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45 Cards in this Set

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What do the tendons attach?

Muscle to bone.

What attaches the calf muscle to the heel?

Achilles tendon

What is the function of a synergist muscle?

Helps prime movers by stabilizing the movement.

What is acetylcholine?

Chemical used by nerve endings to send impulses across the synapse to the muscle.

[Causes muscles to contract]

What muscle is involuntary and striated?

Cardiac muscle

What is tetany? Is it normal?

Twitching and cramping of a muscle caused by low serum (blood) calcium level.

It is not normal.

Name an example of isometric muscle movement.

Pushing against a wall.

What is a characteristic of irritability?

Ability of a muscle to respond to simulation.

What is origin ?

More-fixed muscle anchored to a nonmoving bone.

What is insertion?

Muscle anchored to a moving bone.

What is ATP?

*[Adenosine triphosphate]

Transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism.

What is electromyography?


Procedure that records the electrical activity of muscles.

What is neuromuscular junction?

Where the muscle fiber and nerve endings meet.

What is anaerobic?

Living in the absence of oxygen.

What is sarcopenia?

Loss of muscle tissue as a natural part of the aging process.

*[Also occurs when muscle are rarely used]

What is myasthenia gravis?

A condition causing abnormal weakness of certain muscles.

What is fibromyositis?

Inflammation of the muscle fibers.

*[muscle and tendon]

Can muscles push and pull?

They can do both.

What is trichinosis?

Parasite from meats, especially pork, that goes to the digestive track and deposits larvae into the muscle tissue.

What is the cause of tetanus?

Bacterium, *[clostridium tetani], enters the body through a deep, open wound.

What is a hernia?

Protrusion (bulging) of an organ or part of an organ through a weakness in a muscle wall.

What do the ligaments attach?

Bone to bone.

What is scoliosis?

Lateral S curvature of the spine that can cause an individual to lose inches in height.

What is a sprain?

Overstretching or tearing of a ligament or joint.

What is a strain?

Overstretching or tearing of a muscle and/or tendon.

What is Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?

Compression injury that manifests itself as fluctuating pain, numbness, and paresthesias of the hand caused by compression of the median nerve of the wrist.

What is osteomalacia?

Softening of bone caused by a loss of minerals from the bony matrix as a result of Vitamin D deficiency.

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

Inflammatory joint disease believed to be autoimmune in nature; occurs in a much younger population (20- 45) than OA.

What is fibromyalgia?

*[Nerve pain]

Disorder characterized by musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, muscle stiffness and spasms and sleep disturbances.

What is stenosis?

Abnormal condition of narrowing.

What is the visual examination of a joint?


What is the surgical puncture of a joint?


What is osteoporosis?

Loss of bone mass, which results in the bones being fragile and at risk for fractures.

What is subluxation?

A bone that is partially out of the joint.

What is dislocation?

A bone that is completely out of its place in a joint.

What is a degenerative joint disease?

Osteoarthritis (OA)

What is the loss of bone mass?


What is the infection of bone and bone marrow?


What is lumbago?

Lower back pain

Spell "Rheumatoid."


What is -listhesis?


What is spondyl/o?


What is arthr/o, articul/o?


What is -centesis?

Surgical puncture

What is chondro/o?
