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35 Cards in this Set

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_____________ is a subfield of psychology devoted to studying constancy and change in the time of conception through death. It is multidisciplinary.

Human Development

What are the domains of human development?

- Cognitive (Language, Information processing, memory)

- Emotional and Social (Parent and Child Development, Sibling Interactions, Friendship/Relationships)

- Physical (Growth/Development)

Hum development is becoming increasingly aware that children and adults live in distinct _____________ - unique combinations of personal and environmental circumstances that can result in different paths of change.


The lifespan perspective has four assumptions that make up a broader: ______________, ____________ and ______________, ______________, ___________________.

- Lifelong

- Multidimensional and Multidirectional

- Plastic (Modifiable)

- Influenced by Multiple, Interacting Forces

_______________ period is from conception to birth where the one-celled organism transforms into a human baby with remarkable capacities to adjust to outside the womb.


________________ period is from conception to birth where there are dramatic changes in the body and brain support the emergence of a wide array of motor, perceptual, and intellectual capacities and first intimate ties to others.

Infancy and toddlerhood

____________ if from 2 to 6 years olds during these "play years" motor skills are refined, thought and language expand at an astounding pace, a sense of morality is evident, and children establish ties with peers.

Early Childhood

_____________ period is from 6 to 11where the school years are marked by improved athletic abilities; more logical thought processes; mastery of basic literacy skills, advances in self-understanding, morality, and friendship.

Middle Childhood

______________ period is from 11 to 18 when puberty leads to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity. Thought becomes abstract ad idealistic and school achievements more serious.


_______________ period is from 18 to 40 years old. Most young people leave home, complete their education, and begin full-time work. Major concerns are developing career, forming an intimate partnership, and marrying, rearing children.

Early Adulthood

______________ period is 40 to 65 years old people are at the height of their careers and attain leadership positions. They must also help their children begin independent lives and their parents adapt to aging.

Middle Adulthood

______________ period is 65 to death people adjusting to retirement, to decreased physical strength and health, and often death of spouse. They reflect on the meaning of their lives.

Late Adulthood

There are several different ways to get to the destination, but the final destination is ultimately the same is the _______________ concept.

Multiple Courses

We are all following the same path, but the timing may be off is the __________________ concept.

Same Road Map

Human development concept of ____________ states events are predictable in time such as Self Esteem, Emotional Attachment, Height, Intelligence.


Human development concept of ____________ states events are unpredictable in time such as Stages in Life Vary or Thoughts/Views Completely Change, Common Cold, PTSD.


__________________ observed the infinite variation among plant and animal species in his famous theory of evolution. The theory of evolution emphasized natural selection and survival of the fittest.

Charles Darwin

____________ is an American psychologist who with his colleague, Arnold Gesell, developed evolutionary ideas like the maturational process and normative approach - which measures behavior on a large scale of individuals, and age-related averages to show typical development.

G. Stanly Hall

According to the ______________, people move through a series of stages in which they confront conflicts between biological drives and social tensions. How these conflicts are resolved determines the person's ability to learn, to get along with others, and to cope with anxiety.

Psychoanalytic Perspective

_____________ and _______________ contributed to the pyschoanaylitic perspective.

Sigmund Freud and Erik Erickson

________________ was a Viennese physician constructed his psychosexual theory, which emphasizes how parents manage their child's sexual and aggressive drives in the first few years is crucial for healthy personality development.

Sigmund Freud

Freud's theory had three parts of personality, __________, the largest portion and basic biological needs/drives, ___________, the conscious, rational part of personality emerges in infancy, and __________, conscience develops through interactions with parents who guide children to social norms.

ID, Ego, Superego

_______________ came up with the psychosocial theory, which emphasized that in addition to mediating between id impulses and superego demands, the ego makes a positive contribution to development, acquiring attitudes and skills at each stage that make the individual an active, contributing member of society or in other words more steps to Freud's and socially based.

Erik Erikson

According to ______________, directly obserable events - stimuli and responses - are the focus of study.


_____________ studied behaviorism using dogs, with a neutral stimulus, another stimulus, to come up with classical conditioning.

Ivan Pavlov

_____________ was responsible for the Little Albert experiment and _______________ was responsible for operate condition theory which used reinforcers and punishment.

John Watson and B.F. Skinner

Several kinds of __________________ emerged with the most influential being devised by American psychologist Albert Bandura which involved modeling and imitation.

Social Learning Theories

__________________ consists of procedures that combine conditioning and modeling to eliminate undersirable behaviors and increases desirable responses.

Behavior Modification

_______________ focuses on how culture is transmited to the next generation. According to ________________, social interaction is neccessary for children to acquire thinking/behaving in which the community is made up of.

Sociocultural Theory and Lev Vygostky

________________ views the person as developing withing a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of surrounding environments (Micro, meso, exo, macro, and dynamic system) was developed by _________________.

Ecological System Theory and Urie Bronfrebrenner

Map on two concepts related to each other, but does not mean causation is called ____________.

Correlational Designs

Have an independent variable that affects a dependent variable is _______________.

Experimental Designs

Observing natural occurring effect differences is a part of ______________.


Follows the same group of people for a long time, expensive, periodical in time is the ______________.

Longitudinal Design

The Basic Fundamentals of Developmental Psychology?

- Individual Differences

- Heredity, Culture, Social Events

- Average Children: Simply Average

- Development is Orderly

- General to Specific or Refinement of Knowledge