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64 Cards in this Set

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___________ is the study of matter, it's properties, and changes it undergoes.

Chemistry (central science)

____________ is anything that has mass and takes up space.


__________ are characteristics that can be used to describe a substance.

(size, color, taste, smell, temp)


What are the 2 types of properties and what do they do?

chemical composition- what matter is made of

chemical reactivity- how matter behaves

What are the 3 states of matter?




_________ is a substance with definite shape and volume.

_________ is a substance with definite shape and volume.


___________ is a substance with volume but changes shape.

___________ is a substance with volume but changes shape.


___________ is a substance with shape and volume that cannot change.

___________ is a substance with shape and volume that cannot change.


A conversion of a substance from one state into another is called ___________.

A conversion of a substance from one state into another is called ___________.

change of state

Give an example of physical change.

(physical change is reversible)

melting ice to water

chopping wood

burning a candle

dissolving sugar into water

breaking a glass

boiling water

Give an example of chemical change.

(chemical change is irreversible)

rusting of iron

burning wood

cooking an egg

baking a cake

explosion of fireworks

rotting banana

What are the 4 types of physical change?

1. change of state (boiling water, freezing water into ice)

2. change of appearance (dissolving sugar into water)

3. change of shape (hammering a gold nugget into a gold leaf)

4. change of size

What are the 4 types of chemical change?

1. gas release (bubbles)

2. light or the release of energy.

3. formation of precipitate (a solid (color) forms upon mixing 2 liquids (colors) together).

4. permanent color change

what are the 2 classifications of matter?

1. pure substance (sugar and water)

2. mixtures (heterogenous and homogenous)

Is a Coke a cola homogenous or heterogenous?


Is concrete homogenous or heterogenous?


What are the 2 types of pure substance?

element and compounds

Can an element be chemically seperated?


Can a compound be chemically seperated?


___________ is one type of pure substance (atom).

Ex: copper, lead, aluminum


Is water an example of an element or a compound? and why?

water is a compound.

it can be seperated into hydrogen and oxygen

If you are looking at a periodic table, why are some elements in black? blue? red?

blacks are solids

blues are liquids

reds are gases

What are the 2 major elements Earth is made of?

oxygen (45.5%)

silicon (27.2 %)

The human body is made of 6 elements. What are the 3 major ones in order?

oxygen (65%)

carbon (18%)

hydrogen (10%)

In a written compound, such as H2O. Where is the number of atoms in that element placed?

it is written to the right of the element

mass is measured in ________________.

kilograms (kg)

length is measured in ____________.

meters (m)

volume is measured in ________________.

liters (l) or cubic meters aka cc's

time is measured in ______________.

seconds (s)

temperature is measured in _______________.

kelvin (K)

1 kilogram = _______ grams

1000 grams

1 gram = _______ kg

0.001 kg

1 milligram = ______ grams

0.001 g

1 microgram = ______ g.

0.000001 g.

kilo (k) = ______ or ______

1000 or 10^3

centi (c) = _______ or ______.

0.01 or 10^-2

milli (m) = ______ or _____

0.001 or 10^-3

micro (u) = ________ or ________

0.000001 or 10^-6

nano (n) =_______ or ____________

0.000000001 or 10^-9

mass measures _______________.


weight measures _____________.

gravitational pull

1000 grams = ____ kg

1 kg

0.001 kilogram = ____ g.

1 g.

0.001 g. = ____ mg.


0.000001 g. = ____ ug.(microgram)

1 ug (microgram)

1 meter = __________centimeters.

100 cm

1 inch = __________ cm

2.54 cm

____________ is the amount of space occupied by a solid, liquid, or gas.


If zero's are in the middle of a number, are they considered sig figs?

yes 69.08

If zero's are at the beginning of a number, are they considered sig figs?

no 0.0089

If zero's are at the end of a number and after a decimal point, are they considered sig figs?

yes 2.50

If there are zero's at the end of a number and there are no decimals, are they considered sig figs?


1500kg may have 2,3, or 4 sig figs

25,000 at least 2 sig figs

1500.1 5 sig figs

If you're counting something like a dozen eggs, how many sig figs would you have?

you would have none. Counting = infinity

How would you write 2.15 x 1/10^3 in scientific notation?

2.15 x 10^-3

How would you write 0.0000789 in scientific notation and how many sig figs would you end up with?

7.89 x 10^-5 3 sig figs

How would you write 506707 in scientific notation, and how many sig figs would you end up with?

5.06707 x 10^5 6 sig figs

When _________ and _________ the amount of sig figs allowed in your answer can not exceed the values you are working with.

multiplying and dividing

ex: (5.15cm) (2.3cm) = 11.845cm^2. this answer is incorrect. 2.3 of the problem has the fewest sig figs (2). So your answer can only have 2.

The correct answer is 12cm^2

When _________ and __________ the answer cannot have more digits after the decimal point than the numbers you are working with.

addition and subtraction

What are the 3 steps in the unit analysis method?

1. write down the unit being asked for in the answer.

2. write down the unit given to find the answer.

3. Apply a unit factor to convert the unit given to the unit answer.

step 2 x step 3 = step 1

Using the unit analysis method, solve this problem.

How many days are in 2.5 years?

the answer should be 910 days

What do you add together to find the temperature in kelvin?

temperature in C + 273.15

How do you find the temperature in Celscius?

temperature in kelvin - 273.15

What is the formula to convert Celcious into Farenheight?

Tf = 1.8 (Tc) + 32

WHat is the formula used to convert Farenheight into Celcious?

Tc = Tf -32/1.8