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32 Cards in this Set

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How are science and technology related?

They are both interdependent. Advances in one lead to advances in the other.

How does earth science overlap with life science?

They study things that live on the earth.

What are the building blocks of matter?


What happens when the data in an investigation do not support the original hypothesis?

Revise or propose a new hypothesis based on the data from the experiment

Define scientific theories

A well tested explanation for a set of observations or experimental results

Why are scientific models important?

They make it easier to understand things that might be too difficult to observe directly

How do scientists who speak different languages make their data understandable to one another?

They use the SI units of measurement

If the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable is a direct proportion what will a line graph of this relationship look like?

A line

A measurement must include both a number and a...


An experiment in which only one variable, the manipulated variable, is changed at a time is called a...

Controlled experiment

The two main areas of physical science are physics and...


What are the three branches of natural science?

Physical, Earth and space, life

Which step in the scientific method is information obtained through the senses?

Make an observation

How is 0.00025 written in scientific notation?

2.5x10 -4

What is peer review?

A process in which scientists examine other scientist work

On the Celsius scale, at what temperature does water boil?

100 degrees celcius

The SI base unit of mass is the...


What is the temperature at which water freezes, expressed in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin?

32 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 degrees Celsius, 273 K

What is a physical or mental representation of an object or an event?

A model

What is a system of knowledge and the methods used to find that knowledge?

The scientific method

A ____________ makes it easier to understand things that are too small, too large, or too hard to observe directly.

A model

What is the single most important laboratory safety rule?

Always follow your teachers instructions and they textbook directions exactly

What is the relationship between two variables if the product of the variables is constant?

An inverse proportion

Why do scientists speak at conferences and write articles in scientific journals?

To share ideas and info to communicate results

What type of graph used to show how a part of something relates to the whole?

A circle graph

What is a hypothesis?

A proposed answer to a question or an educated guess

What is accuracy?

The closest of a measurement to the true value of what is measured

What is precise?

A gauge of how exact and measurement is

What is scientific law?

A statement that summarizes a pattern found in nature

What are some examples of safety procedures?

Use eye protection, don't eat drink or smoke, do not taste any chemical, etc.

What are the main ideas of physical science?

Space and time

Matter and change

Forces and motion


What is the temperature at which water boils, expressed in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin?

212 degrees Fahrenheit , 100 degrees celcius , 373 K