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87 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is the correct structural hiearchy of the body?
Cell, Tissue, Organs, Organ System, Organism
Decreased parietal pressure of oxygen in a cell leads to:
An ion w/a Positive Charge is called?
Ovulation occurs when:
Surge of LH around 14 days
The principle buffer in the body is?
Sugar solution A permeates to sugar solution B because B is:
What is NOT an example of a Basic Solution?
Cola Drink
New bone growth is formed by:
The layer of the skin that contains adipose tissue is the
Subcutaneous Tissue
Ped airway anatomy differs from adults in what 2 ways?
Jaw smaller
Tongue bigger
The compartment containing the largest % of water in the human body
Intracellular Compartment
Knee is what type of joint?
Hinge joint
The organ system that virtually controls all body systems
Nervous System
After birth, blood is formed where?
Bone marrow
The natural tendency of the body to maintain a steady and normal internal environment is known as
Average adult tidal volume is:
When solutions on opposite sides of a semipermeable membrane are equal they are said to be?
1st rib and 1st thoracic vertebrae meet where?
Transverse process and vertebral body.
A high concentration of hydrogen ions is referred to as?
Inner ankle is also known as:
Medial malleolus
The glands that secrete sweat are called ____ glands.
True or false: The Oropharyngeal Sinus is one of the major sinuses?
Physiologically, the term repiration refers to the ?
Exchange of gasses at the cellular level
Rate and depth of respirations is determined by:
Medulla Oblongata
The thick viscous fluid that fills and gives shape to the cell is the
Blood volume of a pregnant woman increases up to:
The layer of skin that contains nerve endings is the
Reflex pathways are mediated by:
Spinal cord
The pressure exerted by the concentration of solutes on one side of a semipermeable membrane
osmotic pressure
What collects venous blood and nutrients?
Portal system
The most abundant type of tissue in the body is the
connective tissue
Stimulated chemoreceptors by an increase in PCO2 results in:
Increased respirations
Water accounts for ____% of total body weight
Posterior pituitary secreting oxytocin results in:
Uterine contractions
After birth, the primary site of blood cell production is
Bone Marrow
True or false: Nucleoid is a type of tissue?
The major sign of overhydration is
Tracheal bifurcation occurs:
The connective tissue that connects bone to bone and holds joints together are called
Movement of solvent solution from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration is:
A pt had a traumatic injury from a motorcycle 3 years ago. You notice his gait is insteady and movements are jerky. You suspect damage to?
True or False: Control of respirations can be either voluntary or involuntary?
The largest portion of the brain, which provides for consciousness & higher mental functions is
True or False: Granulosis is a part of the homeostatic process?
Cerebrospinal fluid can be found w/in the
Subarchnoid Space
What controls the nerves that involve involuntary cardiac muscle?
Visceral Motor
During inspiration the air pressure inside the chest cavity is ____ compared to atmospheric pressure
Which of the 8 major glands of the Endocrine System is more prominent in childhood?
Thymus Gland
What is another name for platelets?
What structure in the Kidney forms urine?
All of the following are functions of the Musculoskeletal System EXCEPT
Storage of glycogen
If a Pt. has aphasia following a stroke the stroke most likely affected which part of the brain?
Temporal Lobe
The portion of brainstem containing the cardiac, respiratory, and vasomotor centers is the?
Medulla Oblongata
Anatomy of the Thoracic cage:
Ribs 1-6 articulate at sternum
Ribs 8-10 have cartilaginous anterior attachments
Ribs 11-12 are floating
All of the following provide some type of protection function for the brain EXCEPT
3 complications with a child's airway:
1. Tongue larger
2. Epiglottis larger
3. Trachea narrows
Normal Intercranial Pressure is _____ mmHg
What organ stimulates the production of glycogen?
The bending motion that increases the angle between articulating elements is known as?
What structure designates the beginning of the airway?
A pt experiences a laceration on his hand. The clotting process that begins to occur is Mediated through the _____ pathway
What structure conducts the egg from the ovaries to the uterine cavity?
Fallopian Tubes
The most specialized muscle tissue is the
Cardiac Muscle tissue
What is considered "The Gatekeeper" and slows depolarization impulses?
AV Junction
Normal exhalation involves all of the following EXCEPT
Nervous stimulation from the phrenic nerve
What is the structure that filters blood into the Nephron?
Nerve cell pathways known as axons compose much of the
White matter
List the 8 organs of the Gastrointestinal Tract in sequence:
1. Duodenum
2. Jejunum
3. Ileum
4. Ascending Colon
5. Transverse Colon
6. Descending Colon
7. Rectum
8. Anus
The knee is an example of a
hinge joint
Clotting process begins through:
Extrinsic Pathway
At the end of exhalation, the Intrathoracic pressure is
equal to the atmospheric pressure
Hypercalcemia in Myocardium results in:
Increased contractility
Normal inspiration involves all of the following EXCEPT
Contraction of the internal intercostal muscles
True or False: Shivering decreases CO2 elimination (increases CO2 levels0?
During inspiration, changes in the intrathoracic pressure normally result in
falling blood pressure and falling pulse strength
The Phrenic nerve that controls the diaphragm is located in which part of the spine:
Upon assessing a pt w/a hip injury, you find that his R lower extremity is moved away from the midline of the body. You describe the extremity as being ____
The amount of air that enters and exits the lungs in a normal breath:
Tidal Volume
What 4 organs are located in the RUQ of the Abdomen?
1. Liver
2. Small Bowel
3. Gall Bladder
4 Kidney
What valve is open during systloe?
Aortic Valve
Tue or False: The Pubis is located within the Axial system?
The "A" ins SCALP stands for:
The union between Xiphoid Process and the Sternum is:
Xiphisternal Joint
Humoral and Cell-Mediated immunity differ?
Humoral: B-Cells produce antibodies for long term immunity.

Cell-mediated: T Cells generate effector to combat foreign cell on a short term basis.
Burns, surgical drains and fistuals are examples of ____ losses of water?
The movement of O2 from avioli to the blood is an example of ___?
O2 moving from a high concentration to a low concentration.
Serves as site for rib articulation and muscle attachment.
Transverse process