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30 Cards in this Set

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Of the approximately 10 million men, women, and children who came from the old World to the New World between 1492 and 1820, how many were African slaves?
7.7 million
The French Jesuits in New France
allowed the Indians to retain a high degree of independence. allowed themselves to become attracted to the free life of the Indians. had children with Indian women, called metis. did not try to suppress all the Indian’s traditional religious practices.
European views of the Indians included
Indians lacked genuine religionIndian males were weak and mistreated women. Indians did not use the land and thus had no claim to it.

The Columbian Exchange

The transatlantic flow of goods and people that began after Christopher Columbus reached the New World
Spanish Florida
was little more than an isolated military settlement.
In Great Britain, the idea of working for wages
was associated with servility and the loss of liberty.
Of the half a million people who left England between 1607 and 1700
more went to the West Indies than to North America.
What made English–Native American conflict inevitable in the Virginia colony
The Native Americans realized that England wanted to establish a permanent and constantly expanding colony, not a trading post.
How did Puritans view the separation of church and state?
They allowed church and state to be interconnected by requiring each town to establish a church and levy a tax to support the minister.
Roger Williams argued that
church and state must be totally separated.
Compared with the wealth in the Chesapeake region,
New England’s wealth was more equally distributed.
Of mainland colonists, which group was the wealthiest?
South Carolina plantation owners
In addition to men, who held a prominent place in Quaker gatherings?
Women did
When the Virginia House of Burgesses decreed that religious conversion did not release a slave from bondage
it meant that under Virginia law, Christians could own other Christians.
The colony of Carolina was founded
as a barrier to Spanish expansion.
The economy of the Carolina colony
originally centered on cattle raising and trade.
What form of behavior did William Penn ban in his Pennsylvania colony?
Swearing, Drunkenness, and Adultery
Governor William Berkeley’s regime
was a corrupt alliance of the Virginia colony’s wealthiest tobacco planters.
Bacon's Rebellion

took place in 1676

Led by Nathaniel Bacon

Treaty of Tordesillas


a division between the territory belonging to Spain and Portugal

sanctioned by Pope Julius II


expedition started 1519

fall of Aztecs 1521

Enclosure Movement
The legal process in England during the eighteenth century of enclosing a number of small landholdings to create one larger farm. Once enclosed, use of the land become restricted to the owner, and it ceased to be common land for communal use.
house of Burgesses created a new slave code where if you were born from a slave you are a slave
deluder satan act of 1647
all towns with 50 households or more are required to hire a tutor to teach the town's children how to read and write
mercantilist system

(all wealth belongs to the Empire)

Mercantilism was an economic theory and practice, dominant in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century, that promoted governmental regulation of a nation's economy for the purpose of augmenting state power at the expense of rival national powers.

Navigation Acts
a series of laws that restricted the use of no foreign ships for trade between Britain and its colonies. They began in 1651 and ended 200 years later. They reflected the policy of mercantilism, which sought to keep all the benefits of trade inside the Empire, and minimize the loss of gold and silver to foreigners.
stamp tax 1765
The stamp tax was a tax that was imposed on every document or newspaper printed or used in the colonies. The taxes ranged from one shilling a newspaper to ten pounds for a lawyers license, Everything a colonist needed to was taxed. The income was to be directed to pay the cost of defending the colonies. The colonist particularly objected to the fact that violation of the taxes would be prosecuted by in Admiralty Courts and not by jury trials. The tax was approved with no debate
Wampanoag people
The Wampanoag Indians were original natives of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. It was Wampanoag people who befriended the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock and brought them corn and turkey for the famous first Thanksgiving.
1522 magellan
Portuguese expedition, went around the world
Pequot War
The Pequot War was an armed conflict between the Pequot tribe and an alliance of the English colonists of the Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Saybrook colonies and their Native American allies (the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes) which occurred between 1634 and 1638. The Pequots lost the war.