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26 Cards in this Set

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What happened during 1865 of abolished slavery?
All black churches began and other businesses. Many blacks were illiterate in 1860. 1865-1870 30 black colleges were founded. Freedom came in control of land and labor.
What was the Freedman's Bureau?
After the war, there was a severe refugee problem. General Sherman saved all abandoned plantation land within 30 miles of the coast from Charleston, S.C to jacksonville, FL, for use by free blacks. Union settle 40,000 blacks on roughly half a million acres of land in S.C and Ga. Establishing the bureau of refugees, freedmen, and abandoned land. Helped free slaves and tried to make them free. Gave out clothes, medical supplies, and lots of meals to refugees. Built schools for blacks.
What did lincoln propose?
Lincoln suggested a moderate reconstruction policy. He offered a pardon to a confed. who would swear allegiance to the union and accept the end of slavery.
* Confederate military and gov. officials and those who had killed prisoners of war were excluded. * When 10 % of those who voted in the 1860 election had taken oath, the state would be let back in the union.
What did the radical republicans want?
*Wanted to punish the south and made terms that would be more difficult for southern whites to accept by ensuring black rights
* Revolutionize southern culture, 1. Stop the leaders of the confederacy from returning to power after the war
2. Republican party to become a powerful institution in the south
3. Fed. Gov. to help blacks get equality by guaranteeing their right to vote in the south
*3/5th compromise ended, the south due to its black population would gain 15 seats in the house of representatives, this would endanger republican control of the house unless they found a way to protect black right to vote.
Wade Davis Bill
Most adult white men in the confed. states had taken the oath of allegiance to the union
* State constitutional convention and new state gov., reject slavery and all confed. debts, deprive all confed. gov. officials and military officials the right to vote or hold office
* congress passed the wade davis bill, but lincoln pocket vetoed it.
Who was president after Lincoln died? Was he a democrat? What was his plan for the confederates? What was his plan of reconstruction?
* John Wilkes booth shoots president lincoln dead, making the vice president a southerner, Andrew Johnson president.
* Democratic senator from tennessee, only southern senator to stay in congress after the secession, as a gesture of reconciliation with the south, the republicans placed him on their ticket, born in raleigh nc, came from a poor white family, tailor, learned to read and write with wives help, hated rich planters and strong supporter of poor whites, forgiving of former confeds., disliked radical republicans, made most confeds. eligible by taking oath, oaths administered, easy terms under which the confed. could go back to the union.
*1. States would call for a state constitutional convention
2. new constitution voiding secession, abolishing slavery, and ratify the 13th amendment
3. Elect state officers and members to congress
What were the Souths response to johnsons plans?
Opposed the reconstruction plan by passing Jim crow laws that restricted free black rights, put up curfews and labor contracts that merely legalized slavery.
*Vagrancy laws, blacks who were unemployed would be considered vagrants and would be arrested and forced to work to pay off fines
*The souths election of former confed. officers and the implementation of black codes forced moderate republicans to go with radical republicans
What did congress pass in the act of 1866 and what did it do?
MArch 1866, congress passed the civil rights act of 1866, act ensured rights for African Americans in spite of the black codes, johnson vetoed it and congress ignored his veto.
* Let blacks own property
* To be treated equally in court
* Gave the federal government the power to sue people who violated black rights
Suggested in 1866, ratified in 1868, the 14th amendment
* Defines citizenship to all including blacks
* Guarantees due process of law
* ensures equal protection under the law
* gives punishment to states that did not allow black votes
* gave congress alone the power to determine if former confederates could hold public office
* Forbade any payment of confederate war debt and any payment of loss of slave labor or property
What did president johnson try to do to the 14th amendment and why?
President johnson attacked the 14th amendment hoping to persuade northern voters to turn away from the radical republican plan and back his plan up.
* Radical republicans accused the democrats as being secessionist, trators for starting the war
* Republicans won a 3 to 1 majority in congress
What was the Military reconstruction bill of 1876?
Bill took any chance of Johnson plan
* Bill divided the south into 5 military districts governed by northern generals
* Each confederate state had to hold a new constitutional convention acceptable to congress
* The new Constitution had to guarantee the right to vote to all adult males regardless of race and ratify the 14th amendment
Tenure of office act
Congress passed this act to limit the presidents ability to hire and fire government officials
* if the office had been ratified by the senate, the firing had to be approved as well
* Took away the presidents power to build an administration of his own liking
* President Johnson challenged the tenure of office act as a clear infringement of the independence of the executive branch of government
* Johnson dismissed the secretary of war edwin stanton
* Congress saw this as violation of the tenure of office act
* Essentially, it didn't because lincoln had appointed stanton not johnson prior to the act
* House drew up articles of impeachment, passed them and appointed a committee to serve as johnsons prosecutors. The senate acted as the jury in the trial and the chief justice salmon. p chase was in charge
* The Constitution can impeach because of high crimes and misdemeanors
* 9 articles dealt with the tenure of office act that it didn't apply to the stanton case, and constitutionally was doubtful
* 2 vulgar articles were disrespect to congress
* Impeachment needs 2/3rd majority vote in the senate
* 1868, this meant 36 senaotrs had to vote for impeachment and no more than 18 for discharge
* johnsons vote was 35 to 19, 1 vote kept him office
* Republicans feared that a conviction based on a policy dispute would make a dangerous choice and harm the presidency, to high a price to punish johnson
Sewards folly
Secratary of state william H. Seward was selling a vast wilderness from russia for 7.2 million
* Public and politicians ridculed the buy as frozen waste land
* eventually, the americans realized the value of resources in the region of alaska, gold and oil
Election of 1868
President johnson had little influence after the impeachment and chose not to run for a second term
* Republican chose general ulysses simpson grant
* Democrats chose new york governor Horatio Seymour
* The black vote won the election for grant
* The republicans would be tied to the black vote
15th amendment
* Ensuring black rights in the public
* Voting rights won't be denied on the basis of race not enforced.
