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15 Cards in this Set

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Define Government

makes and enforces public policy

ex. social security, maintaining a military, taxes, min. wage

What is the purpose of the US Government?

1) In order to form a more perfect union

2) establish justice

3) ensure domestic tranquility

4) provide for the common defense

5) promote the general welfare

6) secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

What are 4 characteristics of a state?

(a country MUST have these!!)

1) population

2) territory land with boundaries

3) sovereignty: authority given to govern


Are the states of the US their own sovereignty?


Describe the "Force Theory"

group or person forces control over an area

Describe the "Evolutionary Theory"


Describe the "Divine Right Theory"

Power to be king is granted by God

ex. King James, Pharaohs, Emporers

Describe the "Social Contract"

People give power to the state in return fir the state's service to the general well-being of the people (Locke)

In what three ways can government be classified?

1) Unitary- a centralized government (most)

2) Federal- powers divided between a central gov't and several local governments

3) Confederate- an alliance of independent states; the central government has limited power (ex. former states of Soviet Union)

What are the two different forms of Democracy?

1) Representative- type of government where authority rests with the people

2) Direct- type of democracy where everyone votes in mass meetings

Which form of democracy does the US have?


What are the two forms of Dictatorship?

1) Autocracy- single person holds unlimited power, rare

ex. Libya

2) Oligarchy- power held by a small, usually self appointed elite

ex. North Korea

Describe Presidential Government

seperation of powers

checks and balances system

exec. and leg. branches are independent and coequal, each having their own powers

ex. US, Mexico, South Korea

Describe Parlimentary Government

members of the exec. branch are also members of the leg. branch (the parliment)

exec. is made up of the prime minister and taht official's cabinet, also of the leg. branch

no checks and balances system

What are five basic concepts of democracy?

1) a recognition of the fundamental worth and dignity of every person

2) a respect for the equality of all persons

3) a faith in majority rule and an insistence upon minority rights

4) an acceptance of the necessity of compromise

5) an insistence upon the widest possible degree of individual freedom