.e. uncontrollable elements that may affect performance)
List 6 external environmental factors

1)Political and legal - local, state, and federal laws and rulings
2)Economic - income and economic health of the country
3)Competitive - number, size, and type of competitors
4)Social - attitudes, values, and lifestyles
5)Technological - science based advances
6) Demographic - characteristics of the population such as age, race, ethnicity, location
Current U.S. demographic statistics
– 305 million people (2007 Census estimate)
– 115 million households
– 49.2 % men/50.8% women
– Median age ~ 36
– Approximately 27% have a college degree
– 20% have incomes over $100,000
Marketers often group consumers by age and/or
Current U.S. demographic statistics
– 305 million people (2007 Census estimate)
– 115 million households
– 49.2 % men/50.8% women
– Median age ~ 36
– Approximately 27% have a college degree
– 20% have incomes over $100,000

Marketers often group consumers by age and/or race