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30 Cards in this Set

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Possible causes for abnormal behaviour.

Clinical psychologist

-Holds PhD or psyd

-Trained in psychopathology, personality, diagnosis, psychological testing, psychotherapy, and human physiology.

Mental health counselor

Training includes masters in counseling or psychology and hours of supervised clinical.

Counseling psychologist

Academic and internship requirements similar to clinical psychologist, but with focus on life adjustment problems rather than mental illness.


MD who can provide medication. Completes 4y medical school then 3-4 in psychiatry training.

Psychiatric social worker

Holds masters in social work. Specializes in assessment, screening, and therapy with high need clients and outreach to other agencies.

Substance abuse counselor

Professional training requirements vary, many have personal addiction experience. Works in agencies that specialize in evaluation and treatment of drug and alcohol addiction.

3 components of a mental disorder

-involves significant disturbance in thinking, emotional regulation, or behaviour caused by a dysfunction in the basic psychological, biological, or developmental processes involved in normal development.

-causes significant distress or difficulty with day to day functioning.

-not merely a culturally expected response to common stressors or losses or a reflection of political or religious beliefs that conflict with societal norms.

Cost of mental health and substance abuse in us


Prevalence of mental health disorders in us

24.8% in last 12m, with 5.8% being serious. 50% of youth meet criteria for at least one disorder, 40% for 2. 22.2% of youth reported disorder caused them severe impairment or distress.


People have problems in living but not mental illness. Claimed abnormal behaviour labeled by society for being different, that unusual belief systems are not necessarily wrong, and abnormal behaviour reflects something wrong with society rather than an individual.


No distinction between physical and mental disorder. Attributed symptoms to demonic possession, sorcery, or retribution from ancestral spirit. Trphining was the opening of the skull to let out spirits. Exorcism practiced by Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Egyptians; prayers and extreme measures used to cast out spirits.

Greco roman

Scientific view. Hippocrates believed because brain was central organ of intellect, disease of the brain leads to deviant behaviour. Considered heredity and environment as causes of abnormal behaviour. Plato thought we should not punish the mentally ill. Galen examined CNS and its role in mental function.

Middle ages

Return to religious explanations. Monks either provided care or punishment. Early 13th c in Italy saw group hysteria (appearance of sudden symptoms with no known cause). Tarantism is agitation and frenzied dancing, a type of hysteria. Hysteria common due to daily stress caused by plague, war, famine, etc.


Movement promoting welfare and worthiness of individuals.

Humanism: Weyer

Challenged beliefs about witchcraft. Stated many charged as witches were mentally disturbed.

Moral treatment movement: Pinel

Took over Bicetre asylum in Paris. Humane treatment resulted in greater recovery rate.

Moral treatment movement: tuke

Quaker. Humane treatment centre in York.

Moral treatment movement: Rush

Father of us psychiatry. Did work therapy.

Moral treatment movement: Dix

Raised money and campaigned for moral and better hospitals.

Moral treatment movement: Beers

Wrote book the mind that found itself, about own issues with mental illness. Account aroused public sympathy. Founded National committee for mental hygiene.

Biological viewpoint: Griesinger

Believed all mental disorders had physiological basis.

Biological viewpoint: kraeplin

Some symptoms cluster into syndromes. Outlined system for classifying mental illness based on physiological causes, still used today by dsm.

Biological viewpoint: Biological evidence for psychological conditions

-Pasteurs germ theory of disease.

-Further evidence with discovery of cause of general paresis (degenerative mental disorder caused by syphilis).

Psychological viewpoint: Mesmerism

Sleep like state induced, similar to hypnotism. But showed mental and physical disorders can have psychological component as were affected by psychological intervention.

Psychological viewpoint: Breuer

discovered after discussing abuse in hypnotic state that woman lost symptoms of disorder.

Cultural and ethnic bias in diagnosis

Overpathologizing disorders among clients of minorities whose lifestyles differ markedly from the therapists own.

Positive psychology

Study and understanding of positive human qualities associated with thriving. Interested in feelings of well being. Research into positive traits of individuals, address civic virtues and institutions that move us towards better citizenship and responsibility.

Recovery movement

Perspective that the mentally ill can recover and live satisfying, hopeful, contributing lives.

Managed healthcare

Industrialization of healthcare whereby insurance companies in private sector monitor and control delivery of services. But insurance company decides what conditions and treatments are covered, putting pressure on therapists.