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20 Cards in this Set

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1. achievement
Accomplishing something rewarding
Main Entry: achievement
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: something completed successfully; goal reached
Synonyms: accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, act, actualization, attainment, completion, conquest, consummation, contrivance, creation, deed, effectuation, effort, enactment, encompassment, execution, exploit, feat, fulfillment, hit, masterpiece, performance, production, realization, stroke, success, tour de force, triumph, victory
Antonyms: defeat, failure, forfeit, injury, miscue, misfortune, neglect, negligence
2. compliant
Easily persuaded or swayed; submissive
Main Entry: compliant
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: obedient
Synonyms: docile, easy, flexible, manageable, meek, submissive, tractable, willing, yielding
Antonyms: recalcitrant
3. discrimination
Wrongful treatment of a person or group due to bias or prejudice
Main Entry: discrimination
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: bias
Synonyms: bigotry, favoritism, hatred, inequity, injustice, intolerance, partiality, prejudice, unfairness, wrong
Antonyms: fairness, tolerance
4. elaborate
To explain in detail
Main Entry: elaborate
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: intricate; involved
Synonyms: busy, careful, complex, complicated, decorated, detailed, elegant, embellished, exact, extensive, extravagant, fancy, fussy, garnished, high tech, highly wrought, imposing, knotty, labored, labyrinthine, luxurious, many-faceted, minute, ornamented, ornate, ostentatious, overdone, overworked, painstaking, perfected, plush, posh, precise, prodigious, refined, showy, skillful, sophisticated, studied, thorough, with all the extras, with all the options, with bells and whistles
Antonyms: general, normal, plain, regular, simple, uncomplicated, unelaborate, uninvolved, usual
5. excess
More of something than is necessary
Main Entry: excess
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: overabundance of something
Synonyms: balance, by-product, enough, exorbitance, exuberance, fat, fulsomeness, glut, inundation, lavishness, leavings, leftover, luxuriance, nimiety, overdose, overflow, overkill, overload, overmuch, overrun, oversupply, overweight, plenty, plethora, profusion, recrement, redundance, redundancy, refuse, remainder, residue, rest, spare, superabundance, supererogation, superfluity, surfeit, surplus, the limit, too much of a good thing, too much*, waste, wastefulness
Antonyms: dearth, deficiency, insufficiency, lack, need, poverty, shortcoming, want
6. fanatic
Someone excessively devoted to or enthusiastic about a cause
Main Entry: fanatic
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: person overenthusiastic about an interest
Synonyms: activist, addict, bigot, bug*, crank, crazy, demon, devotee, enthusiast, extremist, fiend*, fool, freak, maniac, militant, monomaniac, nut*, radical, ultraist, visionary, zealot
7. flaunt
To exhibit something a little too proudly
Main Entry: flaunt
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: make an exhibition, show off
Synonyms: advertise, air, boast, brandish, break out, broadcast, declare, disclose, display, disport, divulge, expose, fan it, flash, flash about, flourish, gasconade, grandstand, hotdog, let it all hang out, make a scene, parade, proclaim, put on an act, reveal, roll out, show and tell, showcase, smack with, sport, spring on, streak, throw weight around, trot out, vaunt, wave around, whip out
Notes: one flaunts (makes much of) something of one's own (wealth, good looks, education) while one flouts (disregards or violates) something outside oneself (convention, law, regulation); to flaunt is to show off and to flout is to treat with contempt or disregard with smugness
Antonyms: conceal, hide, refrain
8. frustration
A feeling arising when hindered in trying to reach a goal
Main Entry: frustration
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: disappointment, thwarting
Synonyms: annoyance, bitter pill, blocking, blow, bummer, chagrin, circumvention, contravention, curbing, defeat, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, downer, drag*, failure, fizzle, foiling, grievance, hindrance, impediment, irritation, letdown, nonfulfillment, nonsuccess, obstruction, old one-two, resentment, setback, unfulfillment, vexation
Antonyms: aid, assistance, cooperation, encouragement, facilitation, help, support
9. gamut
The full or complete range of things
Main Entry: gamut
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: range
Synonyms: area, catalogue, compass, diapason, extent, field, panorama, scale, scope, series, spectrum, sweep
Notes: gamut is a complete extent or range; gauntlet is a form of punishment or torture in which a person is forced to run between two lines of people facing each other and armed with clubs, whips, and other weapons to beat the victim, or to offer or accept a challenge, or a protective glove with long sleeve
10. humility
A lack of false pride; feeling modest
Main Entry: humility
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: humbleness, modesty
