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22 Cards in this Set

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Intrinsic Value

An estimate of a stocks "true" value based on accurate risk and return data. The intrinsic value can be estimated, but not measure precisely.

What are the two determinants of Intrinsic value?

1) True risk

2) Perceived Risk

What does the SOX act entail?

After the defrauding of investors in world-com and Enron congress passed the law in 2001 to make CEO's and CFO's sign off on financial statements holding them liable.

Strengths of Proprietorship

1- cheap to start

2- low tax bracket

3- few government regulations

weakness of Proprietorship

1) limited life

2) hard to raise capital

3) Unlimited Liability

Strength of Partnership

1) Low tax

2) relatively inexpensive to form

Weakness of Partnership

1)Unlimited Liability for Partners acts

2) Hard to raise Capital

Strength of Corporation

1) Unlimited Life

2) Low Liability

3)Easy to raise Capital "buy and trade stock"

Weakness of Corporation

1) Heavily Taxed

2) Heavily regulated

Market Price

The stock value based on perceived buy possibly incorrect information as seen by the marginal investor


The situation in which the actual market price equals the intrinsic value, so investors are indifferent between buying and selling a stock.

Who prefers riskier projects bondholders or stock holders? why?

Stockholders, their gain on investment as no ceiling. They share in overall profits of business. They can only lose up to their investment but can gain infinitely.

What are bondholders out to receive?

principal plus interest. Therefore they prefer less riskier projects that aim to keep company afloat so they can receive interest payments. They do not share in overall profits of comany.

Self test 1

What are some reasons the value of a business other than a small one is generally maximized when it is organized as a corporation?

-they have stock options they can provide CEO's

-They have more capital generally and can therefore afford highly skilled people to run the company "expensive investment in human capital"

Self Test 2

Suppose you are relatively wealthy and are looking for a potential investment. You do not plan to be active in the business. Would you be more interested in investing in a partnership or in a corporation? Why or why not?

-more interested in corporation because it has less liability.

-downside of corporation is it has double taxation "once on profits and once on dividends"

Self test 3

Who would be better able to judge the effect of a new jet liner on Boeing's profits-its manager or its stockholders explain?

Its managers should have inside knowledge

self test 4 Do stocks have provable intrinsic value, or might different people reach different conclusions about intrinsic values?

different conclusions no two people will value the same stock the same

Self test 5 Should managers estimate intrinsic values or leave that to outside security analysts

managers should estimate intrinsic value

self test 6

Should a firms managers help investors improve their estimates of the firms intrinsic value?

better to help investors know the intrinsic value of stock so they know the upside and true value of what they're purchasing so they ll purchase more

Self test-7

should managers focus directly on the stocks market price or its intrinsic value, or both?

you focus on both a high intrinsic value means nothing if it has no monetary correlation on stock market

Stock holder Wealth Maximization

The primary financial goal for managers of publicly owned companies implies that decisions should be made to maximize the long-run value of the firms's common stock.

Marginal investors

An investor whose views determine the actual stock price