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20 Cards in this Set

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What was the Sedition Act of 1798?
Can't say anything criticizing govt including the President and Congress but not the VP.
What was Gitlow v. NY?
Court case in 1925 that charged Gitlow with printing magazines against NY govt. Argued that states, like congress, couldn't abridge free speech in accordance w/ the 14th Amendment.
What was John Milton's Attainment of Truth?
1. must hear all sides
2. true opinions are strenthened in conflict w/opposite opinion
3. meaning of true opinion is established in debate
4. instead of true & false opinions can be in between.
Who was Alexander Meikeklejohn?
Philosopher who wrote speech that contributes to the "the business of government" should be absolutely protected. Changed his beliefs in 1960 to the idea that Political Speech us most protected.
What is political speech?
Speech about elections, politics, education, philosophy, science, literature, the arts, and public issues.
What did Vincent Blasi believe about checks on govt power?
That the purpose of freedom of expression is to keep a check on the abuses of govt authority.
What is the fourth estate arguement?
That the media has the obligation to expose political corruption by scrutinizing govt operations, and it can not do that without freedom of expression.
What were John Locke's beliefs on self fufillment?
That freedom of expression is a fundamental good. We see this in the theory of natural rights which maintains that everyone has liberty of expression.
What are some English laws that impacted American law?
The devine right of monarchs
The Church of England
The system of lisencing
The concept of sedition
Why was the British monarch allowed to establish control over the press?
Because they believed that God chose the King and therefore he and the church could not be criticized.
What was the English system of lisencing?
That all newspapers, magazines etc. had to be lisenced in order to be able to print.
What was seditious libel?
Criticism of the government when it's not permitted. An act punished by Parliament.
What was John Milton's "Aereopagita"?
An essay written in 1644 against the government and their policy against getting a divorce. Believed that if truth and false were in the same field truth would always win.
Who was John Locke?
Philosopher who gave us freedom of speech. Believed everyone has personal rights including life, libery(freedom of speech), and property.
Who was Cato?
Two English writers/philosophers that believed that liberty of expression was a strong foundation of a democratic society.
What was John Peter Zenger charged with?
Publishing a story in his newspaper that was critical of the governor of NY.
What happened in the John Peter Zenger case?
Alexander Hamilton argued that since what Zenger published was truthful he was innocent. Jury ruled in favor of Zenger.
Who was William Blackstone?
He wrote the meaning of freedom of the press. There should be no prior restraints on the press, but if the govt finds it offensive you can be punished.
What does sequestering the jury mean?
To choose jurors in a judge's chambers to prevent publicity.
What is the 1st Amendment?
Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech or of the press.
Adapted in 1791