* Stated that "No citizens could be denied the right to voote by the u.s or by a state on account of race,color, or previous condition of servitude
What did there need to be in order for the reconstruction to work?
* Republicans in office at the state levels
* Federal officials willing to use their power to support them
Republican southern support
* Carpetbaggers - northern republicans that moved to the south after the war
* scalawags - southerners who joined the republican party, mostly former Whigs
Blacks in reconstruction government
2 u.s senators, Blanche k. Bruce and Hiram revels from the Mississippi
* Blacks were a mjority in south carolina, mississippi, and Louisiana
* 6 black lieutenant governors
* 600 blacks in various state legislatures
* 70% of blacks were illiterate compared to 90%
* blacks had no land, so they had to depend on landowners to sustain them
* Southerners only had to threaten unemployment to get blacks not to vote
* Sharecroppers for usage of land farmers gave 1/3 to 1/2 of the crop to the owner
* Tenant farmers paid cash for the usage of land
The crime of reconstruction to most southerners is that it let blacks participate in government. It failed because black voters were denied an economic foundation on which to build their equality and because northerners lost interest in the civil war
Attack on reconstruction progress
* KKK, founder was confed. general nathan bedford forest
* Began as a social club in Tennessee in 1866, former confed. officers, plus merchants, lawyers, and ministers
* Goal was to drive out the union and regain the south for the democrats
* Goal was to defend the superiority of whites
* klan intimidated blacks, carpetbaggers, and scalawags from voting
1871, the enforcement act used the union to put down the klan
* Act 1 made it a federal crime to stop someone from voting
* Act 2 put federal elections under the watch of marshals
* Act 3 banned the activities of the klan
Grants first administration
Focused on reconstruction and promoted commerce and industry
* high tariffs, banking regulations, and debts paid with gold, not paper money
* Gov. spending on railroad, ports, and postal system
* Sin taxes - tax on alcohol and tobacco, used to pay for civil war
* Democrats attacked the economic policies of the republicans arguing the benefited the wealthy at the expense of the poor
* Liberal republicans began to notice the wealthy office holders were controlling the republican party
Election of 1872
* Liberal republicans chose horace greely editor of the new york tribune
* Greeley was a poor choice because he was eccentric, he had supported every cause
- abolitionism, spiritualism, womens rights, vegetarianism, phrenology
* To be against it, grant greeley proposed to join with southern democrats, this was too much for republican regulars who hated grant as being corrupt, but hated southerners more
* Grant won by 286 in the electoral college
What were william belknap scandals?
Secretary of war, william belknap found to have accepted bribes from merchants operating army posts in the west, resigned before the senate could impeach
Whiskey ring scandals 1875
* Gov. officials and distillers in st. louis had cheated the gov. out of millions of dollars by filing false tax reports
* It was reported the grants personal secretary orville E. Babcook was in the group, but charge was never proven
The panic of 1873
It meant depression
Election of 1876
* Democrats appealed to southern whites by making it a calss struggle to oppose black republican rule
* By 1876, the democrats had regained all southern legislatures, except louisiana, south carolina, and flordia
* Democratic candidate in 1876 was new York governor samuel J. tilden, he called for the removal of union troops from the last republican held states, louisiana, south carolina, and flordia, this would bring white supremacy democrats to power
* Republican candidate in 1876 was Ohio governor Rutherford b. Hayes, he ran on the platform to ensure black rights in the south, he was friends with many democrats and believed blacks were inferior
Election results
* Tilden won a popular vote and electoral college by 204 to 165
* Tildens votes included the 3 republican controlled states louisiana, south carolina, and flordia
* Officials had got telegrams from party leaders in new york declaring that in reality Hayes had eked out a 185 to 184 electoral vote victory
* When official returns reached washington, there were 2 sets of returns from each of the 3 disputed states
* 1 for tilden, the other for hayes
* A special commission was made to choose which return was right
* Committee was made of 7 democrats and republicans from the house and supreme
* 1 independent of a supreme court justice and former law partner of lincoln, would have to choose the next president because no one wanted to choose the case on its merits
* Justice davis realized that no matter how fair his ruling would be half of the country would call for his scalp, for voting down their candidate
*Davis sought help from friends in illinois, by naming him to an empty senate seat
* Davis quit
* Replacement was a republican and the stage was set for the republicans to win
The compromise of 1877
The commission voted along party lines for the hayes reutrns letting rutherford b. hayes to be the next president by 1 electoral vote
* Northern investments in the south would increase, not honored
* The union would withdraw the last of their troops from south carolina, louisiana, and flordia which would stop the republicans and destroy the power of blacks, reconstruction came to an end