Synonyms: abasement, bashfulness, demureness, diffidence, docility, fawning, inferiority complex, lack of pride, lowliness, meekness, mortification, nonresistance, obedience, obsequiousness, passiveness, reserve, resignation, self-abasement, self-abnegation, servility, sheepishness, shyness, subjection, submissiveness, subservience, timidity, timorousness, unobtrusiveness, unpretentiousness
Antonyms: arrogance, assertiveness, egoism, pretentiousness, pride, self-importance
11. impulsive
Actions typified by a lack of planning or preparing
Main Entry: impulsive
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: tending to act without thought
Synonyms: abrupt, ad-lib, automatic, careless, devil-may-care, emotional, extemporaneous, flaky*, gone off deep end, hasty, headlong, hot-and-cold, impetuous, instinctive, intuitive, involuntary, jumping the gun, mad, offhand, passionate, precipitate, quick, rash, spontaneous, sudden, swift, unconsidered, unexpected, unmeditated, unpredictable, unpremeditated, unprompted, up-and-down, violent, winging it
Notes: a compulsive eater is compelled by an exterior force to eat and eats constantly; an impulsive eater is impelled (has an impulse) to eat, occurring sporadically, and eats only from time to time
Antonyms: cautious, considering, heedful, premeditative, thoughtful, wise
12. integrity
Free from corruption or vice; honesty
Main Entry: integrity
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: honor, uprightness
Synonyms: candor, forthrightness, goodness, honestness, honesty, honorableness, incorruptibility, incorruption, principle, probity, purity, rectitude, righteousness, sincerity, straightforwardness, virtue
Antonyms: corruption, disgrace, dishonesty, dishonor
13. interchangeable
Being able to change places or replace something else
Main Entry: interchangeable
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: identical, transposable
Synonyms: changeable, commutable, compatible, converse, convertible, correspondent, equivalent, exchangeable, fungible, interconvertible, mutual, reciprocal, reciprocative, same, substitutable, synonymous, workalike
Antonyms: different, dissimilar
14. intuition
Instinctive knowing; a feeling that something might happen
Main Entry: intuition
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: insight
Synonyms: ESP, clairvoyance, discernment, divination, feeling*, foreknowledge, gut reaction, hunch, innate knowledge, inspiration, instinct, intuitiveness, nose*, penetration, perception, perceptivity, premonition, presentiment, second sight, sixth sense
Antonyms: knowledge, reason, reasoning
15. prima donna
An overly vain person
Main Entry: prima donna
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: principal female performer
Synonyms: diva, first lady, headliner, lead vocalist, leading lady, opera singer, singer, soloist, star, superstar, superwoman, topliner
16. procrastination
Putting an assignment or task off until a later time; dawdling
Main Entry: dalliance
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: dawdling
Synonyms: dabbling, delay, delaying, dilly-dallying, frittering, frivoling, idling, loafing, loitering, playing, poking, procrastinating, procrastination, puttering, toying, trifling
Antonyms: hastening, hurrying, push, rush
17. rational
Logical or sensible
Main Entry: rational
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: realistic; of sound mind
Synonyms: all there, analytical, balanced, calm, cerebral, circumspect, cognitive, collected, cool*, deductive, deliberate, discerning, discriminating, enlightened, far-sighted, impartial, intellectual, intelligent, judicious, knowing, levelheaded, logical, lucid, normal, objective, perspicacious, philosophic, prudent, ratiocinative, reasonable, reasoning, reflective, sagacious, sane, sensible, sober, sound, stable, synthetic, thinking, thoughtful, together, well-advised, wise
Antonyms: irrational, ridiculous, unrealistic, unreasonable, unsound
18. realization
To make something real
Main Entry: realization
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: comprehension
Synonyms: awareness, cognizance, consciousness, grasp, recognition, understanding
Main Entry: realization
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: achievement
Synonyms: accomplishment, attainment, consummation, fulfillment, success, triumph
19. security
Feeling safe and certain
Main Entry: security
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: safety, protection
Synonyms: aegis, agreement, armament, armor, asylum, bail, bond, care, collateral, compact, contract, covenant, cover, custody, defense, earnest, freedom, guarantee, guard, immunity, insurance, pact, pawn, pledge, precaution, preservation, promise, redemption, refuge, retreat, safeguard, safekeeping, safeness, safety measure, salvation, sanctuary, shelter, shield, surety, surveillance, token, ward, warrant
Antonyms: danger, insecurity, peril, trouble
20. vision
A dream
Main Entry: vision
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: ability to perceive with eyes
Synonyms: eyes, eyesight, faculty, optics, perceiving, perception, range of view, seeing, sight, view
Antonyms: blindness, sightlessness